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Status Updates posted by Zacho

  1. Stopped in only for a second. Everyone stay safe and warm, and keep up the work : )

    also @Fireheart I hope your doing good and still play r6 occasionally to keep your mind off lotc occasionally. : )

    Much love from Zacho :)

  2. Telanir, can you do an AMA or something like that? I think it’d be really interesting to get to pick your brain.

    1. Telanir


      Sure man! Sorry I saw this late but sounds like a good idea.

  3. the ccp bots should be hindered! lets hope my back of the woods forum alteration fixes it

  4. The loophole thing is somewhat true, but mods can still decide the punishment on their own accord disregarding the ban protocol.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kaelan


      The policy before allowed you to give a low tier ban for first offense. The policy now however mandates warnings and does not allow for the mod to take into account intent. 

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      @ZachoAbsurd is a subjective term. You can make a very objective way of avoiding the combatlogging loophole, and that is by forcing the combatlogger to continue rp when both parties next log on.

      Really doesn’t have to be any more than that.

    4. osumanduas


      ?My face when people think they can make any solid argument regarding ggt. I love the man but he’s broken so many rules its not even funny. If moderation is to be critiqued fairly people need to get over their brainlet biases.

  5. The Moderation team is always in need of new members. Feel free to apply if you think you’ve got what it takes!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nordicg_d


      yeah i wonder why

    3. TrendE
    4. argonian


      more than a quarter of gms rn are managers LOL

  6. The question is. What to do with my second persona slot. Continue Gul-San or create something new, if new what should i do

    1. Kvasir
    2. Gone


      Play an Izkuthii ;)

  7. This is honestly really nice. Forums are sort of quiet, RP is happening in abundance with the Athera event. Its really a lovely time.

  8. Tile map has been updated in the war section of the forums!

  9. what Vaynth said

  10. who da hek are you?

    1. sophia


      my identity is revealed on a need-to-know basis only

  11. who is peter in ur banner

  12. Woo server is back up

  13. would article 13 apply to lotc? I thought since tythus was a European company it might?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sky
    3. NotEvilAtAll


      England left the EU because they could see the future and knew about Article 13.

    4. Tulan
  14. wow look server down, suprise


  15. Yeah. Thats okay.

  16. yep. 31 comments and 35 rep. the server speaks that i am the one who staff members

    1. Borin


      u poor poor poor bastard

    2. z3m0s
  17. You call it spamming the status's, we call it prime opportunity. Apply for staff today!

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