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Everything posted by Corvoo

  1. Aye, fair point. I like it, hope to see it spread around more!
  2. Why not? Although honestly I don't see the magic being used that often whatsoever, that's due to the small numbers more than anything though I guess. I see no reason not to give it a try.
  3. I agree with the above, it should just be merged with mental magic, honestly. This muse thing does seem like a really neat idea, though.
  4. Has my support. +1 Although I certainly agree with aerial, they need some sort of healing or something. They have no true purpose, it seems. Excited to see sort of healing coming along!
  5. I quite like this lore. Very unique, in my opinion, and seems very balanced. It has my support.
  6. I love this, and truly hope to see it implemented. +1
  7. I honestly can't figure out if this is something I like, or dislike. I've been thinking about it for awhile, and I'm entirely mixed. So... Maybe, I guess?
  8. Hell yes. The Druids, and I would imagine the other deific groups need this so damn badly. This is wonderful, Tsu. I really hope to see this implemented.
  9. Has my support, I think it's a rather neat idea.
  10. Damn, this was a good read. Impressive as usual, Swgr. This has my complete support, I truly hope to see it passed through.
  11. 7/10 I don't know who or what it's from. But I like the art style, really nicely done.
  12. I really hope to see this pass through, honestly. Great writing. +1
  13. Seems pretty neat to me, I don't see why not. Always open to adding new creative ways to add roleplay.
  14. This is really interesting, and I quite like it. Certainly gets a +1 from me.
  15. This is really neat, has my full support.
  16. First off, I will say that this is neat. It's an interesting take on healing blight, and how we'd do it. But I'm left asking myself over and over, why? Why do we need a revision to blight healing, when plenty of people are happy with the way we currently do it? Sure it may not be the most popping and in your face sort of way to heal blight, but it works, and plenty of us have fun with it. In a lot of ways, this seems to make individual blight healers a bit weaker, unless I'm misinterpreting something here. I want weather control in some way to come back, I really do. But if we're going to change a subtype to fit around it, I don't think blight healing is the subtype to change. Apologies if I'm not getting my thoughts across quite clearly here... Hopefully what I'm trying to say is getting across alright.
  17. Have to be in agreement with Sky here, on all points. This isn't really needed, imo.
  18. Looks amazing! You're a very good artist, I really enjoyed looking at all of this work. :)
  19. All I'm trying to get across, and without being hostile is this: The OP, Sky, is working with all the feedback both negative positive and neutral on this thread. I know because I've been approached asking to help as well. He is taking Jistuma's posts seriously. I too find the bitching back and forth on the thread ridiculous, should just be done somewhere else quite frankly. But please, don't deny the lore because of the ones bickering. Things are still being modified, and worked on. I've seen valid points raised, certainly.
  20. Yes, let's nip a lore piece in the bud when it's not even the OP arguing on the thread. When in fact the OP is trying to work with all the different suggestions being made. Seems like a good plan.
  21. I personally think this is wonderful. The LT or LD, whatever the hell I'm supposed to call it wanted more specifics. And this points things out quite well, in my opinion. I am interested to see if anyone suggests any modifications. Good work, Sky. ^^
  22. I think this is well written. And I almost always support little additions like this that really do nothing but add to roleplay, and help flesh some things out. I really hope to see this accepted. Could be fun!
  23. This is extremely impressive, Gallic. And it certainly has my full support. Love it!
  24. I believe she means a wide array of mental disorders in general. As the guide states to research what disorder you wish to play anyway. Insanity is just a broad term.
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