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Everything posted by TavernLich

  1. Updated: Name changed from 'wights' to 'ymbryns.' (Sorry, Zarsies)
  2. Oh fudge. My bad, I'll rename them.
  3. I am under the impression they don't. There were, or was, a singular wight a while back. But that lore was denied, was it not?
  4. “To those naysayers I admonish: the Undoing has long since given rise to such insidious fiends, I beseech you to be wary.” - The Beknownst -=O=- Since Her dominion over the Ebrietaes, Aerial’s coveted realm was primed to expire. Souls swept the plane by the thousands; there they are reaped, judged and either damned to roam the Ebrietaes limbo or dealt to a pantheon of deities. Eventually, that cup will overflow and water will spill down its rim. The daemon Apohet’s tamperings only served to hasten that inevitable spill. Once his plane, the infinitely distant spirit realm, was erected, so, too, was Aeriel’s woes. Now, there was no longer a singular, uncontested route to Death. Such a rivalry rendered the Ebrietaes unsound, it set forth an elaborate course of events that ravaged the Ebrietaes’ lands. Slowly, what was once inescapable, was for a moment made weak and faulty. The emaciated souls that roamed the Ebrietaes’ barren pastures clawed for freedom. Those who reigned above others were at an advantage. The weak and beaten were made stepping stools for the strong and potent. This upper echelon tore at each others’ throats. Their chance for freedom was slipping through their fingers. Alas, after such an endeavor few escaped the shackles of the Ebrietaes; those that did did not leave unscathed. Weakened and forever scarred, these malignant souls wander the realm. They act as parasites, desperate in their lust to feel human once again. -=O=- Ymbryn are the manifestations of Ebrietaes’ lost souls. Their ranks are largely composed of souls seeking to feel human again. They long to feel as we do and walk as we do. Fortunately, such depravity has resulted in the adaption of multiple abilities, many of which are necessary components of their plan to further fulfill their new found undeath. A majority of wights have existed as wanderers of the Ebrietaes; many having been marooned in its barren lands for nigh millenia. Upon their return to the descendent realm, they are manifest as invisible humanoid entities largely unable to interact with the physical plane and detached from their once mortal selves. They lack instinct, a vast array of emotions and a conscience. Ymbryns dislike this hollowness, they view it as a defect of their deliverance from the Ebrietaes, and they desire to walk amongst mortals once again. To facilitate this need, they’ve learned to synthesize crude human aspects, such as hunger and lust and even fear, by purloining these passions from descendents. As they regain their spiritual and mental selves, their physical bodies, too, are made manifest once again. While donning this body, ymbryns gain further access to their newfound abilities and vulnerabilities; they may now feel the sting of the blade, both aurum and ferrum, as it pierces their flesh but are now capable of interacting with the physical plane as much as any other man or woman. -=O=- Ymbryns harbor dual physiologies; the first being an invisible entity largely incapable of physically interacting with others and the latter being a physical form much akin to a mortal body. While trapped in their incorporeal state of being, wights are restricted to whispers and a select and limited array of abilities. In this form, they are invulnerable to all manner of assault. They may not be harmed by both magic and blade, with the exception of deific arts and aurum weaponry. Their physical form, however, is vulnerable to all manner of harm. For all intents and purposes, they are psuedo-descendents. They may be harmed by both mundane and immundane means. Fortunately, these detriments come with various boons. While donning their physical bodies, ymbryns may wield both magicka, excluding the deific arts for obvious reasons, and the sword. Unfortunately, their physical bodies are not exempt from the consequences of magicka. Their strength may still wane and their minds may falter. The appearance of their bodies are identical to those they possessed prior to their demise. -=O=- Creation & Use of Synthesized Mortal Aspects - By simply lingering within the presence of mortals, Ymbryn may mimic and temporarily synthesize mortal emotions and sensations. Those caught within a wight’s radius, will feel their emotions dulled; their rage may subside and their love for something may temporarily waver. These aspects are short-lived, wights must continue to linger amongst humans in order to regain, or maintain, their physical bodies. Familiarity with the Dead - As former denizens of the Ebrietaes, ymbryns are accustomed to the presence of other spectral entities. They may physically see, touch and, even, combat lesser spectrals, including poltergeists. Still, while a ymbryn is sporting its mortal body, ghouls and their ilk still see a potential meal in them. Innate Magicka - Ymbryns harbor their own form of magicka exclusive to their kind. This includes an affinity toward the shadows; they may take the form of shadows, weaving in and out the darkness like phantoms of the night. However, their powers are not without faults. They may slip in and out of the shadows on a whim, with little expenditure of energy, granted there is sufficient light. Without light, they may neither enter nor exit the shadows. Finite Manipulation of Aura - For whatever reason, ymbryns are able to expertly manifest their auras in a vaporous and potentially visible form, should they deem it appropriate. Despite their grotesque origins, wights do not harbor inherently malevolent auras. These conjurations are not deadly, however; ymbryns simply use this to commune with those nearby, often projecting emotions in order to warn or signal other wights. Red Lines Purloining mortal aspects from descendants is a temporary fix and ailment. A descendant’s emotions will shortly return after leaving the ymbryn’s radius, that being a modest twenty meters. Although wights may touch and see lesser spectrals, they still require the proper tools necessary to banish or slay one such spectral (i.e. aurum). Innate Magicka requires two emotes, the first being preparation and the latter being the use of the ability. Limbs or any other materials may not be projected while a ymbryn is integrated within the shadows; this prevents ymbryns from attacking people while invulnerable. Their body must exit the shadows entirely before they may strike. Aura may not be manipulated to the degree of a shade; specifically, it can not be made tangent and used as metallic tendrils. Auras are simply used to commune with others, including other ymbryns, via projecting emotions in the form of their aura, which reaches a maximum of a hundred meters. Such powers require three emotes: preparation, creation and projection. Roleplay Examples: Creation & Use of Synthesized Mortal Aspects: As a euphoric John stumbled into the ramshackled inn, he felt an invisible presence nip at his shoulders. A chill ran down his spine as he felt the hair on his arms stand up. His euphoria slowly began to fade, his thoughts cleared and he looked around, now somewhat bored and uninterested. A pale-faced wench, whom stood in the opposing corner of his seat, began to grin. A rosey pink hue began to permeate her face as John’s continued to grow paler. He stood up in surprise and instinctively exited the inn. Within minutes, his euphoria returned and John resumed stumbling around as if returned to his previous stupor. Innate Magicka: Bartimaeus sauntered down the alleyway on his usual, orderly route. For whatever reason, the baying of hounds filled the city air that night. Each step he took down that moist, cobbled nook the sounds grew louder. Upon reaching a lamplight, his favored half-way point, Bartimaeus felt the ground tremble beneath him. A mass of frothing hounds arrived from the shadows and bared their teeth. Bartimaeus took a single step back, hands readily raised skyward as a gesture of passiveness, and stepped into the lamplight. As the hounds advanced, Bartimaeus’ frame suddenly collapsed. The man was nowhere to be found and a shadow stood in his place, plastered and stretched across the ground as if any other shadow. The baffled hounds eventually gave up, scouring the city for another victim. Upon their departure, the shadow finally stirred. It’s limbs flickered before it shot up into the air and quickly took the shape of a disgruntled Bartimaeus. Finite Manipulation of Aura: As a wary Bartimaeus entered his home he came to a sudden and rather less-than-graceful pause. An ivory fog had suddenly appeared within his apartment, manifest with various lights and hums. Bartimaeus is slammed with a sense of danger and fear, something wicked came his way and he quickly faded into the shadows, hastily retreating into the night. -=O=- As previously stated, ymbryns are neither inherently good nor evil. However, they do lack a conscience and basic mortal qualities. Their time within the Ebrietaes has rendered them inhuman, even. As such, they lust to feel human again. They want to feel hungry, feel the pulse of pain and, even, fear. To do this, they synthesize temporary mortal aspects and use those to fuel their cherished mortality, and since such a thing is ephemeral they’ve a need to persistently repeat this process. Ebrietaes lore here. Credit: Swgrclan
  5. It just seems to me there are too many big, hulking servants nowadays. It’s just a pet peeve tbh. EDIT: Also, where did you get these goliath and drone images? I swear I’ve seen them before, very familiar.
  6. I can dig it. +1 special snowflake lore +2 trigger +3 (seriously though, I approve of this +1)
  7. -= The following is sloppily written and its legibility wavering, splotches of ink and liquor mar the parchment's content =- What is thy name? Ansel Vyoawn Kraussss What is thy soulname (MC name)? TavernLich What is thy age? La- No tells. Art thou Undead? Undead as ye moder If so, what form doth thou take? Ye moder If not, art thou willing to die to become one with the Red shrouds? Ye What is thy mastered profession of craftsmanship? Drankardship andshi' What is thy mastered martial profession? Plowin' Art thou godless? I love
  8. I don't care about the creation, origin and Mathic cycle lore. It's all a bunch of stuff that really doesn't affect us. Like, we're never really going to go up and battle Aenguls nor are we going to come together and become some dysfunctional Creator. Long story short, if it doesn't harm or affect current RP, why change it for the sake of changing it? Leave the Aegisians their lore.
  9. I feel as though this is basically the old dread knight lore with little change. If the previous lore failed, I'm certain this will meet a similar end as well, unfortunately. Why? Because dread Knights are so restricted, they have very dumbed down emotions and it gives way to a lack of dynamic character development. If anything, these are basically evil golems. I wish you the best of luck, but I personally don't see this working at all.
  10. Please delete DrFate's nonsensical rhetoric. There's a stark difference between constructive and/ or critical comments and blatant attempts to aggravate others. And, since the staff is permitting this fiasco to continue, I'll just draw the line here. Enough. For ghouls, or morghuuls, I've just questions. How intelligent are these creatures? To me, it's rather ambiguous and vague. Anyway, other than that, I personally like the lore; but I'm obviously biased. I once had an actively played ghoul.
  11. I was under the impression this was already accepted...?
  12. Does blood magic even exist nowadays?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TavernLich


      Omg I wasted my 2000th post on a crappy status update lmao. Thanks for the heads up Coolio, never would have noticed otherwise lmao

    3. excited


      I'm an active practioner! 

    4. Mephistophelian


      No it doesn't exist and you're allowed to Self Teach it.



      Seriously though, it is used often and my character just recently used it. And, as Aerial said, his character uses it too.

  13. I have an additional question. May a mage create a single portal, have an object go "through it," create another portal and have the object come out there? Or do translocationists need to create two portals prior in order to partially translocate an object?
  14. This is good. +1 EDIT: I dislike the idea of having a gaping black hole, perhaps it can be a special distortion? Like heat waves you see on a hot day. EDIT 2: Can you give examples of "half-trans locating" and creating a second rift? I feel as though it's a little vague atm without one.
  15. As a Chinese, I feel entitled to play one tbh.
  16. I thought for a moment you were serious.
  17. I'm really rather confused at this point; if this was supposed to accepted why has it been re-posted over and over again?
  18. RP Name: Tzolkhan Age: 35 Race: Kharajyr Religion: Metztli Reason for joining?: Tzolkhan prefers to disclose such in person. Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?: Metzahuitl. Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: Yes. OOC: MC Name: TavernLich Skype (PM if necessary): You know. Do you use Teamspeak?: No. Do you hate furries?: Yes.
  19. Good lore, however I don't understand why embodiments of Metztli's will would wield magic of any sort other than Muun'trivazja itself. Other than that, I love it. +1
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