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Papa Liam

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Papa Liam

  1. Gosh. Everyone are so friendly tonight

  2. Make sure to cast your vote! It's important!

  3. Make sure to cast your vote! It's important!

  4. I swear there's a Spongebob gif for every situation. 

  5. honestly life just isnt as appealing as it always was

  6. honestly life just isnt as appealing as it always was

  7. so, i just told my mum what cybering was. fun conversation actually.

  8. so, i just told my mum what cybering was. fun conversation actually.

  9. lotc is as stale as it was 4 years ago

  10. y did u fuq up the sutica tax place........

  11. My name is Mason.


  12. Is roleplaying as a chicken allowed?

  13. Please donate your rep to a rep starved gm

  14. Please donate your rep to a rep starved gm

  15. Defenders in combat can now choose ROLLING!? WHAT?

  16. You can always retake a class, but you can't relive a party!

  17. Is Sanoism not just a meme or is this an actual thing


  19. Communism, socialism, call it what you like. There's very little difference in the two. Now aint I right?

  20. if u think discord is better than ts u need the noose

  21. someone take me to see hamilton pls pyro won't :(

  22. The elvish word for "bird" is "metta".

    I have been enlightened.

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