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Everything posted by Privet

  1. wheels aren't allowed for animii and smoggers for specific reasons, aka no cars no bikes etc, you must use legs or another alternative also regular animii who's gears are revolving that fast would break (I realize this is not a 'wheel' wheel) p.s. this is not lore or an invention, this is a description of the flywheel and it's possible in universe uses
  2. @argonianyou messed it all up, now the wedding posts don't have super obvious names that make it easier to skip over

    1. argonian


      ****, i played myself fr

  3. What the **** are you guys talking about? If you actually think there are possibly racial undertones because they are literally BLACK SKINNED you are deranged, divorce fantasy from reality. I actually double-checked the dark elf lore because I have no idea what you're talking about.
  4. This is not a lore submission, you need to write it to fit in the world, not just have a list of your desired quirks about a creature. Here is an example of lore created by a new player that ties in to already existing lore and is well written. You do not have to write as proficiently as this person, but something beyond what you currently have. EDIT: Also put it in the appropriate section if you want lore team to look at it.
  5. Just arguing why something should be on the server and playable isn't good enough for it to be on the server, not that I believe this will provide anything new or interesting, you'll have to write a lore page and describe what it can do, where it came from, why, etc.
  6. "Aaaaah I hate you Man-maker, I hate you!" Bodbmakos smashed the tablet in front of Du Loc in a rage-filled trance.
  7. An interesting and different take on spirit worship, I wish you luck on recruiting followers of your pantheon and hope any active shamans will assist you in your goals. Although it breaks the taboo of 'no voidal magic' among spirit worshippers, I can easily imagine lesser spirits allowing followers to practice such within a cult of knowledge.
  8. kids don't know keybinds these days. . . . ctrl+z ctrl+y
  9. What in the **** is this cope? It's literally two perspectives, one from someone who has been separated from the orcs for around half a year (me) and literally the Rex of the Orcs, get over yourself.
  10. It's just being overly sensitive to what is just a passionate mald from one person, it is not as if they talk like this all the time. People flip out sometimes, so what. Nobody is going to tell an orc coming from Un'Satum that they are not welcome, quit concern trolling.
  11. "Lat kan alweyz peep who da nub'hozh peepul are wen dey komplain aboot metagaming on latz forum pozt" ((wondering how your character is interacting with your other characters settlement btw. . .))
  12. ??? I've clearly done it before, shit's probably just broken and unfixed like other parts of the forum
  13. I don't even know if this works, I've attempted to change mine multiple times over the last month or two and while it saves in account settings, it still says 'privet' under my name and nothing on my profiles has changed.
  14. do you have an ugly or old skin I will make it not format [SKIN] : (IMAGE) [DESCRIPTION] : [DETAILS] : [USERNAME] : (THE ONE WITH THE SKIN) [DISCORD] : (NOT NECESSARY BUT BETTER) disclaimer! - I ask that you be quick with feedback if you wish to have more creative control in the process, otherwise I will do the whole thing how I like !new players take priority! EXAMPLES
  15. Deadward chitters his teeth together upon overhearing about the event, "They will be at my mercy. . ."
  16. IGN: HeroOfDuLoc Discord: Nick#5841 Skin/Art: My darkstalker skin : ) (do not steal)
  17. 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮 Gathered by Raven Son, four sired of the kings of yore Their legend just begun, before the blackstone minotaur The greatest trial to be faced, the depths of rage unknown Not heroes to be disgraced, their mortal might has shown Forever named ‘Tarvurovekoi’, the fury of the minotaur Gathered by Raven Son, four sired of the kings of yore Three unacquainted heroes gathered before the blackstone temple in Sulianpoli, called at the behest of Bodbmakos for a great and terrible trial. Facing the Minotaur’s gate one of each of the descendant races stood; Dwarf, Man, Elf, and Orc. Symbolizing the ancient heroes who defeated Iblees long ago, they delved into the Minotaur’s Labyrinth, completing each of the tasks set before them, and conquering its champion! These four warriors, Briga, Bodbmakos, Xato, and Madoc, have earned their place in legend!
  18. "Suck moi balls, Bakir 'Squeakeh Voice' 'Nae-beard' Ireheart, ye'll nevah get moi ore lad." Said Fulgrad Mineplenty, retreating in to the mighty Mining Guild of Khron'Hundmar.
  19. Bodbmakos stands guard at Du Loc's broken wall, ensuring each that passed through was armed in case the Dark Lord dared to strike.
  20. Fulgrad placed a fist over his heart, "'E wos ah gud Dwed lad.. 'E 'elped te Moineplentahs wit' tat cougah.. Gud lad.." He sniffled, a single tear going down his coal crusted cheek.
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