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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Zindran

  1. Okay so, first of all they're not toddlers, they're adults (or some teens I never cared to ask ages so w/e) so that comparison doesn't work. The cliché with Ascended and Necromancers/Shades/etc. is always a thing and in my opinion has been something that I've been against since before and during when I was an Ascended. There's the fine line of trying to redeem a dark creature and getting into a relationship with one, so that problem is one of the larger ones that should indeed be fixed.
  2. Would you look at that, I'm late to the party. Small bit of sarcasm there Starting off I'll try not to sound like I'm repeating myself over and over again, but even though I left the server I still check the forums every now and again because I have times where I get bored and want to be entertained by something. However, this is unfortunately not one of those things I'm entertained by, though I'll toss in my two cents. Jallen's not a "monster" that people make him out to be, more so he's been trying to help the Ascended like I had once tried to do as their MT rep. Not long after an incident happened however I pretty much left the Ascended and requested disconnection IC before I left the server. I won't name the people who were involved in the incident but it has been resolved, however I somewhat "regrettingly" (though not sure if I was right in it or not) took the rewrite I was working on (and was almost done too) with me after said incident was over, leaving them back at stage 1 though with ideas to go off of. I'll say this without fear of any backlash that might come from it, but the Ascended have had a lot of problems over the past few months that are both big and small. I tried to help fix a few of the problems but it wasn't met too kindly, and eventually the stress of everything got to me and I resigned from my position as MT on the day I left. Keep in mind the Ascended currently (possibly) are likely stressed to their limits, and dislike having to do more things than they're required to do given they already have a lot on their plates to fix. Jallen's no monster, and quite a few of them have made mistakes as we all to at one time or another. Don't bash them, or insult them, simply work with them and give them constructive feedback on how they can fix their behavior and/or magic in a calm way so they can actually take it to heart and work on fixing it. We all make mistakes, but people shouldn't be bashed for making their own.
  3. Kinda wish this was actually a joke because of what day it is.
  4. I don't think you're understanding- Cernunnos wouldn't have even touched weather nor bothered with it. The Aspects themselves don't control the weather and they're unable to do so in any sense. Cernunnos wouldn't have even gotten involved with any of that.
  5. I fail to see how you think that when the Aspects were mentioned? Druid deity.
  6. Fake news, the post that you linked was from 2016, the post Delmodan made was in 2017. Also, the Aspects hold dominion over nature, not the seasons/weather. Which makes it so there's no way they could have 'stolen winter' from Wyrvun. Honestly I feel like this is just something being made so the snow elves have yet another reason to hate druids.
  7. I approve but I have one question. What would happen if someone made an orb of emerald amber and infused it with druidic energies, then combined it with a living staff? (like a druid I once saw before with a blight stone in the top of their staff)
  8. Nice profile! Always needs a bit of druidic supremacy <3
  9. A druid looks at their stockpile of lumber, giving a light shrug before leaving a note. "If you're still in need of wood, send a bird to Anthron. The bird should check Sutica first."
  10. A note is sent to the one selling all the tomes. "How many mina for all of them?" The letter is signed ~ A druid
  11. For the ones who were involved in the discussion, please either move it to PMs or a feedback thread. It's not appropriate for this section of the forums let alone a lore submission. Thank you! On another note not a bad job, though the idea of guns I don't really like, even if it has to be LT approved.
  12. All hail the giant ball of squished skittles. Soon to be cut in half and eaten. https://gyazo.com/3e2d248434b67726701f2f4f40324848

  13. "Well, it burns out in less than an elven week, so it'll be useless to anyone who can't get an Ascended to recharge it." An Ascended that was the creator of the sword smirks.
  14. ((Auction Ended. Waiting to be moved to Completed Trade.
  15. "All prices are above Cloud Temple prices." A reply is sent
  16. Posters of a golden colored parchment would be pinned to notice boards all across Axios, visible to all who wish to take a look. "A mass amount of items is being sold, take a look at the list and if you find anything of which you want to barter for, or buy! If you can't find me, then send a bird!" The items are as follows: ~ 98 Emeralds - 0.2 Mina per 12 Crude Topaz - 13.5 Mina per 12 Crude Diamonds - 45 Mina per 3 Crude Peridots - 17 Mina per 10 Crude Quartz - 18 Mina per 38 Crude Aurum - 15.5 Mina per 34 Crude Rubies - 30 Mina per 27 Crude Emeralds - 23 Mina per 52 Crude Thanhium - 15 Mina per 7 Crude Aengul Eyes - 1200 Mina per 2 Ancient Dragon Scales - 250 Mina per 12 Polar Bears ((Spawn Egg)) - 200 Mina per 10 Parrots ((Spawn Egg)) - 780 Mina per 1 Llama ((Spawn Egg)) 350 Mina 3 Tomes of the Stonemason - 1150 Mina per ~Sold~ 2 Tomes of the Chef - 1100 Mina per 2 Tomes of the Leatherworker - 1050 Mina per 2 Tomes of the Woodworker - 1000 Mina per 1 Tome of the Breeder - 900 Mina 1 Tome of the Fisher - 950 Mina ~Sold~ 1 Tome of the Miner - 1050 Mina ~Sold~ 1 Tome of the Farmer - 870 Mina 1 Sword of Thorns Recipe - 5000 Mina 18 Bottles of Alchemist's Fire - 270 Mina per 35 Upright Branches - 5.5 Mina per 7 Devilish Branches - 30 Mina per 18 Gnarled Branches - 3.5 Mina per 32 Twisted Branches - 5 Mina per 31 Curved Branches - 4 Mina per 42 Slender Branches - 5.5 Mina per 49 Windswept Branches - 6 Mina per ~Sold~ ((Auction Ends 7/25/2017))
  17. Stop with the one worded post names that make sentences in the recently posted section.

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