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Status Replies posted by Taketheshot

  1. Most GMs serve for pex- I WILL SERVE FOR YOU! 

  2. Most GMs serve for pex- I WILL SERVE FOR YOU! 

  3. ... .... .- -. --- -. / .-.. . .. --. .... / .. ... / .- / .--. . -.. --- .--. .... .. .-.. .

  4. The Zhulik campaign is now conducting polling: What are Zhulik's worst qualities?

  5. Better dead than fuckin' red

  6. The last question where Trump and Clinton were asked to say one thing they liked about each other and actually did without politicizing it restored a little bit of my faith in humanity.

  7. If someone wanted to land in their region, how would they go about it and what are the requirements exactly?

  8. once more pls apply for gm we need even MORe people now

  9. rally rally rally midnight raid on a Tuesday 

  10. rally rally rally midnight raid on a Tuesday 

  11. pick a number between 1 and 100, steam game for the winner

  12. Good fight, guys. Well earned victory on your part!

  13. You should help Sandk1ng reaching 2k rep...

  14. 4c3a12485e88e9e0c9827fab749f2091.png why do they keep making mistakes

  15. anyone who knows a lot about the dwarves new city and the welves new city please message me so I can make a wiki page on them, or something.


    skype: smelltheroses0505 

  16. Question: If you were to kill the groom before the wedding starts. while he was in his separate room from the bride, how would you do it?


    Note: Kind of curious as to other people's minds from me doing a Crime Scene Project for class. So what's your story?

    1. Taketheshot


      very easy. You just blow him up from 10,000 feet with a predator drone. Arms dealer Kellrin can supply one that kills 500k orenians in 5 seconds

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  17. Something needs to be done with crude ores (do not remove them, I think they're a nice addiction but completely useless at the moment.)



  18. I think I might make an Orc... Lots of cool stuff happening.

  19. ATTENTION! ALL HUMAN PLAYERS: As I am the admin of a human skype chat, I will be requiring daily activity logs of your rp. If I do not receive these, or do not find them satisfactory, you will receive a ban. Thank you.

  20. Ive been out of action for three months on the server... Any info on what I have missed?

  21. http://imgur.com/ASY1Lqw


    And what do I name such a beauty..

  22. Anyone interested in playing a little Auvergnian girl?

    1. Taketheshot


      all you have to do is unban him for kill aura

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  23. Anyone interested in playing a little Auvergnian girl?

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