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The King Of The Moon

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Everything posted by The King Of The Moon

  1. Why have any lore that can’t be metagamed, by that logic? Information should be obtained IC. People should have their own cultural distinctions and in-character beliefs about what a magic/ creature is called and how they think it works that is distinct from their OOC knowledge obtained from the forums.
  2. Origin The Nine Archons, commanding a legion of dreadknights under Setherien’s banner prior to their conversion. The Undying Sahir The story of the first silit begins with the twilight years of the first strigae court. Hazm Alhazred, a delegate in the Alnorid Sultanate, was a powerful wizard and scryer famed amongst his contemporaries as court mage to the Emirs and even the Sultan himself. His fame attracted a striga agent to turn him to consolidate power in the region amongst the ruling human nation. As the years passed and more were turned, it became increasingly apparent to the Unseen that with each passing generation of striga their influence waned more and more. More elders were deployed and more still turned their backs in pursuit of their own ambitions. Hazm was no exception. The Unseen cult reached its peak in the sands of Alnorid some time around the fourteenth century though to Hazm it had felt like many more. The taste of blood had run sour. His great talents in the cosmic arcane had been lost in his exchange for eternity, his influence amongst the Farfolk nobility squandered and his position reduced to that of an outcast, a monster forced to roam the deserts of eastern Abu’Khourn in wait of another wisened generation’s passing. His experiments, which he once had tackled with such ambition and cruelty, had now all either been concluded or simply bored him. The immortal’s servants had all outgrown him once he’d figured out how to grant them his own blessings and now sought only to impress the Unseen. It’d been at least three cycles of awakening since Hazm himself had last cared to meet with the next Unseen arising from their fifty-year slumber, a task he’d since deferred to other distant elders who undertook such with religious vigour. After many years of absence to the moots of strigae, he had hoped himself dead and forgotten in the eyes of his estranged brethren. He had sought immortality and fulfillment and found only the former. What good, he’d oft ponder in his great dusty halls and libraries, is an eternal life of yearning? It was then that Hazm eventually decided to search for a way of furthering his condition, hoping to restore the great magical prowess he’d once known. It was a long line of black sacraments and secluded studies that then led him to try and understand the Unseen’s power and its relation to mortals, with hopes to subvert it and remake himself anew: a wizard of flesh who had cheated death. Such things led him far from Aeldin into the company of the dragon Setherien and his band of sorcerers after his mortal lineage had passed onto Anthos and one such descendant sought him out. As prestigious as he had once been perhaps it was they who could unlock the secrets of volatile energy found in the blood of man. The Stone Serpent In the years following his arrival, Hazm had become a figure of interest to the drake Malghourn. Setherien’s former general had rounded up Hazm and his nine followers after their and the harbingers’ defeat. Each of the cabal was an archon of ancient blood magic who the enlightened drake sought to experiment upon. Desperate to prevent his own grizzly fate as corrupt stone and fearful of following in his old master’s footsteps and falling mad, Malghourn had become fascinated with the what exactly the Unseen had done to create Hazm, both for the potential it had to spare himself and to bolster his own ranks. After the drakaar’s death upon the Golden Lance Hazm had been seduced by Malghourn’s promises of restoring his magic, and the blood mage cabal had too been seduced by Malghourn’s promise to gift them each with immortality, unending power and riches, and a realm of their own for privacy, seclusion, and dominion. In the year 1461 Malghourn made good on his promises to the nine archons though Hazm’s fate had been far more grizzly. The Red Nexus, some had dubbed it, was an ancient lexicon of blood magic. It’d come into his possession following Setherien’s death, though even Malghourn wasn’t sure if it was his or made by an even earlier dragaar. With its extensive insights on blood magic and with the bohra his late master had captured for conversion Malghourn conceived a grand ritual where the boarfolk would serve as a font of power. The final remnants of their flawed race were exsanguinated to fuel the great feat, their blood poured into a field where the Red Nexus and great many runes laid. Hazm, without his magic, could only sit atop the great crimson stone and watch the drake and his occult company practice their ancient craft. It was when the last sacrifice’s blood had been let that he felt it. Searing pain filled the ancient elf, his body being torn apart first. Immortal, he was less concerned given his previous deaths and reformations until he noticed the sensation hadn’t stopped. The striga’s incorporeal spirit screamed and cried as it was split into ten upon the Red Nexus. The lexicon beneath him fractured and broke into ten, one still considerably large gem with nine shards floating off of it. Each swallowed the pieces of his soul whilst flurries of scarlet mist travelled between his followers and a shard of their own alongside Malghourn and the largest remaining piece. The last thought to pass through Hazm Alhazred’s mind was those of betrayal, as he had been made into nought more than a blueprint. The Nine Archons By the time they awoke from the ritual the nine archons felt changed. Each came to notice the silence within them, their genus-awakened minds finding no pulse, and thereafter became aware of an ease in movement, weightlessly hovering in place where they had each once stood. They could see clearly despite the dark blizzard shielding away the sun and soon noticed that the pieces of the nexus they had broken off for themselves were gone, bar the largest which Malghourn loomed over. His draconic body, once withered and in parts calcified, had been reborn anew. They could see walls of muscle quaking beneath his scales, now a heavy crimson, and the dragon’s fangs had grown significantly. Something about the serpent to the nine seemed menacing. The smell of fear hung in the air that they shared with him until finally they were addressed. “Traitors.” Malghourn spoke, rumbling a blizzard of rock-salt out of the surrounding cliffs around them with his sheer volume. “Your dear friend… torn apart by his own company’s avarice.” The archons exchanged glances, guiltily. They were struck with the realisation that they had been approached and bargained with individually by Malghourn. Each had been given the same promise in secret and each had taken it; all of them had been as willing to betray their master and, with the exception of Numir and Carical, each other more than likely. It became increasingly evident that this was intentional. “You are immortal as promised. You still have your powers as promised. What I demand is your recognition. Your souls are bound to the blood shards which I have carefully scattered. Fear not, my children, for your bonds to the shards are as ethereal as the libraries they contain; if destroyed they shall reform inevitably by my hand if not by my unwitting apprentices. Know this: I can undo what we have done. The lovers shall be sovereign and for me build a world of troops and cattle. This trio,” he indicated with pointed claws, “shall bear tasks of their own to empower my forces, and the strays - the weakest among you - you must earn my favour.” Details And thus began the nine bloodlines of the first siliti. True to his oath, Malghourn ensured each archon was gifted a realm coupled with its own duties: [Sovereign] Numir, the King Once human, Numir was a lowborn stablemaster from one of the scattered proto-Raevir peasant branches that would unify years later under the Kingdom of Aesterwald. Of suspiciously fair hair and skin, the young Numir was mistakenly believed to have been of high elven descent by marauding dreadknights and taken before the old order of blood with hopes of being utilised for his potent genus, in light of Haelun’orian scarcity during its isolationist period. Whilst such lineage was not found, the enslaved Raevir did show promise in deciphering the runic script and esoteric spells of the order, being taken in and recognised as a blood mage prodigy amongst Setherien’s ranks prior to falling into the Stone Serpent’s inner circle. It was under Malghourn’s stewardship that Numir was introduced to the farfolk magistress Carical, with whom he soon became infatuated. When tasked with finding the elusive strigae to bring before his draconic lord for means of study, Numir followed Carical’s lead to western Aeldin. By way of blood rifts their journey led them to the Undying Sahir, Hazm, with which Numir soon developed a deep respect and fraternity as a pseudo parental figure, spending some years in good company together once they returned to Anthos. One of the more comprehensive to Malghourn’s suggested betrayal, Numir eventually caved to the idea of sacrificing Hazm in exchange for the chance to rule his own realm as king, an opportunity no magic nor dragon could have offered in his homeland. Such plagues Numir to this day as one of his greatest regrets, to the extent that his and Carical’s shared dominion was named in the sahir’s memory. Numir now maintains the courts of the Kingdom of Hazmstadt as its king, his own realm being interwoven with his spouse’s: one a farm-world of human livestock, the other a world-spanning kingdom of siliti subjects and nobles. The two keep the true ownership of each realm a secret between them lest one’s authority be questioned. It is from the Kingdom of Hazmstadt that most siliti hail and also part of the reason why the siliti tend to overwhelmingly be former humans, with occasional human livestock winning an elder’s favour and ascending to become siliti, as well as the cultural centre of all siliti. Over centuries of near total isolation among the stars, the Night Courts of Hazmstadt came to perceive themselves as godly in contrast to their mortal fare, adopting the holy tongue of flexio as their own, albeit bastardised by qualasheem and raev influences that resulted in the 'Immortal Tongue' that is Hazmeză, widely spoken throughout the Kingdom whilst also adopted as cultural code by many vampires on the mortal plane. Upon their dual thrones of Hazmstatd, Numir and his Queen, Carical, are protected – or perhaps watched – by an elite order silit warriors known officially as the Cavalerii Sângeri (the ‘Blood Knights’) and more colloquially as the ‘Dreadguard’. At times ordained by Malghourn himself, the Dreadguard’s members arise from groups of Hallin Kord’s choosing, on a last-man-standing basis from a recruitment pool of what some speculate to be hundreds of the silit soldiery’s most skilled warriors. Their unofficial title comes from the strange custom of donning the cursed armour of Setherien’s great dreadknight legions of yore, as well as adopting the pseudonym of historic dreadlords that once reigned over the fallen dragaar’s soul-bound army. Whilst usually acting in the best interest of the Nine, common gossip amongst Hazmstatd’s courts suggests their true loyalty is to Malghourn alone, serving to keep the Trio – including even Hallin Kord himself – in check. Numir's bloodline has strong will and are expert liars; their body language cannot betray their intent and always seem to be telling the truth. [Sovereign] Carical, the Queen Once human, Carical belongs to the long line of Alhazred, distantly descended from Hazm himself and hailing from eastern Anthos. She now maintains the courts of the Kingdom of Hazmstadt as its queen, her own realm being interwoven with her spouse’s: one a farm-world of human livestock, the other a world-spanning kingdom of siliti subjects and nobles. The two keep the true ownership of each realm a secret between them lest one’s authority be questioned. It is from the Kingdom of Hazmstadt that most siliti hail, and also part of the reason why the siliti tend to overwhelmingly be former humans, with occasional human livestock winning an elder’s favour and ascending to become siliti. (This Archon’s origin and motives are left undefined at present, as it is our intent to allow ST interested in using this character for future events to reach out to us and collaborate on a story befitting their purpose) Carical's bloodline has a matronly disposition and tactful minds; their charm is immense, allowing them to use the rite of restraints on siliti to stage 1. [Trio] Hallin Kord, the Quartermaster Once human, Hallin Kord now oversees Malghourn’s armies as his lieutenant. He is infamous amongst the Kingdom of Hazmstadt as Malghourn’s drafter, often coming to the realm to conscript siliti recruits for another of the dragon’s campaigns from which, near immortal as the siliti may be, very few often return. Fiercely loyal, his realm is not truly his, but in fact a base of operations for the stone serpent’s militia, scattered with countless fortresses and training camps. (This Archon’s origin and motives are left undefined at present, as it is our intent to allow ST interested in using this character for future events to reach out to us and collaborate on a story befitting their purpose) Hallin Kord's bloodline has a penchant for honor and enhanced muscle memory, allowing them to learn physical crafts and techniques twice as fast. [Stray] Cadmium, the Witch Once human, Cadmium was a sorceress who taught in the late years of Rivel after its castle had been sacked by the old dwarves of Urguan’s Hall and its flying citadel was fractured by Aeriel and Iblees’ vicious battle at the end of Aegis. Raised amongst the multicultural mage community that lingered in the ruins there, she was dear friends with two others of the splintered college, that of the dwarf Solomon and human Nirta. Their lives with their families upon the scattered floating islands of lost Rivel were harsh at times but the vast wealth of knowledge that lingered in the castles gave them the tools to prosper. Cadmium grew to be a brilliant mage by gleaning information from the troves of books scattered throughout Rivel where her fascination with the legendary Rasmot began and even learned of blood magic by tutelage of Nirta’s father. Despite increasing numbers and prospects for reuniting the shards of Rivel and rebuilding the lost college, the corruption of a man’s heart proved disastrous to their eclectic clan. In a night where Cadmium and Solomon had ventured off to plunder the great libraries they had returned in a panic where the community had been laid to waste in gorey fashion with carnage rampant between the homes. Before a great, spiraling gate of red mercury stood Nirta wailing into the night as her father dragged her into the portal, flanked by a pair of Mori’quessir, otherworldly dark elves in the eyes of Cadmium and Solomon. Panicked, they scoured the remnants of Rivel just briefly where they found everyone slaughtered to fuel the rift. Disheartened, they gathered their essentials and with confusion, terror, and bravery took to the portal in search of Nirta if not only for revenge upon her father. Spat out into a black cave, the pair were lost and slowly ventured out to find themselves lost in the realm of Asulon where they grew and learned more of the world. There they met a far superior court of blood mages who, given their talents, inducted them and treated them as their own. Cadmium gained a silver tongue and mastered summoning rituals, once unleashing a horror upon the frozen village of Skravia and in turn one of her students eventually conjured a now-famous horror, Achan-Chatla. Amongst this court she was granted one of the first marrows which allowed her unnatural life but a far cry from immortality which also granted her extremely fluid movement, her peers mockingly calling her a witch that haunted the halls. Eventually she and her childhood friend came into the service of Setherien and warred on his behalf, there meeting the sentient drake general of his, Malghourn, where they mingled with the other blood mages. Their cooperation after Setherien’s demise led to the Night of Ten Treacheries where Malghourn had swayed her with promises of the power to finally locate Nirta and her father, to rebuild her home, and to even rival Rasmot. Accepting his deal and taking part in the ritual she saw the fault in her judgement which struck her with shame for not only had she been willing to sell out her peers but even Solomon and he, her. Cadmium then took on her title as the Witch and toiled away in her realm, the smallest of the nine, a twisting castle of endless chambers, stairwells, and halls with no exterior. Repeatedly underestimated by Malghourn thanks to her silver tongue - one of the few able to deceive him - she hides her true power and keeps to her mission: her chambers contain sets of gateways into different planes where she desperately searches for the great wizard Rasmot, thinking perhaps he if anyone could assist her. Cadmium's bloodline has a keenness for theatrics, art, and expression and extreme flexibility and grace, that of dancers and contortionists and keen hand-eye coordination. [Trio] Mictlanti, the Turnkey Once a dark elf, Mictlanti was among the first of Malin’s line to set foot on Asulon, second only to Zanunder after having been ambushed by orcish slavers and chased through Nemiisae’s portals to the Verge and then upon Asulon with his Laurelin scouting party. There he fought hard to sustain a family in that accursed land, struggling against the elements and many hostile factions and beasts. His work as a craftsman was only so valuable when his small group of peers were more concerned about eating and finding shelter. Disgruntled by their situation while squatting in a ruin amongst colossal trees, Mictlanti whittled away at an interlocking wooden ring, a gift he intended to offer a wood elven woman who had his eye. Then instructed to forage by his company’s officer, Mictlanti hid his carving and reluctantly ventured deeper into the great wood. Unfortunately for him he was soon after come upon by venturing Mori’quessir who hunted in the shade of the grand canopy wherein he was soon taken below and inspected, a rare sight. The high priestesses were unsure of what to do with the elf for he was obviously no child of Nemiisae and inherently of lesser worth as a male. When his carving tools and gift were seized from his pockets however, they did find value in him. Mictlanti was enslaved as many were by the Mori’quessir and he served as a carpenter and learned the ways of gemcutting and jeweling from a poor male Mori relegated to the smithy. He quickly showed great skill for such crafts and was regarded as a master - but still a slave - within two years. Turmoil erupted in Menocress during the Terafil rebellion where Mictlanti was nearly killed for having last made a dresser for a Terafil noble were it not for a high lord of the Malachai stepping in to spare him, making light of his skill. During the conflict Mictlanti’s master was slain and soon after the same high lord bought him to be his personal craftsman. Under his wing, Mictlanti was treated with uncommon grace and taught artificery and the ways of enchantment. As the confidence in their relationship increased and the elf produced remarkable works the Malachai leader revealed himself, dismissing an illusion which revealed him to be a human. Deeply confused, the man informed him of his magical talents and saw great potential in Mictlanti, willing to invest in him by teaching him of powers greater than mere Voidal enchantment but of the raw power hidden in the blood of mortals. Intrigued and bewildered, he accepted. As the years passed Mictlanti showed an equal knack for the dark art, their union creating objects of power of great use. His affinity also proved tainting as his mind deteriorated the more his skills were refined and Mictlanti forgot compassion and peace. Years later, the Mori imposter was discovered either fled or was slain by the Mori’quessir, Mictlanti did not know. What he did know was that his position was therein compromised and when the guard came for him they were outmatched. Having plundered his master’s home for their many artifacts and objects of power, Mictlanti made a bloody escape through Menocress before eventually emerging from the waterfall entrance. He was met in the dark wood by an ominous bunch, a collection of blood mages come to aid their previous member. All they knew was that he was gone and in turn there before them stood a prodigy of his tutelage; the court inducted Mictlanti and he, a free man once more, reveled in his newfound capabilities. Amongst the court he became a specialist in invention, using creation rituals to craft the wildest of relics. His services were employed by Setherien once the court came under his dominion and he served as an architect in the Red Realm where he aided in the invention of the Black Scourge’s war machines and grand, wicked structures. With only mild appreciation for his peers amongst the court, taking to Eireamhan and Numir the most, he did not hesitate much to take Malghourn’s deal. After the ritual however he most especially lamented his decision upon realizing his true feelings for Hazm, a man of true gentile quality. As an Archon, Mictlanti became the Turnkey, Malghourn’s judicator which sparked his invention of the rite of rest and the creation of crimson coffins. He became more jaded and cruel after repeatedly being tasked to extract information from prisoners and his self hatred ate at him for his dismissive betrayal of Hazm, leading Mictlanti to spiral to become a bitter misanthrope, believing himself among the worst. Mictlanti broods within his realm of endless cells, cages, coffins, tombs, and dungeons in a labyrinth without exterior where he tends to prisoners and sealed away relics and monstrosities Malghourn wishes to torment, await execution, or be locked away and forgotten for eternity. Mictlanti's bloodline has a fine appreciation for music and are inherently composed and are comfortable being statue-like - still and silent - for as long as they wish without going mad or getting tired, an invaluable skill when imprisoned. [Stray] Solomon, the Scholar Once a dwarf, Solomon is rumoured to have invented the first dreadknights before the blood mages first surfaced in Asulon. An alchemist, philosopher and inventor, Solomon’s realm is a far-stretching taiga on which an odd blend between a factory and a college exists. There he reluctantly builds siege engines and other science-magic hybrid machines and tools for Hallin Kord’s soldiers. (This Archon’s origin and motives are left undefined at present, as it is our intent to allow ST interested in using this character for future events to reach out to us and collaborate on a story befitting their purpose) Solomon's bloodline has a keen eye and appreciation for detail, to the extent of being able to envision the texture and makeup of alchemical reagents (as well as potions if they are already masterful alchemists) without the need of an ocular apparatus. This only functions on items within one block, for the sole purpose of deciphering signs and symbols. [Stray] Illia, the Collector Once a high elf and the weakest of the archons in terms of both physical and magical prowess, Illia’s realm is both a library and museum rivaling even those of Ixli, the spirit of forbidden knowledge itself. Pacifistic and quietly unwilling to fight for Malghourn, she is often found visiting the mortal plane disguised as an old wise woman, pinching books from libraries and tricking mages out of their artifacts in order to have them gather dust in her halls, all the while operating on the pretence to be ‘curating tools for Malghourn’. She has a deep rivalry with Solomon, whose blueprints and inventions are hoarded in his own realm. It is from Illia’s vast collection that the Dreadguard will source it’s armour, the bowels of her hoard rumoured to contain a thousand fallen dreadknights, whilst some speculate there are even weapons capable of granting Malghourn power beyond godhood in her collection but are buried so far beneath an ocean of useless trinkets that the Stone Serpent hasn’t bothered to check nor could most attempt to begin a search. (This Archon’s origin and motives are left undefined at present, as it is our intent to allow ST interested in using this character for future events to reach out to us and collaborate on a story befitting their purpose) Illia’s bloodline possesses the psychic ability of ‘dowsing’ wherein they can locate mundane objects (or written words) through supernatural means within 1 block (such as finding a desired object in a cluttered drawer or desired line in a passage) instantly. They are commonly covetous and hoard things. [Trio] Krogak, the Headhunter Once an orc, Krogak is a former devout of Enrokh, a shamanic warlord whose bloodlust is said to have remained constant since even before his time amongst siliti. Even more universally hated by the other siliti than Hallin Kord, during the years following their transformation he is the only of the Archons known to have visited the mortal plane and hunt descendants in the desert, unafraid of even the Unseen present there. Maddened by his thirst and the most physically imposing of the archons, the Headhunter serves Malghourn out of bloodlust with an affinity for violence, sent to eliminate the Stone Serpent’s enemies and begrudgingly deliver some to Mictlanti’s prison alive at times. Fresh siliti and the children of the Kingdom of Hazmstadt are commonly told to check for a ‘Krogak in the closet’ before bed. (This Archon’s origin and motives are left undefined at present, as it is our intent to allow ST interested in using this character for future events to reach out to us and collaborate on a story befitting their purpose) Krogak’s bloodline has poor empathy yet find purpose easily to which they cling and possess ivory teeth as well as 2 extra pairs of retractable fangs, one on top and one on bottom. [Stray] Eireamhan, the Hermit Once a wood elf and perhaps the least known about of the archons (so much so that residents of the Kingdom of Hazmstadt often believe there to be only eight), Eireamhan’s abilities and talents are unknown. Rumour has it that Eireamhan attempted to liberate the siliti from Malghourn but was backstabbed by Mictlanti, whilst other stories suggest he only slighted the Stone Serpent and Mictlanti wasn’t involved at all. One thing that is certain is that Eireamhan’s realm has become his prison for at least three hundred years where he is trapped in a sprawling plane to wander alone in its wilderness. (This Archon’s origin and motives are left undefined at present, as it is our intent to allow ST interested in using this character for future events to reach out to us and collaborate on a story befitting their purpose) Eireamhan's bloodline is unknown as he has been exiled to his plane for centuries and no known siliti come from him. The archons mostly frequent the outer planes for safety for whilst Malghourn is their maker and requires them for errands and duties they are by no means safe from him or from one another. Red Lines -The nine Archons can only be played by ST given managerial approval. -The information in this post can only be learned through legitimate roleplay, tightly kept among silit circles. -Using the word ‘siliti’ is the draconic term for slaves, used by Malghourn and viewed as too taboo to echo by the nine Archons. In this sense using silit / siliti in roleplay is metagaming, period. Purpose The nine archons solidify the aesthetic of ritualistic blood magic and mystical vampires as an alternative fashion to the old Dragon Age super-mage we’ve seen time and again where the actual magical properties are balanced and roleplay friendly while still allowing for the more ridiculous possibilities for ST events. Focusing on a conflict with dragonkin, each other, and the communities they enter, the nine are much more public and interactive vampires as opposed to striga which can more easily enable vampire hunting style events and roleplay. In the same vein, healthy conflict can arise between the two breeds of ‘vampire’ (should it be desired) as well as between the nine as internal struggles, given their thematically appropriate split in wants and desires. As world lore, nine archons tie off the loose ends of the Asulon blood mage eventline and Anthos Black Scourge eventline by folding the 2.0 and 3.0 antagonists into the conclusion of the bohra extinction while adding a solid foundation for future event lines and old narrative conflicts. It opens the door to future tie-ins with ST projects regarding mystical, fantastical vampires, Hazmstadt (or the other eight realms and their respective characters), and the future schemes of Malghourn. Citations Pale Blood Magic Strigae Malghourn Siliti Credits: Mordu (Co-author) Zarsies (Co-author)
  3. ((The term ‘animii’ has been avoided by the plague by all animii crafters, it is more than likely metagamed terminology and it would be appreciated if you didn’t broadcast it. My advice is to use the term ‘engineering’))
  4. Every day we stray further from God.
  5. Maybe I’ll change the amount needed for alchemy use to 32 instead of 1, since that raises a good argument. I’m hesitant to rely on nodes for obtaining redstone as minecraft items aren’t really restrictable behind lore, and an alternative to redstone isn’t ideal either as redstone is already used in other areas of alchemy lore like Animati and Macro Animii.
  6. The Core Processes of Alchemy In the creation of all alchemical products, alchemists rely upon symbols - sometimes prefixed with signs - as their catalogue of ingredients, which when extracted from substances found in botany and elsewhere are combined atop a base to describe the intended creation. More information on signs and symbols can be found here: Whilst all material matter is composed of some combination of the signs and symbols, they are only made manifest to a useful extent in a select few substances - known otherwise as reagents. These circumstances allow for the representations of said substances to be observed, studied, and measured under scrutiny from any journeyman or higher skilled alchemist, allowing for the alchemist to employ them masterfully in their material art. Identification Signs and symbols must be identified in reagents before extraction. When not able to simply be told of the signs and symbols contained in a reagent, an alchemist may inspect it closely to determine what properties a material has, and how they may be used. Extraction The key to utilising signs and symbols is to draw them out of their reagent via extraction. There are five methods through which this can be achieved, relating to the desired sign prefix upon a symbol. Mixing The primary use of alchemy; to concoct and create potions which bear a plethora of effects. The creation of potion is performed through the process of Mixing - that is, the addition of signs or symbols to a base. Often, various additional steps will be necessary to unlock further potency in the final creation - varying from product to product. The Core Reagents of Alchemy ‘Reagents’ are an umbrella term in alchemy, referring to materials that contain potent enough measures of signs and symbols for use in alchemical processes, be they botanical or otherwise. Blood Yellow Bile Black Bile Phlegm Mana Lifeforce Redstone Ectoplasm -Reagents pertaining to the body have no further tangible effects on bodily processes or medical treatments than described. -Reagents may only be utilized in craft of player-signed potions, and may not be utilized for ST-Signed Alchemy.
  7. That’s something that’ll be confirmed in the announcement, but I’m personally aiming for 5. Administration might want to keep it standardised though (which is why it’s not in this piece).
  8. The specifics of grandfathering upon implementation are still something being discussed with administration. Once this lore is approved you can expect an announcement detailing what’ll come next with regards to applications.
  9. Alchemy The Alchemical Map, a natural philosopher’s depiction of the Material Plane and its metaphysical ordering. Origin Ancient as the veil itself, the potential of alchemy has been bound to matter for all recorded history. Whilst some might point to the ancient tower of Llull, the land of Camnius, the world of Val’Garis as proposed points of origination for the craft’s acceleration into a definable study, throughout all ages Men and later Descendants with a desire to measure and quantify this mortal plane and others like it have found the signs and symbols of creation, as well as means of harnessing them, to varying levels of success. The signs and symbols of alchemy are old, visualised by the material alphabet a set of runes identical to many vast scripts – such as runesmithing and blood magic – which bend and manipulate the veil itself, without true ‘magical’ influence from the void nor deities. Debate naturally rages on between natural philosophers, then, as to which iteration of the language came first, its true purpose and its origin, with each proposed explanation more outlandish than the last. The only constant in this speculation is that the craft belongs to the material, completely alien to freshly breached Voidal Horrors and Aengudaemons not versed in the more constant physical planes beyond their own. A concept – and potential – exclusively tied to the sculptable mundane. Explanation Natural philosophy - ‘alchemy’ - can be defined as the study of all mundane energy and matter that makes up the material realms contained within the veil. At its core it is what we in our world would call science: chemistry, biology and physics all rolled into a singular discipline. Whilst some dabble in niche extremes like tinkering, mutation and taboo experiments with flesh and the soul (oft identified as ‘further alchemy’), the core of the field is split between its three main pillars: Symbols and signs: the periodic table identifying elemental and metaphysical modifiers behind all matter. Botany, reagents and processing: wherein signs and symbols are identified in extra potent matter for extraction and use. Potioncraft: in which the aforementioned are paired and exploited to achieve countless ends. On Alchemists Tier Progression Alchemy is staggered into three tiers, rather than the usual five seen in most magic. These determine an Alchemist’s level of experience, dictating what sorts of alchemical processes they can access and to what extent. Note: Below the word ‘measure’ when used in this context refers to what would equal that which RPly equates an MC item representing a product of alchemy in a character’s possession (usually a bottle of something). Tier One Apprentice level alchemists are those in their first two saint’s weeks of study. They are capable of making a number of base level potions though must depend on others to identify reagent properties for them (either by use of written instruction or with a teacher’s supervision), unable to yet deduce signs and symbols from botany and other sources by themselves. The material alphabet, whilst possessing the same loose meaning as it does to all creatures native to the mortal plane, will still be lacking complex interpretation for an apprentice alchemist. Apprentice level alchemists can only create batches of one measures from one recipe at a time, over the period of a saint’s day. -Tier one begins in the first two OOC weeks following an app’s approval. -Cannot identify signs and symbols in a substance by themself. -Can make one potion or equivalent alchemic creation per IRL day. This does not factor in recipes achieved with further alchemy pieces and their own established cooldowns. -Can access tier one recipes. Tier Two Journeyman alchemists are those who have studied alchemy for upwards of three saint’s weeks. They are capable of making a number of intermediate level potions and can also deduce signs and symbols from reagents by themselves, becoming a lot more self sufficient and less reliant on textbooks or instructors. The material alphabet can be read and understood at considerably more depth to the journeyman alchemist, who will easily be able to utilise ‘reagent rings’ and ‘transmutation circles’ for the purpose of decoding recipes. Journeyman alchemists can create batches of two from two recipes at a time, over the period of a saint’s day. -Tier two begins in the third OOC week following an app’s approval. -Can make two potions or equivalent alchemic creations per IRL day. This does not factor in recipes achieved with further alchemy pieces and their own established cooldowns. -Can access tier one and tier two recipes. Tier Three Masterful alchemists are those who have studied alchemy for upwards of eight saint’s weeks. They are capable of decoding almost any recipe put before them with enough trial and error to understand its uses. The material alphabet can be utilised at a level almost like a second language to a masterful alchemist, to the extent where its runes can also be recorded down with precision enough for others native to the mortal plane to read and interpret them. Masterful alchemists can create batches of three from three recipes at a time, over the period of a saint’s day. -Tier three is achieved in the eighth OOC week following an app’s approval. -Can make three potions or equivalent alchemic creations per IRL day. This does not factor in recipes achieved with further alchemy pieces and their own established cooldowns. -Can access tier one, two and three recipes. -Can experiment with common potions or equivalent alchemic creations to deduce its recipe for themselves. Self Teaching Self Teaching is an option when it comes to alchemy, acting in an identical manner to the self teaching system in place for voidal magic. Self teaching exists in two forms: “Teacher Guidance” Teacher guidance is effectively normal teaching, but with added distancing. In this format, one is learning recipes from one with an accepted TA but by their own practice; and goes back to their teacher ICly or OOCly to confirm they had done their alchemy correctly. This eliminates the need for consistent scheduling or working around where some teachers may be burnt out of teaching, due to real life obligations and so on. Ex. of “Normal Teaching” Jim extracts the proper signs and symbols from the right reagents, teaching their apprentice student “John” how to process the reagent as well. Ex. of “Teacher Guidance” While Jim is away, and gives permission OOCly for this to be executed, John practices himself how to collect and process new reagents. Afterward, he goes to Jim to show him, or shows Jim OOCly (through screenshots) how such was done. “Book Teaching” Book Teaching is what truly may come to mind with “Self Teaching”. In this sense, a person seeking to learn alchemy would find story-approved and supervised texts that serve as in depth instructional guides as to how to practice alchemy. This is a true “Self Teaching”, where the player learns to do alchemy on their own; with of course, creation of the Alchemy Feat application referencing the book as a teacher. - You may have one book-teaching app across all personas. - Book teaching will require an ST approved book for each of the three tiers, either provided by the ST itself or to be submitted as a MArt for ST approval by players with an accepted TA. - Self Teaching will lengthen tier progression, meaning self-taught alchemists will remain Tier One for three OOC weeks, Tier Two beginning in the fourth OOC week and Tier Three being achieved in the twelfth OOC week following an app’s approval. Redlines - All recipes in Alchemy – as well as the ability to draw symbols from reagents and botany – require an accepted Feat to create, as well as a tier level equating the complexity of said recipe. - Alchemical Potions are available to all to use unless otherwise specified. - Alchemical Potions require three emotes to use. One to draw, one to prime, and one to throw/consume. A potion has no effect if it is not primed. To prime a potion, the potion must be deliberately be shaken or manually added with a primer to prime. Throwing/Drawing a potion would not count as priming. - A primed potion will only remain primed for two emotes, until becoming inert again, requiring priming to occur again. - A TA in Alchemy is required to teach the Feat to another player. - A feat is not required to use items created with alchemy or to utilise botany. That said being blacklisted from alchemy will render someone unable to benefit in any way from items made with alchemy. - All products of alchemy and botany (with the exception of IRL plants without provide poisonous or medicinal uses) used in roleplay must adhere to the redlines and explanation of their specific lore piece and will require up to date approved lore to be used. New recipes cannot be made through roleplay experimentation alone in this regard. - All recipes in Alchemy are divided into ‘common’ and ‘rare’ (currently accepted pieces will be updated to accommodate this). Whilst ‘common’ recipes can be self taught through the means outlined in tier three, ‘rare’ pertains to recipes gated behind Further Alchemy or explicitly requiring IC instruction to learn in said recipe’s lore. - One requires an accepted Alchemy FA before they may learn any form of Further Alchemy which utilizes alchemical processes such as Smoggers, Animatii, Tawkin, etc. Affliction does not require base alchemy in order to learn. - One is required to be a Tier 3 alchemist before they may begin to learn Further Alchemy.
  10. Henceforth all ST projects will be handled by private contractors
  11. Kinda cringe seeing people claim ‘ownership’ over a magic they’ve done nothing to save and made no proactive effort to rewrite themselves over the past YEAR since loregames began. Regardless of my opinion on this lorepiece, MA and TA wipes are very common for dead and dying magic groups. If you care so little about contributing to the server and other people’s RP that you’re not willing to put in the effort to attempt a lorepiece and reach out to the ST if you’re struggling with said writing, and would rather wait for some other schmuck to write it so you can then leach off of their piece despite no involvement and no proactive effort to have your old lore revived, you don’t deserve that decaying MA from 2016 to mean diddly-squat. Necromancers did it just fine, Afflicted did it just fine, Dark Shamans did it just fine back in the day, Striga did it just fine, ‘Werewolves’ did it just fine, Arcanists can do it just fine. MA wipes will be the norm for lore groups that currently DO NOT EXIST being brought back into existence by someone who wants to start fresh. There’s no problem with that. To the Arcanists screeching on this post here’s a TL;DR: The old Arcanism lore is bad and isn’t coming back, no-one is going to write it for you. If you think this lore is bad you should write some yourself instead. If you think it’s bad another player group will get the magic you haven’t had for a year, then reflect on how long you’ve had time to write your own lore to prevent that.
  12. Lair PRO MC Name: MorduLair Name: The Walking WorkshopProposed Lair Locations (Highlight 3 on the map): Most noteworthy vacation spots Lair Lore (could link to an existing creature or other lore) (1000 words minimum): Based in the above lore and further approved with ST-Lore and the Story admin: Lair Build and Infrastructure (photos required): A caravan sized workshop with functioning mechanical legsWhy can you not accomplish the niche of this lair’s roleplay in an existing settlement or nation? (We expect a substantial answer for this, not just ‘I don’t like them’).The ‘lair’ is a vehicle first and foremost, a mobile Macro Animii detailed further in the lore above. It is by nature designed to move between settlements and provide engineering/ alchemist RP in more than one location. Having faced issues with the past with nations changing hands and booting us from their territory as new leaders have been opposed to different types of RP (case and point a modreq made just today about us being kicked out of the orcs by a new PRO where the previous was welcoming us) we can no longer be reliant on politeness alone being the sole cause of our survival. The layout of current region rules and owner privellages makes it somewhat impossible to maintain nomadic RP when we can easily be evicted and demolished without roleplay. What does this lair add to the greater world around them?: The lair acts as a base of operations for further alchemy rp (predominantly relating to Animii and Animii Crafting) which is percieved as taboo in many nations, hindering our longterm settlement and acting as a safehaven for alchemist and animii RPers. Beyond that as a product of Macro Animii lore the vehicle also produces a smog which pollutes and enrages nearby aspects of nature, providing direct conflict RP with nearby Druids (a region would also let us put up a flag permitting this RP, like so: ).
  13. Kinda wild how I’m constantly seeing people call the server “medieval” when no-one but humans have ever RPd feudalism or anything close to peasantry and middle ages culture, social hierarchies and politics. The very same thing that was criticised by the wider server as “boring game of thrones roleplay”. Wilder still that that same group has RPly progressed beyond that for the mostpart since vailor and has had a closer RP culture to the late renaissance and early modernism, and now is being criticised by the wider server as “too modern”. The server isn’t medieval. It hasn’t been culturally close for at least 5 years now and the majority of people I see using this as an anti-gun argument seem to belong to elven, sutican, dwarven and druidic settlements which have never themselves been medieval. It’s laughable still that these same people are arguing LoTC shouldn’t ‘follow IRL progression’ but are basing their aesthetic rhetoric on the idea that we’re locked at a certain point of IRL history that has never truly been emulated... It’s not very well thought through.
  14. Make something fun and interesting for the (majority of the server) people that don’t play magic. Even if it’s just a reskin of a crossbow that does the same amount of damage, it creates a means for craftsmanship roleplay and story development, which will also have a tangible effect on the currently pointless server economy.
  15. Stop playing monks as ‘characters’. The ones in Haense this past week or so have just been vibing, walking around and having idle conversations whilst obnoxiously using trails to sparkle. They don’t seem to be ‘helping’ anyone. If CT monks are going to exist and be ‘wisemen’ no-one can attack that solely exist as a vehicle for OOCly guiding new players in how the server works, they shouldn’t be hanging around having casual chitchat with veteran players or (in the very specific case of my recent interaction) acting as an IRP nuisance by climbing onto the throne during a feast in the Reza palace and having to be RPly removed. Handing a team full of players untouchable sage characters under the vague rhetoric of ‘go help people’ doesn’t seem to have any impact on player retention. When the Application Team was handed vanish and TP way back when so that they could ‘better help new players’. At the time that was seen as more than enough and still very little tangible progress was made and it just wound up being another part of a useless pex bundle for staff to run with. Today the Community Team (the AT’s evolution) has all of this and more, as well as an IC vehicle through which they can deliver ‘support’ and all I’m seeing it used for is slice of life rascal RP. I suppose I’m echoing a lot of other people in this thread by saying the monks’ purpose is very underused, and an immediate solution to this would be giving the monk players clearcut guidelines on what they should and shouldn’t do and how they should be treating their characters, as well as clearly outlined rules the rest of the server can know them to follow and hold them against (which is especially relevant if we’re going down the same route as in years before where monks can insta-heal any injury on themselves or others without lore, and become immune to harm. Godlike characters should be forced to behave in a godlike fashion).
  16. Klaus murmurs something about wheelchair accessibility
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