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Status Replies posted by Taketheshot

  1. How come it says that there are 100 people online (ON the map) ?

  2. i may have deleted the map :/

    1. Taketheshot


      @Chaw My first act as The Lord Of The Craft. Will be unbanning the original musical artist, Charlesthebald. And elevating him to the rank of admin.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  3. i may have deleted the map :/

    1. Taketheshot


      @Chaw No I became the true lord of the craft, and won ownership of the server.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  4. i may have deleted the map :/

    1. Taketheshot


      No it will not be a 10x10. The administration is currently looking for a suitable map to load onto. It may take upwards of 24 hours to select the best map and load the server plugins in. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  5. what the **** is a "game contributor" @Harold 

  6. Im bored Contact me If you can Build orc Caves i wanna Build one (paying if u do it)

  7. rest in peace westerlands map room. you will be remembered [*]

  8. i hope this map is irrecoverable and we need a new one tbh really hate axios

  9. Anyone watch The Expanse? Tell me I'm not the only one who thinks it's amazing.

  10. Is the copy-paste not working? I am trying to transfer a post from a Google Doc to the Forums, and it's not keeping the format at all.


  11. I got a warning point for posting an OOC comment with the OP's permission lmao

  12. I got a warning point for posting an OOC comment with the OP's permission lmao

  13. I got a warning point for posting an OOC comment with the OP's permission lmao

  14. malocchio u better watch urself loren noob because im the ******* noob king on here ok?

    did i ever tell u i hate noobs?

  15. malocchio u better watch urself loren noob because im the ******* noob king on here ok?

    did i ever tell u i hate noobs?

  16. malocchio u better watch urself loren noob because im the ******* noob king on here ok?

    did i ever tell u i hate noobs?

  17. good luck to the Westerlands and all its players. It's a shitty thing for a nation to be hit this hard in such an underhanded way and i hope yall recover.

    1. Taketheshot


      thank you @MaxGemini for your, kind KIND!!! words. However, I dont appreciate your bullying. Please stop....

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  18. Its a good morning in Karlsburg.  Tavern is full, people drinking.  It almost reminds me of the activity of Johannesburg!  Keep up the RP!!!

  19. I'm proud to say we fought to the end. A great honor it was to serve and defend Oren in the final days, after like an IRL year of fighting it.  Idiotic? Ironic? Insane? yeah probably man. It was a lot of fun, that's all I have to say.  Thanks to all of you on both sides for your cooperation, hope to remain on good terms with all moving forward.  To the future, may it be interesting for everyone.

  20. You can now use auto-miners and other similar tools without being banned! 

    1. Taketheshot




      So to sum up. One can download a hacked client for auto miner? And not be banned???

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  21. adam barnett prepares revenge on his sibling nathan, after being killed irp.


    1. Taketheshot


      Oy vey! I surrender. How will I ever live up to the undying loyalty of Keaton!!!!!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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