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Everything posted by Textarea

  1. @Lyonharted™ @501warhead There's a visual issue with editing your reply to status updates... If you reply to this status then try to edit it, it'll look like you're editing the original status update. Once you confirm the edit, it'll look like the original status update was changed. If you refresh the webpage then you'd see that your reply to the status update was edited correctly. 


    NOTE: You have to be on someone's profile page when editing your reply to the see the visual issue.

    1. Textarea


      Or, well, what I mean is that it'll incorrectly make it look like you're also editing the original status update by making an editing field thing also appear where the original status update is.

  2. I chose yes because I do not see an issue with this event, assuming you do not create any PvP items or ones that can be sold for hundreds of minas... Haha
  3. Do we have to have the snowflakes? I've also seen them on another MC server's website, haha

  4. hi @Telanir

    pretty please with a cherry on top make it so that whitelisted players on your dev server can freely change between creative and survival; i'm stuck in creative and that sometimes makes it difficult for me to test bugs, and if i were to be stuck in survival, then that'd also make it difficult to test bugs... haha

  5. I just realized that I don't think I've ever had a bad experience on LotC... Haha

  6. look at this skin on this whitelist application... how is it acceptable? @_Jandy_


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Jandy_


      Although not a fantastic skin it is not oddly futuristic for the setting of the server and it seemed to match the theme of his character. If this is how the applicant desired for his character to look and it is in compliance with server lore, that is their prerogative.

    3. Textarea


      Fine. I just dislike seeing non-medieval human skins. I also dislike seeing red eyes on a Heartlander and in his biography there isn't an explanation for why half of his face is pitch black without a pupil in his eye. 

    4. _Jandy_


      To me it looked like the black bit was part of his mask, if you can call it that. I assumed the red eye was a glass eye because of itsome color. I assumed the eye with no pupil was just left all white because it would look p awful of you just put a light blue or dark green or hazel brown to rest against that flat black color. Though they're all assumptions that's how interpreting art with poor mediums, such as incredibly large pixels, works.

  7. *Flyers would be strategically placed around major cities, cloud temple, and various settlements.* Zelling Zkah Ug. Mi am Omar Grimmer'Lak. Mi am zelling TNT agh Gunpuwder. If lat wunt tu buy, zend a byrd tu mi or blah wib mi. Mi can uzually be found in Juhannezburg ((Oren)). Mi zell TNT fur H'tyty ((500)) mina agh Gunpuwder fur H'gakhty ((80)) mina. Mi wull put da TNT or Gunpuwder in da auction at Juhannezburg tu zell it tu lat. Rulg. ((Here's what it would look like in common for people that might have a hard time reading blah)) ((Here's a selling form that I filled out; I will update the 'amount of items available' after every sale))
  8. Looking for a magic teacher. The type of magic doesn't matter. Just provide a means for my character to learn the magic and let's FTB past the RP. I'll fill out a magic application form and put you as the teacher and you reply with confirming it.

    If you're interested, reply to this status. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ducklingator


      Just give me your home number, state, and the secret code in your mother's credit card, so that I can contact you.

    3. Textarea


      i don't speak english

    4. Ducklingator


      I don't speak Italian, we all have problems.


  9. PewDiePie is my favorite youtuber

  10. Player "Jewlik" flys upwards while driving a boat.

    1. Travista


      Damn Jews control the media/world, but physics too??? 


    2. AlphaMoist


      Did someone call for a Jew?

  11. ((My character doesn't know how to speak, but he has two hands, so I guess he knows how to write.)) (IC) Name: Glob (OOC) Name: Textarea Why you hate the Legion: Nubhosh goi agh pushdug pinkehz. What can you provide: Nubthyng.
  12. look at this sweet loot i got from the warclaim


  13. anyone know if i have to ask people to +1 my GM application for it to be accepted? i feel like that's cheating :/

  14. it bothers me that i often can't assist other players with their modreqs :eyeonyou:

  15. i need permission "reportrts.command.read" to /check

    1. Textarea


      yay i can /check again

  16. i can't use the "/check" command anymore... so i can't help people as much :p

  17. I am superior,

    and yet,

    I envy.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Textarea


      plz say "no homo" the next time you say you love me :(

    3. Pinochet


      NO HOMO BRO SORRY ;((((((((((

    4. Textarea
  18. What races can personas turn into? I know there's Bryophite, Ghoul, and Ghost... What else is there?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Textarea
    3. Potts244
    4. Gone


      Bryophite, Ghoul, Ghost (specter or poltergeist), Graven, Dreadknight, Paleknight, Lich, Wraith, Wight, Frost Witch (if female), Homunculi (technically not the same person), Izkuthii, Keeper (if a paladin), Ascended, Nephilim, Augur, Archon, Soul Tree (if druid and wanna have wood skin)


      There's probably others but those were off the top of my head/from a group chat.

  19. trading 1k minas for coal vip(1100 crowns) if anyone is interested~


    also trading an enderman head(mask) for 5 stacks of coal blocks or 60 stacks of logs(or a combination of coal/logs that would add up to 5 stacks of coal blocks)


    i decided to trade OOCly because ICly/RPly lying and scamming isn't against the rules, whereas OOCly lying and scamming is against the rules.

    1. Space


      ask in rp

    2. Textarea


      but rp is full of liars and scammers

    3. Space


      just like irl

    1. Textarea


      he was just online for like 3 minutes. he has 12 minutes played in the last week.

      i'm guessing he's either hidden alting or someone that isn't really interested :p

    2. Man of Respect
  20. White Rhinoceros Habitat: Grasslands and Savannah Description: White Rhinoceroses will be just how they are in the real world, except for the following changes: 1) They can live up to around 200 years. 2) They are not nearly extinct nor endangered, but they are still rare to encounter. 3) They can grow to be 30 feet in height. Because of this, it could be a little difficult for smaller races to get their attention. They stop growing at around age 110 and they eat a LOT of food. (white rhinoceroses are herbivores) 4) They are entirely passive creatures. They will not attack other creatures under any circumstances. They are not fast and they can not be used in battle. 5) If tamed properly, the white rhinoceros will be loyal to it's owner and it will only disobey it's owner if the owner fails to get it's attention. It won't try to escape from being tied to a wall or post by a rope or a chain unless it's hungry, and if it does escape then there's a good chance it'll come back to where it escaped from after it eats. Author: Omar Grimmer'Lak (Textarea) LM Approval Required: Perhaps, because of it's height; most of the creatures and races in Lore of the Craft are quite small. I am not proposing this as a playable race, only as a pet/companion creature.
  21. Is there a Vailor map download somewhere? or does someone have one?

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