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Status Updates posted by Zacho

  1. ARUUU I demand mineman server! TIME TO RIOT

  2. As @Jaeden said my condolences go out to anyone in NZ.

  3. BIG thanks to @Aesopian for his amazing events! Make sure to give him a big thanks for all he does!

  4. Birthday incoming for me, only like 21 days. also spooktober profile soon tm

    1. Auriel_


      happy birthday if I accidentally forget

  5. bring back st voting for loremags not admins

  6. cannot breath from nose send help

    1. Kaelan


      break your nose to clear it up 

  7. ccp posting 😨

    1. Sorcerio



  8. Do you also hate all Ascended? So does everyone else!

    1. Swgrclan


      ya they suck lol

    2. Gone


      What if I only hate some Ascended?

    3. James


      Swgrclan loves me, I wouldn't lie to you

  9. Earth evocation users are like cultists. prove me otherwise.

    1. Auriel_


      the old ones were
      the ones present day are ok in comparison and not retarded

    2. Statherian


      I was one of the old ones though.

  10. Emberhorn clan is recruiting! If you are interested in play a dwarf we are taking! Contact me over discord at zach#5794!

  11. Everyone collect screenshots and send them to me! I’ll be putting them into a forum as the map ends!

  12. Fm are watching!! ?

    1. rukio


      shaking in my boots tbh

    2. Andustar


      Getting a bit of a 1984 vibe from you Zach...

  13. Free video games, enter now!


  14. Get rid of Nexus please.

  15. GMs are rad, so if you wanna be rad too, apply today!

    1. Bluee


      does that mean you aren't rad?

    2. Zacho
  16. Good afternoon LOTC. I hope everyone has a good day!

  17. good morning lagoons

  18. guys i got voted lotcs biggest clown!!! say congratz plz

  19. Happy Knox-o-ween! 

  20. have a good Tuesday : )

  21. hes literally me

  22. Hi I need very basic pixel art requests, feel free to ask away.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zacho



      here is kitty.

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      @ZachoSnacko Hey, the candle looks great, and since you asked for feedback, I feel like it needs more 3D lightning. You see how the shading goes only on one side? It should go from top to bottom instead, but I'm not very experienced with art overall, so maybe you could check with an actual pixel artist or something to improve your art skills

    4. Jondead


      A Indigo fire bby ? 

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