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    opinions of me are fan theories
  • Birthday 12/23/1999

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  1. What are your thoughts on magic characters and creatures befriending others meant to be their sworn enemy in rp?  Example is druids x void mages, or vampires and azdrazi 


    imho there should be consequences for anyone trying to ignore conflict.  This also isn’t to call out anyone specific, just a general thought 

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    2. Unwillingly


      I think its really cringe and obsessive that some people will be genuinely OOCly salty about the way characters treat one another when they're meant to be "sworn enemies" especially when there are roleplay reasons that could actually give reason as to why this may happen in the first place

      However I do think its cringe when this unexplained peace happens for no reason at all. Literally zero roleplay context could explain it. If a druid doesn't have any reason for befriending a voidal mage, and this cannot be explained RPly or OOCly other than "conflict bad hhhghgh" or "they're my friend hshdshdhs" then I think it's justified to be criticized OOCly

    3. Tetho


      ^This, tbh. It adds more to both your character's story and what not plus during those times it's best to think outside the perspective of their characters but to take on the narrator's perspective so that they will be detached to what their character are experiencing.


      The other posters have already made good points bout it so I won't go and parrot their stuffs plus we always need conflicts in our character's life if not then it'll be boring. Even a Peasant would quarrel and fight with their friends and family how can our characters not do that?"

    4. Unwillingly


      Like whether or not people like conflict, conflict is what drives good stories. You can still have a story without conflict, but it will probably be lackluster and boring. This druids vs voidal mages, holy mages vs dark mages, elves vs orcs, etc etc trope should be taken advantage of in my opinion because the server could be exposed to so much more roleplay if we, the players, just allowed conflict to happen. At this point it isn't even a "staff withhold conflict from us" issue because conflict is something many players themselves reject

      Instead we have druids wanting to befriend voidal mages, elven citizens wanting to give orcs rights, openly gay elves completely disregarding the elvish curse. All of these things completely contradict irl years worth of lore and depth just because some people OOCly dislike conflict, so they decide their characters will as well. 

      Like **** man let me criticize a banditing slaver orc in RP without being bombarded by SJW orc activists 

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