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Status Updates posted by _Jandy_

  1. Remember to vote on potential imprisonment rule changes:



  2. Remember to vote on potential imprisonment rule changes:


  3. Cloud9 is nutty

  4. I'd really love to see some changes regarding imprisonment rules so that the only two viable options for dealing with opposing characters doesn't have to be execution or banishment (fines would work if we had a decent economy system but that's a different topic) but I don't really know what kinds of changes should be made. What do you guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll
    3. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      I’ve thought about this a lot, to the point where last map, I assisted in the creation of an imperial prison for a short time in Johannesburg. We had a holding cell, five cells above ground, about ten cells in the lower floors, four solitary confinement chambers, faculty offices, a clinic, a courtyard, storage chambers, and even a laboratory. Our prison was very successful, but thats only because crime in Johannesburg was abnormally rampant, so we had a lot of opportunities to arrest a variety of criminals. Most of them enjoyed the short term captivity, and there were even some asking if prison RP was a long term goal of ours. If we enforced more rigorous soulstone and /d20 rules for imprisonment, I think that the people who would want to participate in prison RP — which seems to be an unexpectedly large base — would actually be eager to play some brand of criminal, not to mention that additional criminals serving an IRP year long sentence or so would also experience the prison RP. 


      Not only would suggested reforms bring about fun and dynamic prison RP, it’d make more functional sense for select nations. I suggest you make a thread about this.


      Oh damn never mind you made a thread already

      Edited by Papa Liam
    4. Narthok


      I'll look into putting up a community review with Jandy's rules to see if the community would like something like this. 

  5. If you're leaking pointless logs then you should do the old AT logs, those will include spicy drama such as people helping new players and having fun on a team together. 

  6. Deano liked my skin on PMC. It's obvious that he should be unbanned.

    1. H7R5


      You do some p good skins

  7. Anybody down for some D&D?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dtrik


      What version? 3.5 or 5e?

    3. _Jandy_
    4. Killmatronix


      5e is pretty much the best edition they've ever made.

  8. If you wanna do some survival/competitive/training roleplay and have an orc or honorary persona then sign up for THE GAUNT!


  9. I imagine Veluluai as looking exactly like Sylvanas Windrunner.

  10. happy early 4th of july everyone!!!

  11. it's running season, time to lace up and lose your winter weight or else it's actually just your normal weight.

  12. gf, cba to sit around and wait an hour for anything to happen though.

  13. Can you just go back to playing a halfling?

  14. LotC Clash team?

    1. MickMeist


      AT Clash team?

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      GM clash team?

  15. I love my fellow AT members. <3

    1. BritBritt
    2. MickMeist


      Love you too Jandy c:

  16. Who are the most influential characters in the history of the server?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jonificus


      Mithius Dalma, Orenia's greatest ally.

    3. blago


      Chaotikal beat me to it.

    4. Chaw


      esterlen or pyrodude

  17. If RP doesn't get easier to find then you're gonna make me open up a roadside tavern.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mmat
    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Just come to the Dunshire events

    4. Appie


      Belvitz/crossroads should be pretty active soon, it's only inactive rn cus the old leader quit

  18. AT Fitness month will kill me. I promise you all.

    1. NotEvilAtAll
    2. Travista


      "Work will set you free." -Auschwitz, c. 1945

  19. The AT is about to get ******* ripped. Let's go.

  20. When can we get Hearthstone Default?

  21. Still the best Rakan in NA


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. rukio


      @Jeiku EXACTLY! Deano is the superior Rakan. What a legend :heart_eyes:

    3. JEEGK


      Ue2C1kC.png two games



    4. _Jandy_


      I love my boy Deano. 

  22. the best rakan in the west

    1. rukio


      are you talking about deanobambino? 

  23. Punish people who land scar the freebuild and expect the World Devs to clean up after them.

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