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Bedrock VIP
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Everything posted by Vaynth

  1. 2d54315f9918f5a92155a9ab26634806.png
    before I go to bed, quick note. please make this canon lore.

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      its canon. the LT has spoken

  2. 5b53a11f278ef3e4652548149f0dcb5b.png


    1. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      And this is why mages > druids

    2. ShameJax


      Tox that isn't fully accurate. You're missing out on the middle piece of mages > everything else > druids

    3. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      **** I forgot

  3. @The Pink Lion they're onto us..

    Image result for cosma and wanda

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chorale__




      If you'll excuse me, I am going to go and pray for @The Pink Lion 's sanity and well-being.


      @Vaynth, I'll pray that you get your life together, and finally get a phone that can allow you to download Snapchat so that we can start a streak. 



    3. Vaynth


      Oh yeah.. I got snapchat working a few weeks ago. But I don't really use it, nor do I want to.

    4. Chorale__
  4. Waffles are better than pancakes.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ducklingator


      But its so nice and sweet on the pizza, it has such a fun texture

    3. TinyBiceps


      stop this insanity immediately 

    4. Vaynth


      @forum moderators
      leo is bullying us pls fix

  5. Woah look at that fancy tag of yours. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      better dead than red

    3. Vaynth


      Even if I re-joined the FM team, I would still be pink. ;-;

    4. Nekkore


      At least tox can up and leave the server again and has meaningful pex xdddddd

  6. Related image
    puppers make everyone happy

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LatzMomo


      I live in california, so the only dogs we have are this halfbreed rat species called chihuahua

    3. Vaynth


      Yeah those can get annoying.

    4. Nekkore


      Aaaaaaaaaaaaa DOGE DOGE

  7. Quick reminder to submit your AT applications! We'll soon begin interviewing potential candidates. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mitto


      accept whitelist

    3. overlord2305


      Anything else? Also whefe did rella go

    4. Nowak


      Vaynth accept my app :megustacreepy:

  8. Miss you. <3

    1. mitto


      the female forum management hegemony is OVER

    2. LadyRebecca


      I love you too @Vaynth Those boys will never have what we once did. 

  9. Tfw @Tofuus destroys your 2:1 rep to post ratio with the click of a button. The absolute torment.

  10. What an interesting day.

  11. did someone say parrots?

    1. MyNameIsMason
    2. EdgyMagey


      no somebody said that the devs are corrupt

    3. Vaynth
  12. Cb1g5nLVAAARg3F.jpg

    1. Parion


      stop sharing my pictures on the forums, vaynth. we've talked about this.

    2. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      Don't make me censor you @Parion

    3. Parion


      is this staff abuse i hear? @Tox

  13. So far everyone who's applied has been contacted. If I've missed you, please send me a Forum Pm.
  14. That's fine, we don't expect anyone to be perfect. The ability to just make starter type skins for new players is good enough.
  15. The commission skin price is the exact same as that of the previous Tailor's Guild and higher than the original one, while the other two prices have been raised. The reason the payment for commissions are low is because not everyone is authorized to use them, and of course this is a staff funded project. Members of the Tailor's Guild are permitted to to hold personal commission shops outside of the guild, and may submit any commission they've made onto PMC for mina simply for advertising the server. Though we advise this is kept to a minimum, as our main purpose is to provide new players with skins. There would be nothing to put a discount on, as members are paid by admins rather than players. All skins are completely free for the community.
  16. I can make an exception. I'll send you a pm to help you get started.
  17. Do it or I'm forum banning you.
  18. The LOTC Tailor’s Guild 3.0 (Temporarily closed) Welcome to the second re-introduction of The Tailor’s Guild! While this project has grown stale a few times now, I still have hope for it’s success in continuously offering new players the lore-friendly skins needed to start off with. Not only are we going to be helping new players in obtaining skins, but we’ll be giving incentive to those that skin on a regular basis by presenting them with their deserved payment of minas. We hope you decide to join us. The System Every skin created for the purpose of the Tailor’s Guild is to be submitted into the simple form that is given to the skinners. Afterwards your work must be published on PlanetMinecraft with an appropriate title and the [LoTC] tag in order to receive your payment. Not only does this offer easy access to those searching for skins, but it gives the server publicity. More attention is drawn to our server this way, and the community receives more applicants. We greatly appreciate those who put in effort at assisting our community to grow. The server has been going strong for over 5 years, and it’s people like you that keep it going. Details Base skins created of the main races with go into the skin archive. Payment for shaded skins of this type are 300 mina. Non-shaded are 75 mina. "Outift" bases are simply clothes that don't come with a head- they can be used by anyone. Payment for shaded skins of this type are 100 mina. Non-shaded are 25 mina. The ET could always use more creature skins for their events. Payment for shaded skins of this type are 200 mina. Non-shaded are 50 mina. Commission skins-- these are skins created per request of a single individual and gifted only to them. Payment is 50 mina. The Skin Archive and Base Skins The Skin Archive is a thread created for the convenience of the players. Every base skin created for the use of the new players will be posted there underneath the category of the correct race and sub-race. This makes it much easier for players to find a lore-friendly skin for their specific character’s traits and race. A base skin is defined as a generic skin of one of the six main races in the LOTC realm; Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Khas, and Halfings. These are open for public use, and meant to be used as starter skins for our newly spawned players. Commission Skins info As explained above, these are skins created by request of a specific player. Take note that while these skins won’t end up in our skin archive, they will have still have to be published on the site PlanetMinecraft in order to receive payment. This is because one of the main objectives for this project is to bring more attention to the server. In the description of a published commission skin, remember to add [DO NOT USE ON LOTC] so that no one mistakes it for a free to use skin. Keep in mind that all skinners have full rights to every skin they create. While we recognize the payment for this type isn't worth the time and attention put into creating a custom skin, the creator is permitted to ask for separate payment from the player who requested a skin. The Tailor's Guild is not to be used as a personal commission shop, but posting completed skins on PMC with our tag certainly does help with advertisement. ET Skins info There are a ton of unique creatures in the realm of LOTC, and the ET could always use a helping hand in bringing them into existence through well crafted skins. With the creation of the ET Request form which can be found in the Global Staff sub-forum, it’s been made so that Event Team Members can ask for specific and/or high demand creatures to be skinned. Even if there are no requests up at the time, all Tailor’s Guild members are welcome to sift through the Creature Index for ideas. If you’d like to join, please fill this out and post below the thread: (Once you have completed the “application”, you will receive an invite to our Discord group) A big thank you goes out to those who contributed in the past endeavors of The Tailor's Guild! Former threads on this topic: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/149219-reintroducing-the-tailor%E2%80%99s-guild/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/145144-the-tailors-guild-of-lotc/?page=1 Thread last updated: 1/8/18
  19. The Skin Archive Hello LoTc community, and welcome to the Skin Archive. This is intended for the purpose of assisting new players in finding the right lore-friendly starter skin for their character! All skins in this archive are open for public use, so any player may feel free to browse and utilize the available skins as they wish. This thread will be continuously updated as more base skins are created by members of The Tailor's Guild. Keep in mind that while these are sorted into sub-races, some skins may be interchangeable and fit into other sub-races just as well. Humans Highlanders Heartlanders Farfolk Elves High Elves Wood Elves Dark Elves Snow Elves Dwarves Mountain Dwarves Cave Dwarves Forest Dwarves Orcs Uruks Goblins Ologs Kharajyr Kha'Leparda Kha'Cheetrah Kha'Pantera Kha'Tigrasi Halflings No Sub-Race Outfit Closet You will notice that certain sub-races don't have very much to choose from. If you would like to assist in creation of skins to fill these vacant sections, check out this thread to learn how to get started. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/161841-the-lotc-tailors-guild/
  20. I swear, the forums develop a new bug every day.

  21. Would you share your food with me?

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