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  • Birthday 11/29/1998

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  1. remember the community team are more important than you because you’re not staff59abc8b9d50f4b2dc2d7089a8061af95.png

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    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      didnt see the screenshot but god that’s ******* cringe. @Language

    3. 1_Language_1


      All I’m going to say is that I was taking my time to show the new player where he was at. I told him about the places he was flying over. Then I reviewed his application and I talk with him more and I ask him what nation he wanted to go to the most. He said Helena, so after I accepted his application, I go and make a sandwich and wait for the Freja bot to whitelist him. 


      I come back, ready to guide this new player through all the commands he could ever possibly need and escort him to Helena, where he wanted to go, and get him connected with the player base to make sure he had the best chance at success possible in LoTC, and I sit down to find out he was all the way in Mordsgrad because someone waited until the exact moment the player was whitelisted to get him to Mordsgrad. I wasn’t allowed to teach this new player any commands or anything at all. The second I expressed confusion and a little bit of anger at this, suddenly the whole nation of Mordsgrad is in #ws accusing me of stuff and basically driving me off LoTC. I’m not paid to do Community Staff, I volunteered because I like helping people to make sure they have the best possible chance of success, because I’ve seen what bad could happen. I always keep food on hand on my Monk persona, because the new players tend to run out of food on their way to a nation. I also keep a bit of mina in case they fell and died as well so that they would start off with the 100 they needed.


      So, before I took my leave, I told the new player about each staff team and how to /req them if they needed any help. 


      If I’d come back to hear that he changed his mind and wanted to go to Mordsgrad instead, I would have happily guided him there and showed him how to bind his SS to Mords, and I would have gone through the protocol of contacting a Mordsgrad RO or PRO. At the end of the day, I may be disgruntled at things or people, but it is my job to guide the new player through the very fires of hell, should he choose to want to be guided through it.

    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      Don’t care Didn’t ask Plus You’re White

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