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The King Of The Moon

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Everything posted by The King Of The Moon

  1. Flyers are posted across the Holy Orenian Empire, advertising as follows: THE NEW HELENA TAVERN A PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT SPEARHEADED BY THE IMPERIAL OFFICE OF THE INTERIOR Citizens of the Empire, it has come to the attention of the Office of the Interior that, following its reconstruction, our illustrious capital of Helena finds itself without a properly staffed tavern. So begins auctions, so that one might earn not only the duty to keep the tavern well staffed and running at all times, but also the privilege of running what the Office of the Interior estimates to be the most popular drinking establishment in all of Holy Oren, wherein a proper business is expected to be ran completely exempt from future rents or taxes. By bidding, those offering coin do hereby agree to: -Keep the bar staffed as often as possible. -Keep the tavern stocked with food and drink for the Helena citizenry. -Keep the Emperor’s peace and quell rabble rousing. -Entertain the city of Helena by making bi-annual use of the tavern’s stage. Whilst tavern keepers are afforded the privileges of: -Hiring their own staff for the purposes of tavern management and security free from government rent or taxation. -Hosting out of sight gambling events in the upper (or underground if applicable) premises free from government rent or taxation. -Selling tavern goods defined as food and drink free from government rent or taxation. -Redecorating the tavern’s upper (or underground, if applicable) premises, including the addition of basements. -Housing lodgers in inn rooms in the upper (or underground if applicable) premises free from government rent or taxation. -Housing the tavernkeep, their family and staff in the upper (or underground if applicable) premises free from government rent or taxation. -Extending the tavern’s lower portions to include a cellar, for storage or additional guest space free from government rent or taxation. Extensive failure to adhere to these requirements will result in the tavern’s seizure and resale. Bidding will begin at no less than 3,000 minae. Private bids exceeding the most recent visible amount may be submitted to the Secretary of the Interior personally ((Comment below or PM Mordu#6495 on Discord)). Bidding will cease in the aides of Owyn’s light ((Friday 27/09/19, c. 8pm GMT)) whereupon administration of the tavern and attached stage shall be handed over to the highest bidder following delivery of payment. Penned and signed, His Imperial Excellency, Peter Faust de Vitus, Secretary of the Interior, Lord of Vitzburg, Admiral of the Fleet and First Sea Lord of the Holy Orenian Empire
  2. “No more Orc tyranny! No more Orc toes!” preaches Father John.
  3. Sobortus scratches his head, trying to make sense of what he’d witnessed.
  4. in fairness, as per CURRENT (though soon to be yote) blood magic lore, you have more genus if you’re a mage or high elf... That said the context it’s used in this lore, being ‘this specific guy’s blood targets this guy’s specific magic’ doesn’t apply in said lore Also, @DeusVidet I hope the below ruins your current mood:
  5. Please add the following redline: - A Shade parasite will not concern itself with their host’s libido; shade takeovers will not occur when sexual favours are refused to the host in question, nor can the shade parasite be used as an excuse to threaten others into sexual scenarios. That is all.
  6. … It’s just a mysterious realm-language that alchemists, amongst other scholars, have used for its universality. Don’t look for deeper meaning than the already stated: Because you won’t find any.
  7. (yes I know how much the spoilers have ruined my formatting I’m fixing it now)
  8. The Material Alphabet (extract from an alchemist’s journal, theorising a supposed link between divine creation and the material alphabet) Origin: Since the beginning of the written word there have been symbols recurring throughout history. In every mortal culture that has graced this realm, since not only before the time of Krug, Horen, Urguan and Malin, but even predating the first orders of Ascended, Druids, Iblees cults and so on. Long-lost in their origin and the first tongue they originated from, there have been marks. Written symbols, letters, runes or however else one might describe them, dotted throughout the shrines of zealots and the notebooks of scholars. The material alphabet. Be they used by shamans in relation to elemental spirits, or immortals of note, by brathmordakin runesmiths hoping to evoke and describe their enchantments, by blood mages in their own correlating runes of perhaps older origin, or the dreams of alchemists seeking to understand such symbols and concepts in the world around them. The material alphabet prevails as a limited universal language, of sorts, tied specifically with this world and the concepts and matter that inhabit it. The material alphabet is a series of runes and letters of mysterious origin, universally understood by those who delve into the mortal arts and powers corresponding with mortal energy and matter. Through ancient myths and sometimes in waking dreams alchemists are either alerted to individual runes whilst delving into corresponding concepts or are simply taught them as apprentices, oftentimes expanding upon such with flexio text around the symbols when written. Meanwhile blood mages who have felt the awakening of Malghourn’s shard come to memorise their own esoteric alphabet in the form of blood runes, those of which corresponding to mundane concepts and matter - such as earth, fire, air and water - are identical to the material alphabet’s, whilst the more metaphysical and otherworldly ones do not. Similarly, these same elemental symbols are understood by runesmiths and golemancers to evoke similar meanings, or by shamanic elementalists hoping to envision or call upon elemental spirits as well as immortals that represent fundamental concepts. Description: The runes as presently recorded and recognised by scholars - labelled by largest academic consensus on their supposed meaning or categorisation - appear as follows: The esoteric nature of the runes allows for looser interpretations than the single common words scholars have afforded each of the ninety ones, for instance ‘Silence’ might also be interpreted as ‘Emptiness’ or ‘Absence’ whilst ‘Lunar’ and its antonym ‘Solar’ might also mean ‘Unease’ and ‘Comfort’ respectively. Furthermore, combinations of these runes are recorded to have been used by alchemists of yore in meticulously drawn rings, which historians remain conflicted about the purpose of: some sort of ancient blood-magic - alchemy hybrid, or a harmless means of recording a plant’s symbols? Or perhaps some weren’t for alchemical transmutation, and instead were faded messages in ancient dwarvish script. A definitive answer is unlikely to ever surface, nonetheless an example of one such circle - ‘Reagent Ring’ as it were - believed to describe the herb Zawabate appears below: A matter of less debate arises then in what alchemists have come to call a ‘Symbol Ring’, that is, diagrams of a similar nature to the above albeit simpler: describing more vague alchemical properties than specific reagents, where signs, symbols and strength are necessary above the actual herb or other source these properties are extracted from. Another example is depicted below, which requests the symbol light from the fire sign at a strong dose, found in herbs: These symbol circles appear in the most complex iteration of the rings thus far recorded, ‘Transmutation Circles’ which either describe the process of creation through equivalent exchange, much like an alchemic recipe, or the fundamental makeup of an object or material. A complex Transmutation Circle, which details a hypothetical potion is as follows: Capability Despite their mysterious origin, the symbols are devoid of any apparent purpose of power beyond simple meaning. Whilst very few scholars actually know how to properly write and interpret these runes, any descendant who happens to look upon the individual symbols will be given thoughts corresponding to it, given them a strange universality. For instance a Human Bishop in The Church of the Canon, or an Elven Druid of the Mother Grove might stumble across the ‘water’ symbol and both immediately know it to mean the likes of rivers, seas, oceans and so on provided they have a prior familiarity with such things that can be understood as ‘water’. As mentioned earlier these runes have been echoed through the sacraments of Ichorianism and the Brathmordakin faith, albeit requiring such fuel as Blood and Thanhium paired with the expertise of Blood Mages and Runesmiths respectively; whilst vague in origin, intrinsically tied with the mortal realm’s matter and concepts, the material alphabet in writing alone holds no power. Red Lines -In-depth study into fields regarding the matter, concepts and physics of the mortal plane is required for one to pick up the material alphabet in a consistently usable fashion without explicitly being instructed by another. These disciplines include the likes of Further Alchemy, Rune Smithing, Blood Magic (specifically those who’ve touched a Blood Shard), Elementalism and Voidal Feeling, to name a few. In this regards the common illiterate peasant or the star-gazing mage, both in their own way ignorant to study of the mortal plane, will only have thoughts evoked correlating with the material alphabet’s symbols rather than in-depth understanding and the ability to replicate the symbols properly to the same effect. Similarly the meaning behind these symbols is completely lost to beings foreign to the material plane, such as Inferis and Voidal Horrors. -The capability to ‘evoke thought’ intrinsic in the alphabet is no more potent than written word in a familiar language. That is to say, for example, seeing the ‘Death’ symbol might make an individual think of crypts, the undead, lost kin and so on, just as if they’d heard the word spoken or seen it written in their own tongue; they would not ‘see the symbol and die’ or be forced to endure any other drastic effect that might be achieved with mind-magics, for instance. -Besides their odd lingual universality, the material alphabet possesses no fundamental power on its own. Other lore must be deployed when giving powers and properties to these runes beyond meagre understanding, such as blood magic which utilises many of these same symbols in its own alphabet, requiring blood mages to write and use them in already written and accepted rituals. Purpose The purpose of this lore is not only to lay the groundwork for future pieces to come that encompass the material plane and written word, but also to tie together pre-existing lore pieces and challenge inconsistencies. The origin of the symbols is kept intentionally vague so that it can be made applicable in different areas of lore pertaining to the mortal plane without the need for retcons or stepping on toes, in this regard. It is troubling for instance that with all of the present magic and world lore involving symbols and runes, there only seems to be direct consistency between Golemancy and Rune Smithing, whilst the runes and icons present in Blood Magic, Paladinism, Spirit-Smithing/ broader Shamanism, Al’tahrn Durngo Script and so on seem to ‘do their own thing’ in regards to theme, purpose and aesthetic, which on the whole reveals just how much of LoTC’s lore has been written by different people at different times with their own intentions behind it, and how little consistency there actually is. Acceptance of this lore in lieu of the impending Lore Games, I feel, gives many areas of lore a chance to incorporate a necessary step towards a consistent lore-base for Lord of the Craft, even if in a detail so minor as the prevailing appearance of runes and symbols. Beyond that, and anticipating the lack of co-operation that has always dominated this server’s lore, I still feel the material alphabet has its own place alongside Alchemy, both for current journal keeping, research and academia roleplay and for laying the groundwork for future Further Alchemy additions. Credits Credit must be given where due to the artists behind a good portion of these symbols and the style I based the new ones off of, lifted from old blood magic lore thanks to the likes of: Raptor98 SwgrClan Pandann Zarsies and probably a few other long-lost writers. Furthermore thanks to pieces (though more broadly older lore concepts) like Rune Smithing, Blood Magic and Alchemy predominantly I was able to formulate the alphabet’s main materials and concepts based around what is already mentioned and discussed in lore... So, thanks. Changelog
  9. You gave LUV of all people a goodbye but not me!??? Actual r a t.
  10. write some canon afterlife lore then. refer to the above. reformatting now thank you!
  11. Was supposed to be “parlay with the Ancestral spirits”, will fix now thank you! As for your second point, see The Zar’rokul Pentacle and Origin for up-to-date Inferis lore though. I think your sources might be a bit out of date. Updated thank you!
  12. What happens when you die in accordance with current lore: where you go, how you get there and how you might get back. If I’ve made any mistakes or missed any fates out, please let me know so I can rectify! The intent of this post is to give relevant guidance to those involving themselves in areas of roleplay that might involve resurrection or contacting the afterlife and also debunk the OOC misconceptions a lot of people seem to have about death (”if you’re bad your soul goes to the nether”, “the spirit realm is in the seven skies isn’t it?”) by compiling all the implemented lore I could find with reference to an afterlife or a means of revival. Do not regard this as common IC knowledge unless there is damn good reason your character would know.
  13. ok, first of all that’s the skin I designed
  14. @FlamboyantTyrant After some reflection with @Zarsies we have agreed to withdraw and self-deny this piece. We wrote it on the premise of replacing the extinct and soon-to-be removed Striga lore. Amongst other criticism it’s come to my attention that Striga have been made... Un-extinct... Atop further criticisms have cropped up that neither of us particularly have the energy to address, and our entire reason for writing it now being redundant, it’s best this is left to gather dust in the ‘Denied’ subforum.
  15. If people have to find things out through roleplay then no-one has to get banned for metagaming. As seen in the examples of both Frost Witches and Striga, penty of metagaming seems to slip through the cracks regardless of how hard you try and report it. Case and point “my character just likes walking his pet bloodhound on the same street.” All it takes is for one or two people to convince themselves they have knowledge in character because they have it out of character and before you know it whole nations are claiming to have been told in roleplay, past the point where most GMs are bothered to track a rumour down to its source. The weaknesses are still there and the point of the redline you quoted is to make sure they’re RPd properly, but I see no reason to make them public on this document other than to let people bring OOC into IC.
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