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  1. u guys r mad about something staff does every day just quit omg y stay if the server so ****

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    2. Medvekoma


      The reason we aren't leaving is because the people shilling for our bans are those who declared war on Kaz'Ulrah ICly just a week ago and are dead-set on destroying our community. If we up and leave, then Kaz'Ulrah will be gone and they'll get what they want.

    3. AGiantPie


      It shouldn't be about what other people want it should be about what you want. @Medvekoma Staying around just to spite other people is truly a waste of time...................................... but you probably want to stay around anyways so there you go.

    4. Algoda


      How did you see his comment as "trying to stay out of spite"? It's their spite and hatred of our community that we try and fight. Albeit unsuccesfully

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