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Everything posted by Privet

  1. y was sumo banned for calling woodelves fags but aerialkebab wasnt banned for calling orcs fags??

    hes also staff so shouldn't he be acting better than a normal player??

    staff favoritism from supremacyops??

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. excited


      Pretty sure the time I did it was when I was bantering but w/e, sorry if it offended you I'll neglect from using rude language and crude terminology near you guys in the future.

    3. excited


      For now I'mma lock this status, your feedback has been noted and such behavior on my part will cease, I had no idea that idle comment on Skype would aggravate so many people.

  2. The words are ehhh, not really any of them are needed, but booze is grog. Anything relating to alcohol is grog. The talismans aren't really needed either, since in Orcish society it's basically whoever can beat up anyone who tries to mess with them is the most respected. Though shamans are respected, mainly because of the fact that they can speak with the spirits. Good ideas though.
  3. if pots got banned for spoiling fallout 4 people should get banned for spoiling starwars

    1. bungo


      darth vader is luke skywalkers son

  4. Application OOC MC name: PrivetTovarisch Skype: itz_soren Timezone: PST RP Name: Radboy Meemovich Age: 46 Race: Highlander Gender: Male Job applying for: Dancer Any interesting skills?: Seducing women, dancing, riding things, beautiful singer, great at fighting, being old Any reason you wish to work at this fine establishment?: I am a rich Raev in need of a dancing career
  5. Guys justin only has 8 warns but he is banned, what's up with that?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      You can be banned for reasons other than maxing out warns.

    3. Privet


      But he was banned for having ten warning points.

    4. Birdwhisperer


      In that case it may have been a gltich that it only showed up as 8. The new forums have been weird like that.

  6. Thank you Cpt_Noobman for not being a massive ***** and actually fighting in the warclaim with a full inventory of items. I have been up for twenty two hours waiting for this and the Snow Elves talked so much **** just to not show.

    1. Skippy


      dude it's a ******* MINECRAFT SERVER GO TO SLEEP LMAO

    2. Privet


      no this is vserious

  7. Getting BR'd twice was all a ruse to get my +1's higher than my posts.

    1. ShameJax


      I also got quite a good amount of free rep - I'd rather be unbanned

  8. Fizl 'Radoslav' Dankovich Reptilian Skype: dirtington I would like to join as I believe this guild would provide a huge amount of good RP, not only that but I believe it could eventually take over Oren and all of the Elven nations under your leadership. Hope we have a good time xD
  9. http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/Iron+Uzg http://i.imgur.com/YgHGT6a.png San'Vitar was the Orc capital before Kodar'Goi, the trog was the area in front of the main road set up for trading. San'Vitar was also destroyed when the Krughattan project went wrong, exploding the whole city along with a lion, jabbernack, and two scaddernacks. Silly wiki team.

    1. mitto


      i tried to get an orc to work on the iron uzg page but no one wanted to do it so

    2. Privet


      I didn't see that, I applied to join the wiki now.

    3. Skippy


      I wrote that up now because no one was completing the Iron Uzg page. I asked the1bow about it but I may of messed up the facts. I'll try to fix it now.

  10. why arent we just a warhammer roleplay server?
  11. http://prntscr.com/8gjzf7 HB posting this **** like it's hard.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gangrel1230


      Fizl we need to play League together

    3. Anderssn
    4. Harri


      oi **** off fizl, lemme go wreck some kids and prove i'm better, brb

  12. Does anyone have the Athera map download?

  13. Sad Rad, an album by ThotPolice/Banuba http://imgur.com/a/kHm8L

    1. Heff


      Very relatable and thought provoking

  14. It's not really a buff. Just something that provides RP if the person with the illness wants this RP. Anyone can just get rid of an illness at any time with their character, since y'know, it's their character. Would that be nice RP? No, but they can.
  15. guile de sola has no mercy

    1. Guest


      "No, I'm not a murderer, like you." - Guile to M. Bison.

  16. IC: Name:Radoslav Malidakovich Are you a cat man? (No Kha allowed): Niet OOC: Minecraft In-Game Name: PrivetTovarisch Skype? (Will take it privately if you want): You got me already. Teamspeak? (Vital for battles): Yes Promise to have fun?: Yes
  17. It'd be lovely if every time a GM updated the rules list there was some sort of announcement, even if it was for a single rule.

    1. Telanir


      Sometimes all there is, is a status update, but it is there.

  18. http://prntscr.com/7zs0zo And they say were killing RP.
  19. Hey who wants to RP killing Savoyards?

    1. Maur
    2. wolfdwg


      Yes, unless they pay me more.

    3. Heff


      well fun!

  20. I. Name: Radoslav Malidakovich II. Age: 24 IIa. Date of Birth [if Known]: 1494 III. Race [Human/Elf]: Human IIIa. Culture [Heartlander, Highlander, Wood Elf, etc.]: Raev IV. Status of Blood [Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, Former Nobility, etc.]: Commoner V. Place of Residence: Village north of Brelus VI. Martial Knowledge [Trained in Weaponry, Archer, etc.]: Cavalry and sword fighting. VII. Skilled Labor [Farmer, Lumberjack, etc.]: Cooking and farming OOC MC Name: PrivetTovarisch Skype ID: You know me.
  21. what if during a war, a gm was stripped of all power to deal with any situation dealing with their home nation and the enemy nation. So a nation couldn't necessarily have a pocket GM.

    1. ShameJax


      Most people think this. Doubt it will ever happen though.

    2. CosmicWhaleShark


      During a battle you are actually required to be de-modded. Long term wars though? There's no point to having that person as GM then if they're crippled from RP obligations.

    3. Cracker


      With all the current civil wars going on, doubt there would be any/many GMs

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