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Status Updates posted by hudsun202

  1. Sitting here patiently to see if there be a Christmas art contest, got some folks I wanna draw for how much of a great year they made lotc for me :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      am i one of these persons? =DDDDDDDDDDDDd

    3. Weabootrash


      no problem man 

    4. Textarea


      Oh I remember the christmas art contest from last year... I'll submit the same image i submitted last year if it'll be a thing this year ;)

      The only criteria I remember were having a soulstone in the image and having it be about krugsmas/christmas lol

  2. My next art for a friend will be @Aesopian I'll try my best to make you look like Garfield ?  

    1. Aesopian



      Maybe I'll have something to finally put in my signature



      Please apologize!

  3. Congratulations on Trial Web Developer, maybe you can help take back the Crown and Cup, it's really gone to hell! :(


  4. If time is money, then is an ATM a time machine??

    1. Hanaki


      Gasp! My DeLorean!

  5. In Britain they call french fries "Chips" and chips they call "Crisps" I wonder what you Britain's call Onion fries, Onion Chips? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chaw


      we dont have weird american food, sorry

    3. KeatonUnbeaten


      What the **** are onion fries?

    4. Ethan the epic

      Ethan the epic

      Onion fries? Um probably onion fried .

  6. New profile picture, thought it would be best for the holidays enjoy!

  7. Also in the news....

    Spider-Man Homecoming got a trailer drop! yippee!

  8. I remember when last year the line for gifts was closed and a lot of folks were tempted to destroy the igloo krugzmas was in lol.

    1. Archbishop


      Yea and they said they could continue the event tomorrow or next weekend so others can get gifts... but never did. Thats the ET for you, don't do it again this year.

  9. I've always wondered,what would lord of the craft be like on Minecraft PE?

  10. It's always sunny in Axios


    Staring TheLemonHead as Frank Reynolds 



  11. Making a thread to see if it can be a lore accepted series :D

    1. Skylez


      I thought you were leaving the server?

    2. hudsun202


      @Skylez1 I don't believe I have mentioned at all I'd leave Lotc but rather take a break from it because of life ****,but I'm back since september.

  12. #UnbanTriscuitBiscuit

    He's served his time now let him back (;__;) 

  13. If time is money,then is a ATM a time machine?:timorous:

  14. When is TriscuitBiscuit getting unbanned?

    1. Ambduscias


      Normally when people post an appeal.

  15. Hey when do you plan on giving me my Iron VIP little tag on the forums?

    I've been patient for a long while bub!

    1. Moochael


      pm a FM about it

  16. Yo can someone change my display name to TheLemonHead I don't like the name superAawsome no more please and thanks <3 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nekkore


      yes you can do it in the account settings

    3. hudsun202


      @NekkoREEEEEAh so thats where you can change it,thanks Nekko

    4. Nekkore
  17. One of these days we'll all be happy singing koombia for now we all just well do us really :/

  18. Goodbye everyone I've known hope you all enjoy the server with one less Lemon head.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chaotikal
    3. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      K, thank you for informing us of your departure. It has been noted.

    4. Lordfulger


      See ya dude...I don't know who you are but I will miss you!

  19. Hey to those in america I have a date this Saturday and I'm wondering what movie should me and my lady watch?

    (Also no stale memes kiddos)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. iris1612


      Snowden or Suicide Squad, then? Both were pretty meh considering the hype though. Or Star Trek: Beyond or Jason Bourne. Idk much besides that. I hear Sully is good tho

    3. Remyy


      This is funny. You getting a date. Lol.


    4. hudsun202


      @Kenzi The Demon (Kry)Believe me you becoming an AT was an even bigger joke.

      Weaboos these days...

  20. @UnBaedI bought pizza and breadsticks 

    1. UnBaed


      Olive Garden breadsticks are better

  21. Hey lotc go check out my boy D4NNY

    This song will change reality as you've once seen it.

    1. hudsun202


      @Narthokthis reminds me of you for some reason.

    2. Narthok


      Probably bc I fuckin dipped eh

  22. #ColoredVIPNamesMatter


    (not changing iron vip's color to a light grey,might as well rename the rank to shiny coal)

  23. I find it sad how Marvel killed Bruce Banner I loved that son of a gun now we're stuck with Asian Hulk Jesus could this life get any worse?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hudsun202


      @Moochael I mean I don't hate Asians but this new hulk it just reminds me of how today's generation has gone south but hey I'll give this new hulk a chance if they bring bruce back and kill off the Asian I'd actually like it (Just like the movie the interview)

    3. El3aab


      Comic or Movie source?

    4. hudsun202


      @El3abb Comics,I really hope they don't kill the movie bruce banner that would just end me.

  24. Upon all the profile pictures there are those that are quite good and then there's those edgy dark emo profile picture or the meme ones I really will never know what flows through the mind of the humans behind the idea of changing they're picture to something that looks quite ironic.

    1. TinyBiceps


      what would mine be considered

    2. hudsun202
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