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9227 Rep Farm Business Owner

About UnBaed

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    opinions of me are fan theories
  • Birthday 12/23/1999

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  1. How come when you RP knocking down a door or picking a lock the lock on the door isn't removed?  It makes no sense to knock down a door but still not be able to open it without a mod present.  I understand removing the lock could lead to others locking the owner of the door out but maybe just have the mod lock it or remove the door along with leaving a sign.  I've noticed that signs aren't left behind when breaking in so people have no idea what happened.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. UnBaed


      Well having to re-add people is sort of a part of the RP, a door breaks down you get a new one with new locks most likely.  Then you're gonna get new keys for everyone.  I guess removing the lock for a picked door might seem kinda too much, so maybe add the player(s) who picked it and the owner could remove them when fixing/replacing the door.  Also, I'm on mobile now so typos might've been made

    3. Ever


      Yeah, but that's a pain. Sometimes you don't remember who's on a lock, stuff like that. I once accidentally broke a door and had to spend nearly half an hour going through 20+ pages of logs to find out who was on a single door. 

    4. FreeHongKong


      As someone who has had to manage a citizen door for a town/keep hybrid **** breaking the door. When the list is so damn big it starts to glitch out when you view who is added to the door their is no replacing the people on that.


      Honestly would prefer a GM adding someone the intruder to the doors perms more than anything.

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