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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by AlphaMoist

  1. I wonder which choice the admins will choose. To ignore it? Or ignore it? I guess we’ll have to wait a month or so.

  2. I need to understand an ERPers point of view. Will someone ERP with me?

  3. image0.jpg the pedos when they log into the forums

  4. I wonder which choice the admins will choose. To ignore it? Or ignore it? I guess we’ll have to wait a month or so.

  5. I need to understand an ERPers point of view. Will someone ERP with me?

  6. ‘hurr durr just enable adblock’


    what about those of us who use this on their phones 


  7. ‘hurr durr just enable adblock’


    what about those of us who use this on their phones 


  8. So I’m pretty sure I didn’t spend $100+ on the server to have ugly ass ads flood my screen every time I visit the forums

  9. Imagine hosting a communal website and a server for free for years, turning no profit, just to see people whine about ads... 

  10. Can anyone give me a list of all the ingredients that the alchemy plugins gives/details on them?

  11. you all got what you wanted...




    we live in a society.

  12. What is your favorite piece of lore? I’m genuinely curious!

  13. i never stick around to see who wins these warclaims so my trick is to see whose leader makes the after-warclaim post

  14. wheres a good place to rp at 
        pl ease

  15. Apparently the mods just don’t bother resolving player reports now that they are private. They should probably be made public again so that the server can hold the staff accountable because it’s evident that they just don’t give a **** currently. 

    I’ve had a report up for a month and a half and it took the report a month to be “Claimed” but still nothing is being done. 

    It’s gotten to the point where if the player in question does get punished in any way it would probably blind side them because they’ve likely forgotten about the incident. 

    The staff can’t make things private and expect us to trust them behind closed doors if they consistently fail to do their job in the absence of community pressure.


  16. Have you heard of the High elves?

    BE CAREFUL !!!! :0

  18. I don’t like the trend of multi-slot magics being a default.

  19. I don’t like the trend of multi-slot magics being a default.

  20. Coming back after a little bit away and I’m looking for something new and exciting on the server. Any suggestions?

  21. there a lotc furry discord i can join? i’m trying to meet other furries in the server.

  22. My character Razkil officially has a commissioned portrait!(Click on my profile picture) If y'all like what you see I encourage you to hit up the artist, I've posted their public accounts below for anyone who wants to get in touch. Their prices are very fair.
    discord : Sablekey#3519

  23. LT are increasingly disappointing; we’ll continue using Acid in the Helf Community, as we have for literal YEARS. Thanks, but no thanks.

  24. I'll be arriving at Basic Training shortly. Peace.

  25. Does anyone know where I can find the graphic chart on the max height of the races? It would be much appreciated if it was sent to me.


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