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About FlemishSupremacy

  • Birthday 12/12/2000

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  1. Don't really get being so upsetti spaghetti at a group trying to get their realm somewhere. 
    Don't try to stop people from trying to branch out and set up their community somewhere, even if the result is another Elysium. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Greehn


      what ferdingtonguy said
      the creation of new realms are fine so as long as they can maintain their activity or else we get situations where realms with a peak of 2 - 3 people regularly exist

    3. TreeSmoothie


      Idk much of what happened, but the Vikela allegedly kicked everyone out of their discord over the lurin incident after trying to pvp them & failing 

      That, and I've never seen Vikela with more than 3 ppl at a time


      It'd be better for them to vassal under another place, because they don't seem to have the unique culture nor playercount to really justify a whole tile to themselves- nor do I think they have the maturity to lead a nation, based off that discord thing & them reporting comments critiquing the realm app


      this isn't just my opinion on vikela but all of these realms (esp human ones) that're more or less the same & don't seem to have the unique cultural identity & playercount to rationalize them not just being another vassal

    4. TeawithFrisket


      A place that cannot sustain itself in the long run no matter whom they are will seemingly always fail in the end. Sure there are no activity checks but that doesn't stop someone from going to conquer them. 

      I'm unaware of the Incident where they kicked people out their discord- I think if that's true then that only goes to show how much progress has been made since their "Rising"

      However this status is a general statement, any vassal or soon to be settlement who cannot sustain itself, without a dedicated community and a leadership thats also mature is sadly going to crumble, sadly thats how things happen.

      but who knows, this world is filled with mystery- that's just how the future works.

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