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Everything posted by Corvoo

  1. I have to agree with the majority of the above statements. Seems overpowered, and just something that the server doesn't really need right now. It's a no from me.
  2. Amazing job on the guide, Murdervish. Makes me quite happy to see something like this posted, written very well and accurately as well! Hope lots of people get use out of this!
  3. This has my full support. Lore-wise, it makes much more sense. I think this has probably needed to be done for quite awhile, truly. I hope to see it passed.
  4. As someone who uses Nature's Healing frequently, and as a teacher of it, this has my complete support.
  5. Ah, fair enough. Well if that's the case, it has my support. :)
  6. As Aerial said at one point, the magic seems way too small to take up an entire magic slot, in my opinion. I just don't think it has or had all that many uses, to be honest. Especially with the magic limit. I'm impartial to it, and I shan't vote this down. But that's my two cents on the whole thing.
  7. Damn this is well written. I really hope to see this implemented. +1 to you, friend.
  8. This is amazing work, in my opinion. Good on you for writing something like this up. I'm extremely interested to see where this sort of thing can go. +1
  9. What is thy name? Ehierir What is thy soulname (MC name)? Corvoo What is thy age? 170 Art thou Undead? No. If so, what form doth thou take? N/A If not, art thou willing to die to become one with the Redshrouds? I am indeed. What is thy mastered profession of craftsmanship? Blacksmithing/Mining What is thy mastered martial profession? Sword fighting. Art thou godless? Godless indeed.
  10. Flyers would be posted at all the major city bulletin boards. Auctioning off an assortment of goods! You may bid on everything, or a specific bundle. Also willing to accept minas, along with goods if deemed valuable enough. The items are as follows: Enchant bundle: 8 Protection books. 24 various thorns books (a good amount of thorns III along with one Thorns IV) 4 Sharpness books. 3 Sharpness + Unbreaking I combined books. Herb bundle: 18 Athin 142 Tippen's Root 66 Halfing's Grass 31 Clutcher's Straw 14 Larihei's Fingers 6 Alabaster Leaf 16 Serpent's Stalk 8 Saffvil 15 Flametongue Root 1 Blood Lotus 6 Dwarf's Pumpkin 33 Fresh Mandragora ((Kept in an icebox so not spoiled.)) I also have 1 Tome of The Stonemason. Please place your bids below this flyer, or send a bird to Muildir, the Tortoise Druid.
  11. Certainly a +1 from me. Looks amazing!
  12. This is essentially how I'm seeing it, so far. My opinion might change, if I have things better explained. But as of right now, I'm extremely conflicted.
  13. After reading all the points that everyone has made so far on this thread. I think this is something that I could get behind. I think it makes sense, and wouldn't mind seeing it implemented whatsoever. Feels only right to give this a +1. Great work again, Swgr.
  14. Got a very unique private offer, consider this trade completed.
  15. [!]A notice would be posted across all the major cities' bulletin boards. "I've recently stumbled across what looks to be a diagram, giving specific instructions on how to make a carbarum battleaxe. I've no use for this personally, so I'm selling it! Please post your offers below, or send a bird to Muildir, the Tortoise Druid." Bidding starts at 2,000 mina. Feel free to add tomes, recipes, or various items to your bid. There is no buy out price. If nobody else has bid within one week of the most recent, I will consider it sold.
  16. I have seen people control roots to pull people underground (not fully), And I've heard of Druids parting a very small patch of earth with multiple roots. I can't say I've ever seen the earth actually swallow somebody with Druid magic. I'm actually really curious as to who would even try that sort of thing. Powergaming is rarely an issue for us. Edit: As for controlling weather, if it's very limited, I would be in support of this. It's a common thing in the old lore, I see no reason for it not to be implemented. Just as long as it's not overpowered by any definition of the word.
  17. *a notice would be placed along all the popular bulletin boards all around Vailor.* I've got one Tome of the Fisher for sale! Will surely be very useful to anyone who's interested in fishing. I will take no less than 1000 minas for this tome. If interested, please contact Muildir Fal'Asar at the Mother Grove.
  18. *a parchment would be placed at all the popular notice boards.* Tome of the Chef, Tome of the Tinker, and Tome of the Leatherworker for sale! All tomes are starting at 1000 minas! Am willing to negotiate prices, and might also be interested in trading. Please contact Muildir for further details, or to discuss.
  19. *a notice would be posted around all the major cities.* "I've got five carts of coal blocks ready to sell. Send a bird to Muildir ((Jax129)) located at the Grove behind Laureh'lin if interested to discuss details."
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