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Papa Liam

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Papa Liam

  1. ideas for staff projects pls

  2. Still alive, huh? Gotta say I'm impressed with LotC's resilience given all it's been through.

  3. Liberals... Am I right?


  4. We are being ripped off in Roleplay, We are being ripped off in PVP, VOTE ZHULIK to make LOTC "decent" AGAIN

  5. selling my nudes, $50 a pop.

  6. >when you have so much schoolwork that you don't have enough time to play on your favorite minecraft rp server

  7. orcish culture

  8. Can we please free hipster atheist? I'm personally no friend of the godless but the staff have taken this meme too far and a 30 day ban is not needed! 

  9. hey did you have a dna lab in vailor also were the gms ok with it thanks xo

  10. The Library of Dragur is accepting scholar applications once again! Apply here:


  11. Looking for several people to play several of my characters family!

    Two female and male characters are needing to be played, if you want to play a dark elf in a family shoot me a PM!

  12. Unbaed more like dumbaed

  13. You're all beautiful. Except for Tox. :  ^)

  14. ahahahaha political videos can't be monetized on youtube anymore

  15. Tell me a joke.

  16. http://imgur.com/a/LPqrz


    Meant to make this one, sorry guys.

  17. Intercession magic's lore submission is now over a month old. Is there a reason it's being stonewalled?


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