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About FlemishSupremacy

  • Birthday 12/12/2000

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  1. Honestly, lore creatures that have to suffer major cooldowns, have their character locked away for x amount of time or require an extansive process of revival to be playable again after death are simply incentivized to try and avoid dying at all costs in encounters. Strip that shit out please, it doesn't make it any more fun for any party involved

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Agy


      @Unwillingly Yeah sorry about that... Was riding a dumb train of thought at that moment.


      It had more to do with viewing it through the lenses of the ever favorite concept of "immortality" and how it provides no real 'point' at all and infact makes you be OOCly more worried over death since it now actually has penalties for said creatures. For example you could just become an elf and never consent to PKing your character on death and you could still have them live for up to 20 IRL years before they grow too old. (Which of course isn't an issue! This is in the end of the day a place with the goal of creating stories, nobody should be able to forcefully kill off another's character before their player is ready to put their tale to an end themselves..!!!!!)


      That was the idea, entirely divorced from the fact that the creatures that often possess said immoralities are inhumane entities that have grown detached and separate from the rest of descendantkind down to their very soul having been altered and being creatures that most often than not, retain said immortality by eating the bone marrow of newborn infants or smth. On which point I 100% agree with you, OF COURSE and creatures that have abilities that center specifically on murderizing people should face penalties once they are actually vanquished so that they are even the smallest amount more careful about who or where they attack


      This wasn't mean to be interpreted as "Darkspawn should have the exact same respawn mechanics as your average unremarkable person", just how having your character become actually immortal is not all that special really

      Edited by Agy
    3. FlemishSupremacy


      @UnwillinglyYou're not wrong in saying that people really not wanting to die is a general issue and not found solely in people who have CAs that have death restrictions. I still think that being a CA that may not be able to play for XYZ time or until someone does ZYX to revive them WILL contribute to this attitude.

      I just think it's not a good thing to implement these death restrictions and then usually, use that to justify a CA being very powerful. There you get situations where CAs are both frustratingly powerful in CRP AND really averse to losing and dying because it locks them out of their persona. 

      I also think it's contraproductive to promoting fun villainy rp coming from these CAs. For example, a player might want to go out to do villainy but, they realise they have an event in 2 days, so if they die, they can't attend due to the respawn mechanics, so they either don't go out and do that rp OR do go out but be really unwilling to die.

      I really don't see any benefits to any of the CAs that have these restrictions. You're punishing CA players for doing these encounters and losing. I don't think the people who win these encounters get more enjoyment out of the encounter knowing the enemy player's character won't be around for a week.

    4. rukio


      if you dont want a respawn mechanism, go play a character that isn't a CA, it's that easy. 

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