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    Dimaethor Elervathar / Eledar Haler'thilln / Livius Faeliel
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  1. I can't be the only one who thinks the cleansing of toxic people is good. Not saying that this GM team is capable of judging who is toxic and who isn't though.

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    2. dogbew


      A policy of "cleansing toxic people" is never good, an effective Moderation team is one that acts based on principle, not based on your feelings. The simple fact is that while today itis Dewper, or iMattyz who have done nothing wrong, but were banned because they are "toxic"; tomorrow it will be you or I. Perception changes, and while today many of us wouldn't be considered "toxic players", one day that may be changed and I would like to know I can trust I'll only be banned for actually doing something wrong when that time comes.

    3. Ankan


      Moderating is about creating and DEVELOPING rules that are clear and then consistently enforce them. If you for some reason cannot keep consistency, the rules are probably not well-defined enough and must be developed further. Bad moderation is removing posts (as I experienced under your FM Directorship), or banning users without having clear rules in place to support the action taken.

    4. dogbew


      To think that rules need to be made black and white and followed to a T is to be ignorant of the reality of a community. Rules exist to show a player what they can and cannot do, however principles are (or should be) in place to show moderators what is right and wrong in a community, so that they have a baseline to operate from. Think what you like, but my changes to the Forum Moderation policy, Guides and the institution of Principles by which my moderators acted lead to a more effective and efficient Forum Moderation Team, and has managed to avoid any situation like the ordeal we have before us today.

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