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Status Updates posted by Pixel_Wings

  1. Selling seeds in Ariamis!

  2. Anyone want to play a 50 year old human highlander tailor? 2 slots available. Yay?

    1. Pixel_Wings


      If anyone actually is for some reason, the names are Catherine and Michael Goldoak.

  3. Anyone+want+to+do+an+art+trade+with+me?+I

    1. Pixel_Wings


      I'm looking for a new profile pic now that Virdius is dead.

    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      2e1e73426f3f7de3c39898bd161418cb.png Here's your new edgy uruk, enjoy

    3. Pixel_Wings


      Wow. So amazing.

  4. Apparently, the Greek word for blossom is "ánthos." Lol. Were there a lot of flowers on that map?

  5. Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle?

  6. Could someone link me to dragon lore? Or explain any differences LotC dragons have from regular mythological dragons?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pixel_Wings


      The thing in the book sounds more like a drake then, but, I mean, I doubt many people know the difference IC.

    3. Zarsies



      The highly intelligent, knowledge-hoarding shapeshifters are Dragaar and their corrupted counterpart are the Drakaar. Dragons are animalistic and lack the sentience of their greater relatives (Dragaar and Drakaar) and Drakes are their corrupted counterpart. Read those wiki pages for more.

    4. AlternateKy
  7. Hey, I whipped together a quick welf skin. What do yall think?

    1. Pixel_Wings


      Well, yeah, just a head.

  8. I really need to update my profile... :P

  9. If I currently have a house in Fi'ceru, should I say that I require housing on my first-class citizenship application?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wendigo


      If you had read the rest of the posts, we are rebuilding elsewhere. 

    3. AGiantPie


      I misread the status, my bad. Thought it said "If I want a house in Fi'ceru."

    4. Pixel_Wings


      Sariel is pure. The question, which got answered in the affirmative in the help chat, was whether or not I should say I required housing.

  10. Just wondering: how often do perma-kill-worthy things happen? Assuming that your definition of perma-kill-worthy is dying in RP or in a battle that your char believes in.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Pixel_Wings
    3. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      Roight, that's what I'm saying. 

    4. aron.


      my first character was tortured and died lots of a times, but there was one assassination that stood out to me as a good place to end things- if you really aren't done with the character, no one judges you for using the monks. I just pk on death now because I see it as a really good way to develop the character. (i also try to remind people in ooc so they might only beat me to within an inch of my life) 

  11. My little child char is all grown up now. Goodbye, baby Diane, and welcome to the world, adult Diane.

  12. This is still open! http://tinyurl.com/hggyv8s <-- Diané Rossier's father request.

  13. What are the two most different characters you've played on the server?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      A fi mage and an edgy dark mage :)

    3. Devdog


      A prude, and then a skank. 

    4. Remyy


      A young sexy badass Helf and a sweet young sexy Darkie

  14. What would be a good way to develop my helf char's interest in magic?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Pixel_Wings


      So, find a mage, ask about connecting to the void, connect to the void?

    3. candlite


      Basically, yes. 

    4. Pixel_Wings
  15. What would High Elven mourning clothes look like? My High Elf's adopted son died recently, so I'd like to know.

    1. ImCookiie


      I don't believe there are any specifications on the type of clothes you should wear when mourning.

      Though, as you would expect, bright pink overalls might not suit the occasion. :b

    2. Pixel_Wings
    3. Llir
  16. What's something that you can't believe that you do on the forums or the server? I click on child requests even though my persona slots are full.

    1. Crowbill


      Review apps.

    2. Nolan_


      +1'd mittosaurus' GM app

    3. drfate786


      No idea, probably when I answer to people that try to annoy me. 

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