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Status Updates posted by TavernLich

  1. Construct races?

    1. Goldrim


      next next next next next next next week!

    2. TavernLich
  2. I ******* hate edgies!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TavernLich
    3. TavernLich


      I don't think my Lich nor others are edgy, but many regard us as edgies lol.

    4. Joe_Blackman


      self-hatred is unhealthy

  3. Wow! I just remembered how fun Halfling RP was! Beware the wrath of the most thug halfling: Pimp Piemouth!

  4. I called someone edgy yesterday… Have I upset the balance?

    1. Birdwhisperer


      Something something die hero something something become villain.

    2. TavernLich


      Lol. 2edgy4me

    3. Aislin


      bird_shout that was a good meme!

  5. Hello new players!! Get out while you still can!!!

  6. Ayy! Finally get to play after moving!

  7. Just curious... What would you guys like to see in Lich RP? How about my Lich RP? I know I usually don't fight, but that's only because my Lich doesn't like to unless he is ordered to killer fight.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TavernLich


      And didn't you use to do that?

    3. CosmicWhaleShark


      As long as you RP it, I assume so. And yes, I did, and it was very well received from what I gathered, so it could be fun for you.

    4. TavernLich


      Cool, might actually try that!

  8. was about to be killed by filthy human zealots (looks at Philip) then /dev! the skygods favor me!

  9. /dev at the restart?

    1. TavernLich


      oh nvm, ignore this

    2. Anderssn


      Developer mode I think

  10. Anyone else having weird chats when logging on?

    1. Netphreak


      Those things are just the departed souls of the Permakills, it's best to just ignore them and eventually they will go away. ;)

    2. TavernLich
  11. The wait is killing me! I just want to be ultra-special snowflake Necrolyte Lich!

    1. HurferDurfer1


      dun worry my special snowflake

  12. I get a nice tingly feeling everytime I see an app that isn't an assassin wanting to avenge his parents... :)

  13. Is the server up?

  14. Is the server up?

  15. Hmm… This update is compatible with 1.8.3 right?

  16. Wait, is MPM going to be a plugin of sorts instead of having to download it?

    1. Shadeleaf


      You can find it on the main page or here:


      Beta 1.8 download. Its not a virus, I tested it.

  17. I can't wait for the construct and creature races!!

    1. TavernLich


      I really hope Necrolytes won't be needing to eat food; since they are dead and all.

    2. DrakeHaze.


      Construct has 3 rows of health and natural damage resist i think

    3. Old-Rattlesnake
  18. http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/5e/5e50e4f47663326f66dc4a737b315364aeb58fc224a0b6ef67e86aba0a805e3a.jpg In response to the guy with a strange name that I am assuming has origins around the middle east.
  19. Sometimes I wish when people died IC, they were permakilled… Gives people a real reason to want to be immortal ;)

    1. Space


      Some of the funnest RP I had was when I was roleplaying my really old scientist character who was on a quest for immortality. Only found one way; Druids. But they didn't want him :^(

    2. gam


      one day i want to make a character who permadies every time he dies but has like a son or twin brother who i start to play afterwards

  20. People seem to dislike Beardmancy and have called it out as 'BS.' Anyone know what the Beardmancers have actually done for people to hate the magic? I heard it was overpowered.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Treshure


      People tend to try and use the magic offensively which was not my original intention, although it can be used at times. Without proper teachers and culture, it is a shitfest.

    3. Tom_Whiteman


      You can make catapults out of your beard. It's damn cools.

    4. craotor


      It sounds downright stupid and trolly

  21. What happened to Beardmancy?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dizzy771


      It is still a thing, to my knowledge. Its just teacher locked and there are only about 2-3 characters with enough IC knowledge to teach

    3. Lima


      Got retconned.

    4. Nug
  22. “They are not canon lore.” Hahahahahhahahahhahahahah! They actually put that on the ban message, but in all seriousness, why ban him for three days? I’ve seen people do worst and get away with it.

    1. Space


      I laughed so hard when I read it.

      But it was really stupid to say/the appeal was pretty trolly.

    2. KarmaDelta
    3. Backup Lago

      Backup Lago

      If I follow this correctly, he said "If my persona were attuned I'd be beating your ass" IC and got banned for it.

      Which, if true, just took my faith in the staff and snapped it in half.

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