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Status Updates posted by Deer__

  1. LT please change Feat seer to not be self teachable.

    P.S. if you roleplay a feat seer, you’re subject to the mental and physical downsides.

    Edited by Deer__
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Andustar


      @ScreamingDingo The best way to let it die at this point is by preventing the aesthetic from getting any larger through this self-taught system. The Seer feat, though barebones, still carries with it redlines that these blindfold obsessors don’t care to roleplay. This is an essential foundation of the lore, which they’re more or less bastardising. Literally, they’re just doing it to put a piece of cloth over their face. 

    3. ScreamingDingo


      And it’s literally a point of who cares. let them do the flavor of the month aesthetic. This is what self-teaching is at its finest and you guys are complaining over people not wanting to roleplay not having sight (which is difficult to do on minecraft anyway). You just have to let these systems play their course, those who are genuine seers will obviously stand out from the crowd. Those who are the run of the mill idiots will just continue their blindfold rp and thats it.

    4. Unwillingly


      i agree that having to rp being blind is a pain in the ass and is nowhere near the type of RP of losing an arm or leg for example

  2. A living breathing shitpost. Watch as it roams around it's natural habitat, it thrives in the darkest corners of lotc.

  3. That posted twice. Double the Rep. Do it now.

  4. So even though we’re all hating on each other. Check this out. Video by NASA and it’s pretty inspiring and neat.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dogbew


      Nasa was founded by Nazis

    3. PosidonX7


      You just wait. ?

    4. Deer__


      It is the moon one @Knightei. I think the forums are just busted right now, it’s not loading my profile right.

  5. Actually a monkey

    1. rukio


      Why are you like this

    2. Keefy


      Nah man thats a bike.

  6. mournstone big dumb

    1. sophiaa


      yes sis go off

    2. rukio


      I hear them slither

      I hear them hiss

      I dodged that bullet

      Rly quick

  7. 1.15 Is here. So what about pending lore? 

    1. Scuba


      LoTC’s word for lore is excuses 

    2. lemonke


      Theorically people have done the changes; now we're waiting for our great lord Flambo 

  8. dominion will soon fall

  9. Hidden already...

    1. MeteorDragon


      I knew this would happen

  10. Big dogs go bark

  11. We can't say this individuals name. Whenever it's spoken we receive weaponized cancer. S/he's Voldemorte.

  12. Stop enabling rukio to meme.

  13. Sorry I forgot to upload Nexus.

  14. You must stay hydrated

  15. bog darks are big

  16. I never thought I’d see the day. We cookin’ boys.

  17. Hey guys, there was a slight issue with the LotC discord. We’ll be working on fixing it and giving you updates as we can.

  18. Thank you, Kanye, very cool!

  19. Infinite pinging on the server selection and infinite ‘Connecting to server...” send help.

  20. wubby synths

  21. I really missed my chance to jump on the rep grind that is "Temp Map issue #337"

    So sad.

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