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Status Updates posted by UnBaed

  1. I don't think I've ever yelled the word, "No," at my TV so much while clutching my face.  Thank you, Game of Thrones.

  2. Gus is that you?

  3. hope this patch finally fixes the issue with copying books

    1. 501warhead


      That isn't in this update but it's coming soon. 1.12 added a lot of complications to book copying but we're working on getting it back for everyone ASAP!

    2. UnBaed


      Understood.  Hope it can get fixed soon, been having to hold off a couple of RP sessions with people because of it :(

    1. mmat


      looks like she's gonna ******* shank someone

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Archipelego
    3. UnBaed


      Feel like her jaw might be a little too thin/longer than I had wanted, but I'm still trying to practice more

    4. Archipelego


      I am no artist, so this don't mean much, but it looks A+. Though yes, the chin was unexpected

    1. Trinn


      unbaed stop progressing so quickly in art, you're puttin' me to shame. 

      i like it i like it

      Try adding shades of the skin that vary from just the normal skin tone to add a bit of P o P 

      does that even make sense idk 

    2. UnBaed


      Lol thank you, I plan to work more with skin tones and trying to make the colors all better and blended 

  4. hey man maybe check snapchat, man

  5. Any update on book copies and when we can finally do them again?

  6. if you're going to remove a guide from the guide section for it being extremely outdated, then you should replace it immediately 

  7. So when is the glitch that prevents book copies from being made gonna get fixed?

    1. Nekkore


      Pretty sure only GMs can do it RN

    2. Silent™


      It'll get fixed when you make me that sandwich.

    3. UnBaed


      Silent, literally **** off with these comments of yours toward me. I've asked you before to shut the **** up with your stupid ass slave jokes.

  8. Tahn, to my knowledge, is the most inactive island on Axios. Don't force everyone onto that ugly piece of land with some natural disaster or plague that can't be controlled.  Keep them where they are.  Plagues and natural disasters are poorly obscured reasons to force someone out of somewhere. 

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Bvie


      I mean, I'm down.

    3. neopsychedelia


      Ceru and Asul shouldn't be punished for each being more reasonable map sizes than Tahn. Proportionate to both size and number of settlements, they're far more active than Tahn.

    4. DrakeHaze.
  9. Spicy

    1. HurferDurfer1


      woah haha goodness me

  10. What the **** is up with staff not keeping with ban times?  If someone has been banned for six months they should be banned for six months, not like three when they did something that I believe should have resulted in a permanent ban. Fix your ****, staff. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. UnBaed


      Never said I leaving, but that I was taking a break. 

    3. UnBaed
    4. UnBaed


      I don't use Discord all too much. But Pyro never made another appeal to my knowledge, his last one was denied. It mentioned warning points, but it's still incredibly stupid that someone could unbanned so easily after literally sharing pictures of another player around and harassing them. Shouldn't the victim get a say in whether they're unbanned early or not? @Harold

  11. okay, so i'm gonna take your power away from you and give it to no one

  12. Do another creative cafe and I just might sing the monster mash forit

  13. >when you stop caring about the endless drama on lotc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOaQOSHGfz8


  14. how is your day so far

  15. remember, people, this is a mineman rp server and we all originally came here to have fun

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