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π™»πšžπšŸ XO

Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by π™»πšžπšŸ XO

  1. Addition: 1000% believe Shade should be RP’d as a the CURSE it was intended to be. Similarly to the Frost Witches, someone should not WANT to be a Shade – an unwilling subject to at the mercy of their demon and Coven. Hell, make a list of 20 or so active roleplay traits to choose from that are all pretty awful or problematic to choose from and with each tier they develop a new defective trait. Don’t use basic things like β€œhe’s insane xd” or β€œshe basically becomes Harley Quinn”, but things like addiction to alcohol or lore approved drugs that has become a physical dependency, insomnia which has both physical and mental drawbacks under that umbrella, or mania for those that like to rp the more β€œi’m crazy teehee” aesthetic that is in fact realistic when done properly. I, as a former Shade player, have never agreed with the 5 slot behemoth that Shade has become with the little to no visible drawbacks for the rest of the community that made something of that size fair. Shade, in my eyes, is the magic under the Dark Arts umbrella that is meant to be the β€œcombat magic” where using things like freeform tendrils(I suppose you could keep Caliginous Flames and minor environmental adjustments such as shadows, the lighting, etc to make things spooky) that were quite the powerful weapon in any close quarters scenario when defending themselves from those who’ve discovered their true nature. However, a GOOD Shade would have known that is the only time their magic should be used for combat, to ensure that their secret remains as such. The Shade’s entire goal is to eventually take the host body for itself, and that means they cannot get killed – so being stupid or careless at any point could mean endgame. Perhaps keep the PK clause? If they chose to not PK then the Shade simply is PK’d and they lose the MA?
  2. I like some of the drawbacks and downsides you proposed, but you mean to tell me this near absolutely useless magic outside of self roleplay development won’t also be circled jerked into obscurity? I understand that a lot of the people on this server think that their million layer onion characters β€œselfless” behavior to care about the character development of others at the sacrifice of themselves is fine and dandy – but, keep that for the Event Team. I don’t see why this needs to be a whole magic, especially an absolute breakdown of the most traditional Shade concepts. Shade magic NEEDS TO: lose Shade Gems lose its endgame(s) get stripped of its healing capabilities both major and minor for people that believe rping by yourself is providing some elevated service to LoTC; GREATLY increase the idea that the shade is a separate identity and personality from its host, another character. I personally always liked shade x other magic collaborations, make it 3 slots and base a lot of the magical roleplay around the new aesthetic and corrupted nature of those other 2 magics? tier 5 shades or shade fathers/mothers are the end result of an untreated problem, the shade has now snuffed out anything that resembled the person from before – this means loss of things like memories, but not their racial curse or physical illnesses. Just some ideas from someone who played a shade for quite a while and has actually been considering helping the current community with it if they were interested. I’m not totally β€œactive”’ anymore due to my IRL circumstances, but I’m definitely invested in the Shade Lore and story as I am the Witches, so I hope this helps!
  3. Baby, please I’m not one of these hoes.. Chasing dreams and diamond rings so don’t call me no more! @Tsuyose

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. π™»πšžπšŸ XO
    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      the voices tell me not to and i will listen

    4. manicfairy



  4. There’s some hoes in this house...

  5. β€œBanshee Queen..” the raggedy looking woman would mutter swiftly and frantically under her breath, as if afraid to be heart. Her hands rose to her eyes, she had grown used to no longer needing them concealed, but she’d always disguised the horrific scars that told story of how her sight was stolen. The woman looked about the bog as the swampy mud water dripped from her hair and face. The sound of a toad’s croak would come from her left side and would commence a symphony of toads to begin croaking along to the beat of a rather unenjoyable tune. She’d raise her left hand to slightly covet what remained of that eye as she’d call out into the gloomy swamp. Rain fell heavy from the sky, polluting the filthy pond with a deep red shade. As it landed upon her skin the woman winced as she’d make the attempt to rise to her feet, the toads’ croaking growing louder and louder as a once familiar crystalline blue flame began to rise from the water’s surface, engulfing the woman in moments and it was over as quickly as it was painless. A toad hopped away from the rock it was sat on just in time to dodge the foot that nearly crushed it. The same disheveled woman now walking barefoot down a rather muddy trail off into the night.
  6. aieieieieye you’re my little butterfly~

    green, black, and blue leaving colors in the sky~

  7. Zephonim, the Poison Ailed A better formatted version of the lore in the form of a Google Doc can be found here! Creation Physical Description Mental Description Abilities General Red lines/Restrictions Citations
  8. Certainly in love with this lore. Miss my Naztherak, but this adds a way to mix elements of both Alchemy and Naztherak while removing anything concrete so that if Naztherak is to return, it can cohesively move in the same direction. Lovely work as usual, Mordu! +1
  9. As someone who’s had Seer back when it was just a Feat and still has it as such I’ll add into this discussion. In terms of not fitting into the theme of Azdrazi, it almost entirely does. Azdrazi are meant to soak in knowledge and Dragons themselves are meant to be beings of all kinds of knowledge – Malghourn with Blood Magic, Mordring with the undead, etc. If anything these abilities really shouldn’t be strictly locked to one magic as there are plenty of magics that would be allowed to do things like that AND Seer only just recently changed up its dynamic to be this type of aesthetic and have these abilities. They aren’t ideas new to Seer, I even tried to write in the stuff regarding Languages into Frost Witches and it was met with positive LT response.
  10. first!!! teeehee, it’s good to be back. i’ll give my thoughts laterrrrrr
  11. Little do you know LMAO

    1. devvy
    2. BrandNewKitten


      … more than you’d think.

  12. Best not be coughin’ ion want no Corona!Β Where Dohvi at, needa lesson from Delonna?!Β 

  13. This is my truth. Once upon a time he asked me for videos of me putting my dirty unwashed feet into a bucket of mayonnaise, I believe it was some sort of perverse kink,Β and in return he’d accept the Frost Witch lore.Β 

    1. lemonke


      why didn’t you do that,,,,

  14. somewhere far away a witch smiles at this bittersweet moment. +1
  15. Will you go out with me? >///<

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