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Bedrock VIP
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Everything posted by Vaynth

  1. Never met you. But then again, you've been around for much longer than I have and I don't pay attention to anything. 4/10
  2. This is nice. And my eyes enjoy the formatting.
  3. I'd like to see more people try out this great mod so that they can see my tiny Halfling in all her glory. I decided to make a guide, complete with gifs of nearly every step. Sorry if it's not too nice on the eyes. I tried my best. Also I'd like to give a thankful shout out to @Abyssus and @First Enchanter for initially walking me through this. Oh and if anyone has an operating system other than Windows and knows how to install Forge that way, feel free to make your own mini guide underneath or in another topic. (I moved this to OOC for now just to allow people to give feedback.) If you don't already have Forge, here's the download link. Make sure you have the most up-to-date version of Minecraft. 1.11.2. (As a note, this can me used to run many different mods and texture packs, not just MPM!) http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.11.2- (It might give you this warning, but just ignore it and press "keep". It's highly unlikely that Forge is going to give you a virus.) Select "install client". Open Minecraft. On the bottom left hand corner of the launch screen, use the drop down menu to choose the forge profile. Press "play" and wait for everything to finish installing. And then close out of Minecraft. Next is the part where you install More Play Models. Go to this website. (http://www.kodevelopment.nl/minecraft/moreplayermodels/downloads/) Choose the first option. Close out any random pop ups!! It's highly recommended that you have an ad-blocker. Wait until the "Skip add" button appears on the upper right hand corner. Click on that. This step is immensly important. Please don't fall for any false advertisements. (Personally this part didn't work for me and I had to steal Tox's file. But from what I've seen, this works for most people.) Next you're going to go to your .minecraft folder. You can find this by typing %appdata% in the top bar when you open your File Explorer. There should be a "mods" folder there. Select that. (If it isn't there, you didn't open Minecraft on the Forge profile like you were supposed to. : ^) ) Now take the mod, and drag it into the "mods" folder. That should be simple enough. Open Minecraft again and hit play. After everything finishes loading, it should look something like this. Then just go on the server like normal. Press "e" or whichever button you have configured for your inventory! And from here you can change just about anything with your character's physical appearance. (If there's a part of this guide you think should be altered, I'm open to suggestions. Hope this is helpful to whoever needs it!)
  4. Give me rep before the forums go back down pls.

  5. pLEASE let this be permanent. 

  6. I'm so relieved. 

  7. Vaynth

    Ambient Music!

    I am featured in something. Dude this is genius! Also special shout out to @Aelsioln for showing me this inspiring hamster video originally.
  8. I got you my dude. Moved to the correct sub-forum.
  9. I'm bored.

    1. Harri


      you should fix that

    2. Rael


      removing my warning points would make you feel better

    3. Vaynth


      I'll contemplate it some time in the future. 

  10. Lag of The Craft.

  11. Cahir is the crossbow; I am the bolt?

  12. I want a jelly fish tank.

    1. _Jandy_


      I want my applications back







      jk i love you

    2. Vaynth


      You're too powerful.

    3. oblivionsbane
  13. Everyone should take a moment to appreciate the artist that made my current icon.

    1. hudsun202


       I'm trying to scratch my eyes out, undertale scum!

      But overall good art, I'm still jealous of digital artists, I'm no good ;( 

    2. Vaynth


      I'm talking about the smooth animation more than the content. It's honestly amazing.

  14. I'm out of rep for the day but I offer you my mental +1. This is quite adorable.
  15. I won 2 days.

    1. Vaynth


      The amount of days you've recieved more rep than anyone else.

    2. Space




      2nd for most status updates. all that matters.

  16. Ily

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mit
    3. Vaynth


      I am currently reviewing your application, no worries.

      Sorry for stealing your thunder Jandy. < 3

    4. Mit


      ok thanks vaynth

  17. There you go friendo.

    1. Nekkore


      I thought I was popular for a second

    2. Vaynth


      You are popular... In my heart.

  18. Woah last day of the snow theme.

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