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Guy d'Yood of Mann

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Status Replies posted by Guy d'Yood of Mann

  1. phaedrus looks like an onion with no hair, grow a beard if you going bald : J

  2. beat flagship with 5 hull left, right before being alpha'd out. hit it with burst laser 2 as my entire crew was forced into the medbay, and every system except the guns were on fire. unlock fed and zoltan cruiser on that run, next run unlock stealth and lanius cruisers. today is a good day.

  3. Halflings should make orcs.

  4. Some ideas are better off just dying there and then than being allowed to exist in more than one mind at a time.

  5. I'm serious guys, who asssassinated the High Pontiff! Sixtus was only Thirty, he made for a Bad Ass High Pontiff...

  6. http://puu.sh/jrtdr/abcffe48fc.jpg The Chantry teaches us, that it is the hubris of men that brought the darkspawn into our world...
  7. That's the sound of the police

  8. hello darkness my old friend

  9. Would you rather be completely powerless, or be completely controlled by your powers?

  10. Phaedrus is now bald, and quite burned.

  11. Just your friendly reminder that any FTB that doesn't involve 3 people is bannable. http://gyazo.com/f6ae38d8a5f9ba973689aabbd69cf1c4

  12. where do i post an application? I'm a little confused @m@

  13. I'll be initiating the ET interviews tomorrow. For now, sleep.

  14. I am glad to be back.

  15. Skippy, we miss you in OOC :c

  16. lol i wasnt kidding

  17. Feels so odd being back officially, never thought I'd see the day.

  18. Oren needs more crown authority

  19. tbf i think if the server had avatar-esc 'bending' as the main arcane magic, **** would be great

  20. http://imgur.com/a/FF4xO Last status of the day, I swear! Compiled bunch of completed requests for todays stream. Had some highs and lows quality wise but I hope everyone is happy with their requests in the end! (Sorry Heero :'( )
  21. War Name: "The War for Sun Throne" Instead of the Adrian revolt, make it, "The War for the Sun Throne." Because De Savoie signal is a white sun.

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