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The King Of The Moon

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Everything posted by The King Of The Moon

  1. At this moment in time if you can be vouched for by someone who had an accepted MA in this – https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/173849-✓-⛧-naztherak-addition-gifts-of-the-red-prince-⛧/ – cursing your character’s mother before loregames then that’s fine. Having further evidence for your character existing and being RP’d prior to loregames’ removal of the above link’s spells such as MAs, FAs, forum RP or simply being vouched for by ST should help, too, to distance yourself from potential people just making up new characters on the spot for improv snowflakery. Future curses for new characters (if the curses ever makes a return) will be dictated by that separate piece of lore, though. You’ve inspired me to add in a new redline requiring future ones to inform the ST so this sort of scenario with room for BSing can be avoided in future, though. Thank you
  2. (NOTE: This lore exists to update, better clarify and act as a support piece for currently played characters informally known as ‘cursed children’ that have been a part of LoTC since August 2018. No new creatures, magics or abilities are being added, just redlines and clarifications to ensure their continued existence irrespective of currently accepted Naztherak lore) Ra'liivengor Kreika ‘The Blessed Ones’ Origin/ Backstory The first ‘Blessed Ones’ came to be as a product of the Zar’rokul’s final Bane; the Curse of Infernal Mutation (“zevirlat thaznitnak”), a spell gifted to the Naztherak of yore that had pledged a portion of their soul to the greater infernals: Velkuzat, Drazhana, Kiiztria, Kholidav and Zathairn respectively. When marked upon a woman, the curse malformed her offspring to appear demonic, paying homage to the cruel Zor’rokul and the other inhabitants of Moz Strimoza. This first generation born of the plight became known to many as ‘cursed children’, shunned by most civilised peoples of Atlas then later Arcas and forced to wander an unforgiving world, hunted and mistaken for the very demons which mutated them. Some accepted their position and sank into the dark arts, whilst others attempted to reject it; hoping to someday prove themselves worthy of respectable society. The majority cloistered themselves into obscurity, settling into lives of solitude as hermits, away from the mob. As the years progressed and the old Courts of Naztherak faded, knowledge of the Curse was lost for a time, perhaps never to return, but the ‘Blessed Ones’ remained. Details Ra'liivengor Kreika - ‘the Blessed Ones’ - as they are ironically dubbed in Ilzakarn, are Descendants who have been damned to appear warped with a demonic exterior before birth and made to resemble the varying horrors of Moz Strimoza. Whilst aesthetically demonic, they remain functionally identical to their genetic race; the ‘Blessed Ones’ are not truly infernal beings. Their souls, minds and internal physiology remaining unchanged, liivengor kreika can and should be categorised as normal Descendants, their only unique quality being their mutated exteriors as a consequence of malefic meddling. Born of accursed parentage as a product of Naztherak, their skin is forever marked in the colour of their maker’s malflame, whilst also subject to a variety of unsightly mutations. These can include: -forked tongues -slitted, goatlike, small, large, or entirely absent pupils -coloured or translucent eyeballs -serpentine tails -scales -exceptional paleness or melanin-darkness of the skin -translucent skin -hair or nails which bleed when cut -a lack nails of nails or nails which grow black and pointed -webbed digits -horns and spikes protruding from heads, backs, shoulders and elbows -feathers -goat, bat, snake or pig-like facial structures and nasal shapes -cloven hooves Red Lines Purpose Citations
  3. Except nowhere does it say “you can’t keep doing your improv fortune teller rp”. This lore doesn’t strip anyone of anything, and the argument that it ‘invalidates’ individuals doesn’t really hold up when the vague entity you’re defending is – I’m assuming – people that have been RPing loreless cultural and religious prophecies, which are inherently without need for ‘validation’ as the products of IC beliefs and wouldn’t be stripped or impacted by this lore. i understand the place you’re coming from to an extent, but I feel like you’re overlooking the fact this piece solely exists to add new elements of RP for facilitating events and future predictions that can then be shared by more means than word of mouth. From my angle all it does is add a new method of RP that otherwise couldn’t have been done with current lore; nothing is being taken from anyone. That said your feedback is noted and I’ve tried to make this a little clearer by rewording parts of the ‘Purpose’ section: Could you shed a little more light on what you mean by this, please? Maybe a worst-case scenario you think could arise, so I can adjust the redlines accordingly?
  4. You don’t need lore to think you’re anything. But if you want multiple people to share a prophecy in your current version, those characters need to interact directly and know each other, meaning prophecies can’t transcend OOC barriers and create RP for others in different places, factions and magic groups. There’s also no means of RPing prophecies involving information your character doesn’t already possess or have the capacity to ‘make up’ without straight meta gaming in the current system, a big part of why fortune teller RP is so scarcely done. This is also serves the lesser purpose of legitimising Event prophecies and bridging the gaps between sever Canon. This lore wouldn’t suddenly stop people from making it up as they go along and claiming to be fortune tellers, it just gives them more legitimacy if they opt to involve themselves in other areas of RP
  5. (Edits are still being made to this lore. Suggestions for potential missed redlines or other areas of lore to include are welcome!)
  6. Prophecy; The Gossip of Dreams The Eye of Vaasek, as seen upon a prophet’s hand during a vision of what may come. Origin/Backstory Details The secrets of the future are not constant. Ever changing and impossible to truly assure oneself of, these ripples of volatile knowledge are carried as whispers amongst honourable souls and Spirits of Stargush’Stroh, the malformed Infernals and damned souls of Moz Strimoza, Aeriel’s favoured in her Golden City and Her damned in the wider wastes of Ebrietas. Sometimes, these whispers reach the minds of living Descendants, through Shamanicpacts, malefic incantations or idle exchanges with the dead, and prophecies are born. Either to come true by the will of higher powers, to be self-fulfilled by overcautious descendants, ignored or otherwise forgotten and made redundant by the passage of time, these prophecies invade the minds of those cursed with True Sight through the murmuring dead, are delivered to the knowledge-thirsty Naztherak during their beckoncalls to Moz Strimoza or are handed by the Spirits beneath Kor to Farseers eager to listen. It is Vaasek however, the Daemon of Anxiety and Fallacy who most maliciously involves itself. Never interfering with what visions are seen, and playing no part in the process of procuring these secrets bar siphoning them through his Seers, the clandestine Daemon lurks in the corners of every vision as a paranoid spectator, manifesting as an eye in the palm of any prophet’s hand during their visions (be they in a complete dream state or otherwise). Via his unwitting servants, the Seers, does he channel these visions, sewing fear and paranoia amongst his flock in a drive to witness more of these could-be futures through them. Red Lines Purpose Citations
  7. As a matter of fact I do! Large scale Golem constructs have been allowed time and again, as well as large scale constructs with broader Runesmithing. On Axios there was Arcadia, a literal flying Rune city and giant (20ish blocks tall) MArt/ ET played Golems stationed outside of Urguan. I even remember Pandann having a fully automated Thanhium mine complete with Golem labourers outside of Celein/ Sanctuary when he was still an Admin. I’ve also seen walking buildings with Golem legs, Golem computers and even regular player Golems RPing up to 12ft in size and being distinguished as ‘worker Golems’ (as opposed to ‘war Golems’). Similar achievements have also been made with the use of Transfiguration and Atronachs, too numerous to name, and it’s already clearly stated in this lore that those heights of complexity can’t be achieved, as Macro Animii can only perform kinetic actions and require objective instructions as they’re unable to think and feel on their own. You ought to also note that any Macro Animii intended to require more power than four plough horses will require a MArt, something I’ve seen plenty of player Golems RP having as a default, let alone NPC Golemancy/ Runesmithing machinery... So the argument ‘this is allowed but large scale golem constructs weren’t’ doesn’t really hold up.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwbzxemJZIc Sintel’s Smoggers (A smogger purposed as a giant hammer, being put to use in a shipwright’s workshop for the faster shaping of anchor chains and the like) Background/Origin Explanation Abilities/Spells Red Oil The Gear Stomach (A craftsman toiling away at a massive Gear Stomach, before it might be paired with additional machinery) Smoggers (A lost soldier piloting a sort of walking smogger in favour of a horse drawn carriage, stopping to ask a Halfling for directions) Red Lines Purpose (OOC) Citations and Credit
  9. BECKETT INDUSTRIES 12th of Sigismund’s End, 1753 Following my investiture into the role of Head Surgeon of Varoche Hall, I, Reginald Beckett do henceforth pledge my expertise in offering free Dental Care to the President pro tempore of the Imperial Senate, all standing members of the Imperial Senate, the Lord Mayor of Helena and His Imperial Majesty as a token of my gratitude in being entrusted with this honour of my medical station. I furthermore pledge to provide these services to the legitimate spawn of the President pro tempore, each standing Senator, the Lord Mayor and His Imperial Majesty’s immediate family. Either by my own hands or that of another Beckett Industries employee, the aforementioned are from the time of this statement until the end of my time in Varoche Hall, the following treatments to the best of Beckett Industries’ availability and ability: -Oral inspection and consultation -Tooth removal -Tooth replacement -Dental realignment -Dental cleaning -Dental repair All procedures shall be conducted in the Varoche Medical Bay, and appointments for said procedures may be requested by letter or in face to face discussion with myself or any other Beckett Industries employee.
  10. Alwin Sintel, commanding his Symbiote in a deep meditative trance.
  11. BECKETT INDUSTRIES A promise to sum of: 10£ Per exchange for the sum of each singular: Pre-adolescent descendant tooth To be delivered to the office of: Reginald A. Beckett, Managing Director of Beckett Industries Additional Notes: To be hand delivered in person to Reginald A. Beckett within the safe borders of the city of Helena, capital of Man. Cash on delivery. Notice will be given when demand for aforementioned product ceases. -R.A. Beckett
  12. IDC about this magic’s mechanics, abilities or the CA. I do however beg you not to go down this avenue of new runes that don’t fit with any prior iterations of lore, and toss several years of work out of the window. Please for the sake of continuity in LoTC’s desperately messy lore, get rid of these new ones you’ve thrown in and replace in continuity with lore already collaborated for that exact purpose. Linked is the Material Alphabet, which already contains all the symbols used in every prior version of Blood Magic, as well as additional symbols that accommodate other areas of LoTC lore such as Runesmithing and Alchemy. A collection that doesn’t need to be unnecessarily deviated from for the sake of faux uniqueness on a platform like LoTC that has already been damaged by incompatible and overlapping areas of lore.
  13. So like I said it in the last Metztli rewrite and I’ll say it again, having an Aengudaemon whose main power is centred around – for no real reason – time is pretty crippling to the preservation of a consistent aengudaemonic canon. Firstly her personality and background are in no way literally or figuratively interwoven with “maintaining the flow of time” besides the hourglass jpeg that’s been used as her symbol (and instead dedicated to the creation of the Hou-Zi and Kharajyr, and her mutating children out of a desperation to be loved). There’s no relation to time why she would’ve been given this task by the forces that be, any of the tasks she’s done or any of her philosophy. In my opinion she should really be the Daemon of Vanity if nothing else, but even past that the ramifications of having a being whose dominion is over time itself is inherently problematic. Past the illogical tacking on of ‘Time’ as her integral duty/ concept, there’s also the major issue that comes with touching Time in LoTC lore as a force to be manipulated. She “maintains the flow of time”. How, exactly? Does she sit there pushing every event that occurs in every realm (each notably having its individual speed and scales for the passage of time, as per gap theory) including that of Aengudaemons, Voidal Mindplanes and so on? Is she omnipresent, she’d have to be to achieve this, surely? Then she must also be omnipowerful to force her will over every other Aengudaemon at once, making sure they obey ‘time’ as she deems fit, no? How does she do that? Why does she do that? What’d happen if she stopped doing that? Would time, in the literal sense, stop? Would everything – every single being in the universe – be eternally frozen in place, unable to think or move or act, locked in the same looping nanosecond? If so, isn’t that kind of OP when you think about it, given that Aeriel is canonised as the most powerful Aengul and Iblees the most powerful Daemon – himself even stronger than Aeriel – yet they’d both be powerless against Metzli’s decision to take a sick day? Beyond that, when actively fulfilling her task, as you’ve described: “The Daemon of Time is what makes it go forward at a constant pace and who fixes it when a time anomaly shows up. However, the endless river that is the timeline she creates is sometimes hard to fully oversee. Especially when it is possible to be easily manipulated. As to why the gift of her magic will also bestow helping her with the maintenance of the timeline.” What does her magic actually do? Can she make time go faster, slower? Across the mortal plane or all planes? Can she make time go backwards? Does she herself simply have the ability to timetravel and in fact not manipulate time itself but her place in it? If the latter, do her powers effectively extend to that of Dr. Who? If yes, what’s to stop her from going back and warning mortality about the coming of Iblees, and preventing the descendant split? In fact, wouldn’t she logically do exactly that given her desire for praise and prevent her need for the creation of Kharajyr? Why was she so desperate for praise that she made the Kharajyr, if for the entirety of time before that she’d always have the ability to travel with ease to a time after the Kharajyr were made, creating a praise-paradox? Why would mistakes happen at all, if she’s so capable? If she could manipulate time, why not go back and find the most capable Tlatlanni, then at the moment of his or her death return them to present day to reunify the Kha? Why let the events that led to the Kharajyr Empire’s downfall several maps ago happen at all, in any case? I could go on, but I hope I’m getting the point through to you. Someone having dominion and responsibility over time, or in the alternate scenario the ability to time travel completely unravels all logic in other areas of LoTC lore. If any being were to have such powers, it should be something like one of the cosmic background characters such as the Observer (that intentionally remains uninvolved with the trifles of Descendants, Aengudaemons and other beings beneath it wherever able), as opposed to an Aengul or Daemon (or Spirit for that matter, looking at you bad Shamanism lore from 2016) with their own whims and wills and corruptible desires. ‘Time’ is an excessively broad task and powerset for an Aengudaemon of any calibur. It has the potential to ruin Canon, as well as hamstring prior established events and hierarchies of power in the broader LoTC lore. It’s been latched to Metztli simply as a tradition being upheld because someone thought it’d be a cool idea in the ~c.2013 era of lore where Redstone was still believed to be an elven Aphrodisiac and LT wrote eventlines for themselves to become main characters. It need not be kept dirtying an otherwise well written character just for the sake of tradition, especially when taking into account the lack of thematic or active involvement the concept and the aengudaemon have with one another. TL;DR: We don’t need a time deity just like we don’t need a space deity, because those areas make all other aengudaemonic concepts and powers redundant. Beyond that Metzli should be a Daemon of Vanity, since that’s all she’s been written to symbolise now and before. Badly thought out magic and creature lore is one thing, but badly thought out world lore has cataclysmic ramifications.
  14. “Oh ok.” comments a passing clockmaker.
  15. Vivification - The Curse Of True Sight (Loregames Resubmission of This.Updated Format and Clarifications) Background/Origin To most, the elysian wastes serve as a one way mirror; its inhabitants are forced to watch the realm of the living and remain unseen... Unseen by all in the realm of the living but the clairvoyant, those cursed with true sight. This curse (oft called vivification) forces its victims to passively see and hear beings trapped in the elysian wastes and live their lives out amongst both the living and the dead. They are able to see not only the stagnant souls with which they share the realm, but also apparitions and ghosts regardless of their desired visibility and are often targeted by geists. Priest, gypsies, soothsayers and troubled housewives: the clairvoyant come from all walks of life, though their burden is shared. Magic Explanation The Elysian Wastes: A Place Caught Between Abilities/Spells The Curse of True Sight Seances Red Lines Tier Progression
  16. “And to ye Sons of Harren I admonish: There is no refuge from the sight of GOD. For He sees all things, and no sin is hidden before him, even in the darkest realms.” –To the Harrenites, from the Scroll of the Spirit, given to We the Faithful by the Exalted Prophet Owyn. Siegmund’s Incense – or Siegmund’s Candles – was in its time the pride of the Church Militant. First crafted by the Knights of the Black Sepulcher in days of yore, it was said to grant congregations the sight of the Prophet Siegmund himself, celebrated and burnt in swinging thuribles as incense during mass to ward evil spirits from town chapels and city cathedrals, whilst carried as candles or wax coatings by crusaders, that sought to keep the damned at bay on their crusades for God. Its existence was long doubted by alchemist and clergymen alike, as any record of how it was initially made or purposed seemed to be lost in the catacombs of the Library of Johannesburg, when the city was lain waste to by mad Emperor Phillip’s thannhium wrath. Lost, that is, until one grave-robbing alchemist during their travels was able to pry one a journal from the cold grasp of a Marked Man belonging to the school of the Ox, who’s unfortunate end had come at the hands of a Flugle in the swamps of southern Cunyuan. Preserved in the bog, the journal was written in an odd mix of Flexio and Cathanese, taking some years to translate. Finally, decades later, this artefact of Canonist wisdom would be returned to use. Siegmund’s Incense/ Siegmund’s Candles Ingredients: -Lard/ Distilled Water -Rigidity x2 -Death x3 -Connection x2 -Light x2 -Dash of Descendant Ashes x1 (The ashes of any cremated descendant will suffice: be it a leper’s amputated leg or a witch burned at the stake. A ‘dash’ of ashes equates that remaining from a burnt limb or head, with the torso offering two measures if cremated properly. an urn containing the ashes of an entire person would therefore permit 7 dashes appropriate for 7 Siegmund’s Candles or Siegmund’s Incense) Creation: -All symbols must be ground into separate powders using aurum tools or a polished marble mortar and pestle. These tools are not necessary for the harvesting or storage of regents beforehand, however. -The base must be added to an aurum or marble bowl, equating one candle’s worth of lard or a chalice of distilled water respectively. -All steps henceforth must be carried out away from sunlight. Direct exposure to sunlight will cause the mixture in any of the following states to quickly burn up, strangely leaving no mark or damage on surfaces (or individuals) the flame touches. -The two light symbols ought to be mixed into the base, causing it to take on a pinkish-red colour. -The first death symbol should be mixed in, then until the earlier colour is replaced with a dull grey. -The first symbol of rigidity , and the first symbol of connection, should be added at the same time - within three second of each other, to be precise - and stirred together (pre-stirring these symbols to add as one will not work) until the concoction turns a brilliant white. -The second symbol of death, followed by a dash of descendant ashes, and third symbol of death should be added then mixed in rapid succession, with no more than ten seconds between each addition. This, if done correctly, will turn the mixture into a soggy vantablack mush. If done incorrectly, the mixture will instantly harden become a useless grey block and be put to waste. -Finally the second symbol of rigidity must be added, reverting the mixture back to its earlier grey colour. -At this point, the mixture must be kept in relative darkness until the later hours of the night, where it must be positioned before dawn so that it might be hit by light from the rising sun. Should this be done properly, the mixture will dry and harden into a malleable wax fit for a candlewick if a base of lard is used, or dry and powder into an incense if a base of distilled water is used. Effects: Whilst the wax or incense is being physically handled, beings made from (or containing, as Mystics do) ectoplasm will forcefully gleam, causing their ghostly forms to shine and be unveiled, instantly ceasing once touch has been broken. The main use for the incense or wax, however, comes from ignition. When burnt, vapours repel sources of nearby ectoplasm and cause it fluxuate. Mystics will feel inclined to avoid it whilst their magics become near unbearable to cast, making spectral limbs seize and cramp up uselessly and spells to cost double their regular liturgy slots to use. The likes of invisible or Ghosts, Gravens and Wights will be physically repelled, too, being pushed away from the site of the burning candle or incense and unable to approach it as though held back by a physical mass. This can be resisted if any of these creatures is desperately inclined to remain near, though would force them to gleam brightly and create a visible aura over objects and people they are possessing or hiding within, though they will not be otherwise weakened. The effect upon ectoplasm across the spectral undead spectrum - from menhirs to geists - are for the most part the same: causing it to ripple and stutter regardless of its host’s will. The exception to this is with a Mystic’s ‘Deadbreath’ spell, which is dissipated and unravelled by the vapour of candles and incense at the same speed at which the spell would usually travel when cast. The key difference in using incense versus candles, then, is potency and reach: Siegmund’s Incense will quickly burn across the span of most rooms (8 blocks out in every direction from the incense, excluding the block the incense is being held in/ placed on). Ectoplasm caught in the vapour will then be subject to its above mentioned effects, though will immediately be able to escape them by exiting the incense’s range and will suffer no ill effects for roughly thirty narrative seconds after ignition (though the wielder of Ectoplasm will be alerted and discomforted by the candle’s presence; this serves to allow them chance to escape) and will be unable to re-enter the incence’s range without exposing themselves. The faster burning Incense will burn for five narrative minutes, before another would need to be lit. Siegmund’s Candles however will slowly burn across a more concentrated area (3 blocks out in every direction from the candle, excluding the block the candle is being held/ placed on). Ectoplasm caught in the vapour will then be subject to its above mentioned effects, though unlike the incense the candle’s vapour with stick to ectoplasm; the effects will linger for two narrative minutes upon ectoplasm that’d passed through a Candle’s range, resetting should the ectoplasm return within said range before the two narrative minutes are up. Notably though the vapour from candles is not able to expose hiding spectrals when outside of its aforementioned range, which they would have to either linger in for thirty seconds after ignition (again, whilst feeling its effects and being aware of that they ought to move away) or willingly re-enter the range having left it prior. The ‘clinging’ effect will only leave spectres with feelings of discomfort and the ability to return into its radius without exposing themselves, as well as the additional liturgy cost Mystics suffer in their spellcasts. The slower burning candles will burn for ten narrative minutes, before another would need to be lit. Redlines: -The vapour exhumed from Siegmund’s Incense is vaguely translucent, whilst that of Siegmund's Candles is transparent, rendering them useless for the purpose of smoke screens/ smoke bombs. -The effects of Siegmund's Incense and Siegmund’s Candles upon ectoplasm are restricted solely to discomfort and after prolongued exposure will also impact visibility. Ectoplasm will not be inherently damaged or disrupted, merely physically repelled (forcing ghosts, wights and gravens to move away or begin gleaming after too long and making mystic spells more costly). -Being just outside of a lit Candle or Incense’s range, or being within it within the first 30 narrative seconds, will give spectres and mystics an inherent feeling of unease. They would know roughly what its range was and to avoid it, as one might avoid a hazardous smoke or gas; it is the job of whoever is RPing the Candle or Incense to ensure spectre and mystic players are OOCly informed, either by LOOC warnings, PMs or simply added details in emotes. -The extra-exposure effect of the vapour on hiding spectrals – forcing them to gleam and become visible - will only kick into action once the spectre has actively chosen to remain in the range of the candle/ incense for 30 narrative seconds after ignition. -A spectre will be forced to the nearest escape route from being in the vapour’s range unless willingly choosing to remain so to expose themselves. If a spectre is stuck, and without a means of escaping this range within the 30 seconds after ignition then they would not be forcefully exposed (this clause obviously doesn’t apply when a spectre knowingly comes into range of a prior lit incense/ candle. -Unfinished mixtures will burn up in sunlight, and produce heat as regular flame, but strangely not cause damage to people or objects, making it nigh impossible to weaponize and only practical as a deterrent or party trick. -Eating or trying to directly smoke Siegmund’s Incense or Siegmund’s Candles will offer no benefits, nutritional or otherwise. -The incense and candles will take an additional emote after being lit to fill their aforementioned range. -Larger candles or heaps of incense can be made by using extra ingredients for a longer burn-time, but will not affect the range or potency of their vapour. -Tier three alchemy is required to create Siegmund’s incense. -Siegmund’s incense is a ‘rare’ recipe that must be taught in roleplay. Edits:
  17. Something Old, Something New. Something Bottled, Something Stewed. For years natural philosophers have decoded and scryed the endless symbols and signs of the material, searching for a potion far more powerful than any alchemist’s fire, far more enduring than any klone and far more functional than the afflicted symbiote. The Elixir of Life, rumoured to grant immortality to any daring enough to drink it. Liquid eternity, time in a bottle, the death of the universe at one’s anticipation… It was one such human alchemist thought to have come closest to uncovering this fabled treasure: an Elixir potent enough to reverse someone’s outward age, to restore youth to the old… To undo the Betrayer’s curse of mortality upon the children of Horen. Or so he believed, until he died from Alzheimer's disease at eighty three... and some upstart elven chemist stole his recipes. It was this botched concoction he named the Sprog’s Elixir out of his distaste for children. Bound to the form of a child through a mistake of his studies, and from the late scholar’s notes did this alchemist too conjure up an antidote, or perhaps another brew in its own right, calling it Fogey’s Elixir for his equal hatred of the elderly. Sprog’s Elixir Ingredients: -Lard/ Undistilled Water -Life, x1 -Vigour x1 -Heat x2 -Swiftness x2 -Babyteeth from a human child, x2 -Bones of a Rabbit (or Hare), x2 Creation: -All symbols, as well as the baby teeth and rabbit (or hare) bones, must be ground into separate powders using a mortar and pestle -The base must be used to fill a cauldron halfway, having pre-measured for the rest of the ingredients to make up the second half (note, double the volume would be required in the case of an undistilled water base as opposed to a lard base). -The base must then be heated above an open flame until beginning to fry (if lard) or boil (if undistilled water). -Heat should be added and stirred until no longer visible. -Vigour should then be added and stirred until no longer visible. -Life should then be added at the same time as the ground baby teeth, and stirred until the elixir turns white. -The bones should then be mixed in along with swiftness until no longer visible. -All heat should then be removed from the cauldron, allowing the mixture to rapidly cool and thicken (if undistilled water is used) or solidify into a fatty paste (if lard is used). Effects: When applied as a paste the Sprog’s Elixir acts as an anti-aging lotion, causing skin and certain areas to plumpen, blush, dimple and clear wherever applied. Noses and ears will shrink and bald. Eyes become bright, clear and (with thick application) change to a brilliant blue. The elixir will also cause pre-existing scalp hair to re-colour, soften and (with thick application of the Elixir) eventually thin out to that of an infant, whilst also causing pre-existing facial hair to re-colour, soften and (with thick application) recede entirely. The elixir can also be applied to the teeth to cause brightening, whilst thick application can cause them to fall out and be replaced with new sets entirely, whilst drinking the elixir will give the added effect of fresh vocal chords to maintain the illusion of a youthful tone of voice, whilst thick application can induce loss of coherent speech bar infantile babbling. It should be noted that all changes brought on by the Sprog’s Elixir are skin-deep, however, and will only serve the purpose of causing accelerated de-aging in an aesthetic manner. Whilst it certainly has the potential for malicious use, the Sprog’s Elixir would not function as a sort of poison to afflcited one with Asthma, Croup, Mumps or other age-related illnesses. Similarly, beneath the guise of faux young age the user’s organs, muscles and mind would still behave as healthily and effectively as they had prior to the elixir. The key difference noted in use of the base is concentration. Using water as a base will provide double the amount of the elixir, at half the effectiveness, and the inverse when using lard as a base. A quart jar filled with a lard-base of the elixir will be much thicker, and have the potential to deage areas it has been applied to up to 150 years, though this jar would only be able to cover the hands, head, mouth (excluding vocal chords) and neck of a subject. Using the same ingredients, but replacing the lard with a doubled volume of water would in turn allow for two quart jars to be filled, though each jar would only have the potential to deage areas it has been applied to up to 75 years, though having two quart jars would permit subjects to cover all areas. The effects of the Sprog’s Elixir will linger until the equal measure of years is re-aged using the Fogey’s Elixir. The effects similarly cannot be reversed by mundane, magical or alchemical healing with the exceptions of appearance-altering surgeries physically moving soft and plump flesh. Redlines: -The Elixir will not impact a subject’s lifespan. -The Elixir cannot positively or negatively impact a subject’s physical or mental health. This includes any and all age-affiliated changes to height, muscle mass, cognitive function or organ efficiency. -The Elixir is only capable of causing aesthetic changes bar the potential benefits and detriments to a subject’s skin, teeth and hair. -The Elixir cannot be reversed by the effects of other skin, hair or dental specific potions. The only cure is the Sprog’s Elixir or intense surgery to literally reconstruct one’s appearance. -Years will be ‘subtracted’ in accordance with the lifespan of a subject’s relative race, in accordance with the water/lard quart guidance given above. In this regard, an elderly human would only need to subtract 150 years to achieve an appearance of their minimum old age whilst elderly Orcs and Dwarves would need to subtract up to 500 years for the same effects (which would require more 3 and ⅓ more Elixir), and so on. Elves are the exception to this, experiencing the potion at the same potency as humans and appearing effectively identical to humans when elderly, bar their physical shapes, skin and hair colours and ear shapes. -There is no ‘Greater Sprog’s Elixir’ or ‘Lesser Sprog’s Elixir’; potency of the Elixir is determined by its base and how much/ little is applied in accordance with the water/lard quart guidance above. -This potion has no effect on Frost Witches or Striga. All other creature/ magical/ alchemical means of ‘polymorphing’ to change one’s physical skin, hair, eyes and teeth will still function normally albeit individuals in these circumstances will have their ‘default’ appearance changed in accordance with the elixir. -This elixir requires tier two in alchemy to create. -This elixir is categorised as ‘common’ and can be self taught by any tier three alchemist who is able to obtain the elixir for study. Fogey’s Elixir Ingredients: -Lard/ Undistilled Water -Death, x1 -Curtailment x1 -Coldness x2 -Swiftness x2 -Grey hair from a human elder, x2 -Shell of a Tortoise (or Turtle), x2 Creation: -All symbols, as well as the elder hairs and shell of a tortoise (or tutle), must be ground into separate powders using a mortar and pestle -The base must be used to fill a cauldron halfway, having pre-measured for the rest of the ingredients to make up the second half (note, double the volume would be required in the case of an undistilled water base as opposed to a lard base). -The base must then be heated above an open flame until beginning to fry (if lard) or boil (if undistilled water). -Coldness should be added and stirred until no longer visible. -Curtailment should then be added and stirred until no longer visible. -Death should then be added at the same time as the ground grey hairs, and stirred until the elixir turns black. -The shell should then be mixed in along with swiftness until no longer visible. -All heat should then be removed from the cauldron, allowing the mixture to rapidly cool and thicken (if undistilled water is used) or solidify into a fatty paste (if lard is used). Effects: When applied as a paste the Fogey’s Elixir acts as an aging lotion, causing skin and certain areas to sag, wrinkle and develop liver spots wherever applied. Noses and ears to enlarge and bulge whilst sprouting thick grey hair from within. Eyes become yellowed and bloodshot and (with thick application) fade to a complete milky white. The elixir will also cause pre-existing scalp hair to grey and (with thick application of the Elixir) eventually bald, whilst also causing pre-existing facial hair to grey and (with thick application) become matted and frayed. The elixir can also be applied to the teeth to cause wear and yellow staining, whilst thick application can cause them to wear away entirely, whilst drinking the elixir will give the added effect of worn vocal chords to maintain the illusion of an elder tone of voice, whilst thick application can induce loss of voice. It should be noted that all changes brought on by the Fogey Elixir are skin-deep, however, and will only serve the purpose of causing accelerated aging in an aesthetic manner. Whilst it certainly has the potential for malicious use, the Fogey Elixir would not function as a sort of poison to afflicted one with Arthritis, Hemorrhoids, Altzheimers or other age-related illnesses. Similarly, beneath the guise of faux old age the user’s organs, muscles and mind would still behave as healthily and effectively as they had prior to the elixir. The key difference noted in use of the base is concentration. Using water as a base will provide double the amount of the elixir, at half the effectiveness, and the inverse when using lard as a base. A quart jar filled with a lard-base of the elixir will be much thicker, and have the potential to age areas it has been applied to up to 150 years, though this jar would only be able to cover the hands, head, mouth (excluding vocal chords) and neck of a subject. Using the same ingredients, but replacing the lard with a doubled volume of water would in turn allow for two quart jars to be filled, though each jar would only have the potential to age areas it has been applied to up to 75 years, though having two quart jars would permit subjects to cover all areas. The effects of the Fogey Elixir will linger until the subject surpasses the age they’ve attempted to appear as, or until an equal measure of years is de-aged using the Sprog’s Elixir. The effects of the Fogey Elixir on elves opting to appear any older than 30 will linger (as they will never naturally age past any older than an adulthood) permanently until an equal measure of years is de-aged using the Sprog’s Elixir. The effects similarly cannot be reversed by mundane, magical or alchemical healing with the exceptions of appearance-altering surgeries physically moving wrinkled and sagging flesh. Redlines: -The Elixir will not impact a subject’s lifespan. -The Elixir cannot positively or negatively impact a subject’s physical or mental health. This includes any and all age-affiliated changes to height, muscle mass, cognitive function or organ efficiency. -The Elixir is only capable of causing aesthetic changes, bar changes to teeth or hair. -The Elixir cannot be reversed by the effects of other skin, hair or dental specific potions. The only cure is the Sprog’s Elixir or intense surgery to literally reconstruct one’s appearance. -Years will be ‘added’ in accordance with the lifespan of a subject’s relative race, in accordance with the water/lard quart guidance given above. In this regard, a newborn Human would only need to add 150 years to achieve an appearance of their maximum old age whilst newborn Orcs and Dwarves would need to add up to 500 years for the same effects (which would require more 3 and ⅓ more Elixir), and so on. Elves are the exception to this, experiencing the potion at the same potency as humans and appearing effectively identical to humans when elderly, bar their physical shapes, skin and hair colours and ear shapes. -There is no ‘Greater Fogey’s Elixir’ or ‘Lesser Fogey’s Elixir’; potency of the Elixir is determined by its base and how much/ little is applied in accordance with the water/lard quart guidance above. -This potion has no effect on Frost Witches or Striga. All other creature/ magical/ alchemical means of ‘polymorphing’ to change one’s physical skin, hair, eyes and teeth will still function normally albeit individuals in these circumstances will have their ‘default’ appearance changed in accordance with the elixir. -This elixir requires tier two in alchemy to create. -This elixir is categorised as ‘common’ and can be self taught by any tier three alchemist who is able to obtain the elixir for study.
  18. “Very misinformed.” grumbles a suspiciously knowledgeable nine year old as he discards the book onto the Eternal Library’s floor.
  19. Imagine hosting a communal website and a server for free for years, turning no profit, just to see people whine about ads... 

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      I’m just worried that the new ads are a result of LOTC being in a poor financial situation.

    2. AlphaMoist


      People are allowed to be upset at things that ruin the website. The large banner ad at the top of the screen makes it extremely difficult to access my notifications or scroll quickly to the top of the page without actually clicking the ad. It makes it EXTREMELY difficult to do apps on mobile as well. 

      I normally don’t care about ads, but when they’re belligerently being blasted in my face with a bright, ugly boxes and actually begin to affect my experience with the server, that’s when I start complaining. So here I am complaining. 

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