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Status Updates posted by Harri

  1. @Sythan bastion was better than transistor sorry to tell u (but that pic is sick)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Drunken Mutt

      Drunken Mutt

      I liked Bastion better transistors combat just felt more like spam abilities in the right order and move on to another enemy. I've replayed Bastion three or four times. Both of their stories were good though.

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      Bastion and Transistor were both great, let's not fight over which one was better. :c

    4. Harri


      W-we're not fighting simply having a civil discussion we're not shouting see !!!

  2. snap back to reality, oops there goes gravity.

  3. b u r n t r i c e 


  4. i must say i actually did enjoy the cactus charges i did to try and break the defence


    1. ryno2


      lol yeah every 5 seconds we were screaming KILL VERIFY

    2. Harri


       soz cant hit mi ima gun god

  5. i love having my heart crushed

    1. Shadeleaf


      Me too. about a 1/4th cup of them mixed with mayo and Parmesan cheese. Oh god they're so good, under the oven for a few minutes served with some pita bread? Good god it makes the family reunion. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/14834/simple-artichoke-dip/ To those who haven't tried it before, I HIGHLY recommend.

    2. Porko


      was that supposed to be funny

    3. Altiak


      hey harry its gonna be ok

  6. cant hir with al dis moni

  7. why isnt venuz verified

  8. i love waking up to hear my friend's in hospital due to a suicide attempt

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Harri


      Alright fair enough Gaius, people do need to keep things quiet. Which is exactly why I'm not saying this to real life friends. I'm not going to attack your character or you or anything - that's just immature, childish and won't see anything go well or help at all. I simply am going crazy here at home from worry and needed to just put it out somewhere where he won't be tracked down what so ever, won't be contacted and something he isn't related to at all. And sadly, I'm not thinking that they're doing this for attention, they are doing it for attention since they think they aren't loved and they had the idea that something like this would have people take notice of them more.


      What I'm doing is extremely selfish and terrible. But I'd rather say just something and have the feeling of getting it off my chest relief me a bit, rather than driving myself sick from worry and ending up in the bed next to him.


      Sorry for my rather rude comment before, just ignore me right now if you could.

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      You are fine mate, no hard feelings. It is a stressful time, just all the more imperative to keep oneself grounded, but I ain't mad at you.

    4. Merkaken


      Sorry man... I know how that feels and i'm so sorry you're going through that... PM me if you want to talk.

  9. give me characters to play that i'll actually enjoy (and dont say ******* human i already play like 12042469548956659)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Harri


      dw mein friend it's ok, we've all got our dirty lil' secrets https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BwrVVJHCMAAKlli.jpg:large

    3. Harri


      thanks pink cat xDDD i am good at them will help me get virtually laid :33

    4. ryno2


      play a ******* human

  10. first orenian kill on the day i come back i am the man needed to win this war

  11. I think purple is a better look on you!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. mitto


      A ban would look good on @ShameJax

    3. ShameJax


      Lots of things look good on @ShameJax

    4. H


      purple is sin


      resist the purple

  12. DDoSing admins prank (gone wrong!) (ddosed myself!) (gone SEXUAL!!!!!!!!!!)

    1. Teaspoon


      "Calm down Calm Down! will fix this" *Mom git the Camara!*


    2. Kilig


      go DDoS yaself.

  13. posting toxic comments social experiment (gone WRONG) (10 warning points!!) (GONE SEXUAL)

    1. Tsuyose


      it was just a prank bro

  14. guys let's get 7 likes and ill reveal myself!!

    1. Harri


      guys if you use the internet leave a like just smash like SMASH LIKE

    2. lordsheen
    3. jamesb


      And leave half of LotC blind? No thank you.

  15. pugsying prank - gone wrong!!! (GONE SEXUAL!)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jonificus


      Cybering in /shout - social experiment ((almost got banned!))

    3. Harri


      guys quick social experiment if i kill you do you die? (GONE SEXUAAAAAAL!!!)

    4. Moochael


      Social experiment: breaking into nobles house


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nordicg_d


      i expect better from a forum moderator to put this type of foul language on the lotc forum... disgusted. 

    3. Harri


      im not a forum mod you autist **** off 

    4. nordicg_d
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