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Everything posted by _Jandy_

  1. Legendary Tinkerer... finally (also, slime blocks!)

  2. Doing free skins, PM me some details if you want one.

    1. mateolog


      :accepted: are you challenging my free skin post for beginners mate?

  3. I wasn't supporting it until I saw the druid bit, now I feel comfortable dropping a +1
  4. So I got League... I play Teemo and Gnar rn

    1. Gangrel1230


      I love playing Teemo but I main Braum

  5. Answise doesn't receive a letter, but if he had he would be appalled that a halfling he thought to be proppah would ask for a small amount of minas.
  6. Not only is the rp for this mostly dull and tedious, it will also be mostly ignored. I'd be interested in doing this if there was some sort of actual interest in the RP, but there really isn't, at least not for me. -1
  7. Free Dalek & Dovah

  8. I can get used to this.

  9. Beautiful, +1. Keep up the good work, it's people like you who write who mold the server and make me want to do something productive.
  10. Can an FM pin the new halfling laws and unpin the olf laws and unpin the 'goals for the village'. Ty and

  11. Andwise takes the flier, sure that he doesn't have to use coins and can instead trade his wares for other materials. ((We can use minas, I will just RP it as objects though :D)) Name: Andwise Peregrin Proffesion(s): Tinkerer (Masterful), Breeder (Adept), Farmer (Veteran) Hobbies/Additional skills: Fisher & Chef Are you in need of a residence? No thank yeh ((Skype: andy.barrett18))
  12. fix olog heights...

  13. ((We're back)) MC Name: 21Pilots Skype Account ((PM me if you wish for it to be private)): andy.barrett18 Timezone: CST (1 hour behind EST) Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it?: I have it PK Clause Agreement ((Yes or No)): Sounds like fun
  14. The forums aren't blocked at school...

  15. somebody make a lotc modpack on technic with autofish and I'll pay you mina

  16. Free my boy Dalek, he aint do nothin' wrong.

  17. Free my boy Dalek, he aint do nothin' wrong.

  18. Halfling buff inbound?

    1. BrandNewKitten


      Would be cool to have farmer & chef profession perks for them where they can create halfling-only foods.

    2. DeepDarkSamurai


      halfling cakes that give orcs a 40% pvp damage buff

  19. Really fun festival, thanks to everybody who showed up!

  20. Festival tommorow at 7EST, better see you all there.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kim


      as well as the community meeting

    3. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Because the community meeting is going to be taken seriously, right?

    4. Kim


      i though my lack of punctuation and capitalization conveyed that !_!

  21. Why does Thales get so much hate, I liked it more than Athera and Vailor...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GodEmperorFlam


      How the **** do you like thales more than Vailor or Athera?

    3. Space


      Thales lasted for like, a few weeks, right? What was there to like or dislike, even?

    4. MetaSolaray


      ....Thales thales o.O What was that again?

  22. Pudding cup ideas are making me famous

  23. Andwise finishes the brewing kit and sends the young alchemist a letter saying that they may stop by Petyrborough at anytime to collect it.
  24. Ty for lava in the tinkering post

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