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Everything posted by MunaZaldrizoti

  1. Somewhere off in the lands of Ba'as, an aged princess wonders how her elder sister was faring, ruling their niece's kingdom. Her husband, the Prince Ambros Rostampur, had always been adamant that they not return to Balian for the disrespect paid to his sister, Andromeda, during her tenure as Hadrian's queen & consort. But oh, how she missed her dearest Leni.
  2. Ioanna peered upwards, observing the moon that looked down upon that northern capital through a snowflake-filled sky. What she knew, she could never share, as she had sworn and promised to keep the confidence of both a matriarch and her child. But the Rhenyari pondered upon the intentions of a King who wished to conquer even the heavens above. Was it a sign of unbridled ambition, madness, or both?
  3. Within her residence, Ioanna looked over the poem-bearing parchment and its accompanying box. Her previous dream still haunted her, in conflict with her desires for a family after such a lengthy time alone. For now, the Lord Marshal received no reply.
  4. - THE TIME COMES - The great ordeals of the last saint's day had weighed heavily upon Ioanna's mind as she laid upon her bed, studying those oaken beams that held up the roofing high above her head. Valdev had only recently been relieved of it's snowfall, yet the air still seemed chilled and unnerving. So unlike her homeland in Ba'as, she often was heard to remark, but she truly felt it now. It was enough to keep her awake all through the night, yet she felt the heaviness of her eyelids more and more. The Rhenyari pictured the realm upon the moon, spoken about in a frenzy by a solemn princess, seeing glinting spires of marble and lights as bright as the stars they were made to rival. Her mind's eye drifted off, spiraling into imagination... When her eyes opened again, she was alone still, but in another place entirely. A darkened hall, one she had not seen in her dreams since she was a child. The dreams of another child, from a past life she no longer dared to acknowledge. It was lined with statues and portraits, bearing the faces of stern men and severe women. Patriarchs and matriarchs long since dead, but kept alive in this secret place. Footfalls called her gaze forth, the figure of man slowly approaching her from the shadows. His hair was dark and cropped at the neck, with blue-grey eyes that looked both lively and sad all at once. A slim crown sat upon his head, matching his white-gold robes. "You have much more to do, my ven. You dishonor yourself by allowing these others to hold you back. To dishonor you..." The man's voice echoed around her, vibrating in her eardrums. A woman met him at his right side. She was crooked of nose, with a great plumed hat and a stiffened crimson coat. This fearsome lady met Ioanna with more contempt. "You will amount to nothing if you don't break free of these shackles you place upon yourself. These ridiculous notions of true love and family. You have a family already...or do you forget that as you forgot everything else?" Those statues that seemed to stretch endlessly behind them turned their stone-carved heads, cracking and splitting in their haste to observe Ioanna. All at once, they began to jeer and mock her, laughing and chuckling. Finally, looming over that first pair of critics, a shadowy figure stood tall and mighty. All Ioanna could make out was a singular eye, red and menacing. "GOD himself heralded your birth, child. You would have him be wrong? You would disgrace his gift, your blood?" The hall itself began to quake. "THE TIME COMES. YOU MUST MEET YOUR DESTINY!" Her ancestors all wailed with horror and amusement and frustration, leaving Ioanna to scream herself amidst the tangle. The woman jolted awake in her bed, a sheen of sweat atop her pallid brow. It took a moment for her to steady her breath, to cease her hands from shaking. Ioanna did not sleep through the rest of the night that followed. In the morning, as the sunrise crept over the horizon and touched the city walls with its first glimpses of light, a small box was delivered to the barracks that belonged to the Brotherhood of Saint Karl. A simple note, clearly written, labeled the name of its intended recipient: "TO THE LORD MARSHAL" Ioanna steeled herself. She would be no man's fool. Her fate and destiny were still yet to be written. It was all within her to see it to fruition.
  5. Ioanna attended to the tavern, as always, when news of the regency reached her ears. Having met the Grand Princess, she thought the woman atleast held the manner of one who might need to rule when others could not. She only worried now for the rest of the royal family, who had returned to Valdev in dire straits following what was being called the King's "Great Sickness".
  6. In the upper halls of that gloomy, foreboding fortress Morteskvan, a family mourned a mother and heir. Down the drafty corridor, a sniffling nursemaid attended to the newborn who had killed the future of House Ruthern as she was brought into the world. Wailing and crying was all the babe could do, it seemed, and for the weeks and months ahead it was all they would receive from Milena 'Matricida'. Servants of the ducal household whispered of those late nights, however, when the air went cold and all was quiet, save for the eerie gurgling of the death-marked infant.
  7. Though her memories still returned slowly and in small number, what the middle-aged Ioanna of Ba'as could recall left her feeling a generational weight lifted from her shoulders at last. As a girl, she had chased down the brigands of Adria atop the back of a great panda, determined that one day she might vanquish her father's foes on the field of battle. So many decades later, unbeknownst to most others, she finally had. A mere tavernkeep and steward, fulfilling her lifelong promise to a King and country.
  8. I'm here for this MMO-vibe! Glad the CT are doing this!
  9. Ioanna stood beside the Lord Marshal, scrutinizing the details of their discussed plan of action at his personal request. She was no commander, but she had bid that the Brotherhood be tactful in their dealings with this newfound shadowy foe. They would recover those hostages and avenge the levyman Larsen who had been lost in that fateful ambush. There was no alternative that appealed to her, no outcome but the outsmarting of this enemy. Thus, the perfecting of the Marshal's plans went on for several days.
  10. [!] A public missive is distributed across the snow-laden city of Valdev, nailed to noticeboards and walls that might garner attention. BEWARE THE SHADOW'S EYE! THE ENEMY TO THE NORTH! - Screenshot by @Sarven - To the citizens of Valdev, and the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, The bravery of the Haeseni people continues to astound me, showing a willingness to defend their own that is like none I have ever seen. It is because of this that I feel compelled to write this warning, to all those that deign to venture outside of the city's fortified walls and into the surrounding lands. This past saint's day a force of fearless men and women led by the likes of the Grand Prince of Kusoraev, Lord Marshal Kortrevich, and Baron Kovachev repelled a band of would-be besiegers hailing from the North. Cast in shadow and with seemingly-endless forces, it was a hard-fought victory that sadly claimed the life of one of Lord Kovachev's very own bannermen, a levyman named Larsen. With several innocents taken captive in the preceding ambush, I gladly lend what aid I can to the efforts being planned to recover our people and seek justice for the life these villains have already claimed. Having surveyed the ash-ridden fields following our encounter, I discovered a potential clue to who our foes might be: A medallion, bearing the engraving of a hand. Within the hand is carved a single eye. I bid all citizens of the city, remain vigilant and be wary of this symbol. The item itself now rests in the hands of our Lord Marshal, to help piece together the identity of these newfound enemies. I would advise all to report any sightings of this foreboding imagery to the Lord Marshal, a member of the Aulic Council, or the Crown itself. MAY SAINT TOBIAS' COMET LIGHT YOUR PATH. Your ever-vigilant servant, Ioanna of Ba'as
  11. Ioanna settled beside the humble hearth within her home, fingers curled around a cup of warmed cocoa. For all the screaming, jeering, and pointless back-and-forth that had occurred, she had at least enjoyed the bard's tune. It was a shame the lyrical remedy had been employed at such an inopportune moment by the Duke, during such a crucial meeting of intended peace. The Rhenyari decided instead to hope the bard might find employers who better made use of her talents.
  12. A CUSTODIAN FOR VALDEV - 513 E.S. - [!] This public missive was published throughout Valdev, pinned to any noticeboards and displayed in various major thoroughfares. To the Crown of Hanseti-Ruska and The Aulic Council, My name is Ioanna of Ba'as, a humble tavernkeep and part-time steward within your city of Valdev. I publish this missive not to offer criticism of your administrative capabilities or tireless devotion to the people of this kingdom, but merely to make light of a situation that could prove far more beneficial to the citizens of your capital if remedied sooner rather than later. In the two saint's years since my arrival in your city, I have been approached several times in regards to housing and keys that grant entry to the city itself. Whilst the former is part of my duty as steward, I have had to rely on those in the upper echelons of the kingdom's administration for the latter in the event I am asked to do so. Alongside this, I have noticed that many of the homes and shops that are left abandoned by their previous tenants are often left in a dire state of disrepair and disarray. There are locations within Valdev, likewise, that might be repurposed for the use of the public, but are left forgotten or hidden away behind walls the common people cannot access. The visibility of the Crown is certainly not lacking, as I am often greeted by the sight of our King and Queen-consort almost every saint's day. But it has become clear to me that the city lacks a central figure around which its administration can revolve. The delegation of duties passed between the various lesser roles of the Aulic Council are a great tangle of confusion that seem to allow certain important areas of maintenance to be left unattended for lengthy periods at a time. And despite their evident-love for their people, I don't believe the King, the Queen, or even their councilors should be made to shepherd that which could be consolidated within a much smaller, much more efficient system. This is why I beseech the Crown of Haense to consider the reinstatement of the Grand Maer, which in centuries past has acted as the main representative for both the people of the capital and its day-to-day administration. With this important custodian returned to the fold of governing Valdev, I feel you will see vast improvements in many areas that while great, could rise to be even better. And if of course I have been missing the inter-workings of the city's administrative efforts, I would gladly admit fault in my assumptions and have more patience with the efforts of the Crown's representatives and servants. I hope you will see the value in my suggestion, as this capital has already provided me with much comfort and many more affendi that I hold dear. I pray it shall further thrive in the years to come! May Saint Tobias guide your path, IOANNA OF BA'AS
  13. Ioanna recalled paying witness to the headless corpse of the Marian knight being delivered to the gates of Valdev. A woman not native to this turbulent land, it painted a clear picture of just how dire this conflict between the different kingdoms and factions had truly become.
  14. Wooo! Excited for the Pantheon Project posts to start rolling out, some of my favorite lore on the server!
  15. FULL NAME: Ioanna of Ba'as AGE: 38 PRIOR EXPERIENCE: (if any) Years of sea-faring, with previous combat training. METHOD OF CONTACT: (munazaldrizotii/MunaZaldrizoti)
  16. Any human families looking for members to be played? Wanna just see what my options might be!

    (Can present my roleplay resume if requested, unless you already know me which would save my fingers from typing 😅)

    1. CasualNuker


      Currently exploring starting a new family lineage off my Recruit in the Balianese Armada hmu if you want.

    2. TreeSmoothie


      yo muna!! always looking for more peeps to play kids between my baron & princess lucia

  17. A swaddled newborn, the littlest niece of the bride, scowled. Festivities and merriment made her grumpy.
  18. - Established 64 B.A - “St. Tobias of Sarkoz, Patron Saint of Merchants, Comets, Wealth, and Charity. Represented by a silver comet.” - High Pontiff Pontian IV. LEGENDA SANCTORUM, 40 B.A. INTRODUCTION The legacy of any leader is one woven at an early age. The choices they make, the actions they take, the things which they support shall all be remembered generations from now and long after their own expiration. On the eve of her eleventh name-day, the Princess of Monterosa, Johanna Casimira, has decided to begin work on that first section of her lifetime tapestry. Thus, she forms THE COMPANY OF THE COMET, a collective of individuals including herself and peers of her age that promotes friendship & comradery alongside adventuring, discovery, and exploration beyond the walls of Portoregne. No ruin shall be left unexplored, no creature left unknown. The world itself awaits them, with all of its history and treasures. All youths, aged 5 - 12 years, may apply for membership in this order. Being a citizen of the Kingdom of Balian is also not required. THE CODE OF THE COMPANY To begin any such exploration company, one must establish a general list of rules by which its members must conduct themselves. Our CODE OF THE COMPANY is herein listed: I. Be kind and generous, in attitude and with sharing knowledge respectively. II. Always seek adventure, wherever you might find it. III. NEVER commit any act of violence against a fellow Company member. ACTIVITIES The Company of the Comet will pursue a vast array of objectives, including: I. Uncovering existing ruins and native sites across the lands of Aevos. II. Seeking out rumored creatures and previously-undocumented beings for study. III. Taking part in excursions and adventures involving both the mundane & the magical. IV. Visiting foreign nations, learning about their cultures and cultures in order to grow bonds. JOIN THE COMPANY TODAY! [!] A parchment is attached below, bearing the necessary sign-up requirements.
  19. The Princess of Monterosa prepares for the revelry, pleased her father's efforts to sow peace had come to fruition!
  20. The docks of Portoregne came alive that sunny afternoon of 63 BA, with the sound of sails unfurling and heavy footfalls upon the deck of the Armada’s largest ship. The vessel, considered the flagship of the Royal Fleet, had yet to be named and its maiden voyage was to prove quite the momentous occasion. For in the saint’s days previous, the Princess of Monterosa had urged the Lord Admiral, Dante DeNurem, to take up a substantial bounty for the benefit of the kingdom’s coffers. It seemed simple enough, to slay a troublesome siren who had seemingly been blocking trade between the southern ports of Aevos. But the underlying reason that compelled the Balianese to partake in this quest was their young princess’ desire for adventure, to seek out this creature which had slowly become part of her people’s folklore. They departed in the early morning, as the sun began to rise over the horizon. A crew of fifteen had prepared themselves for the bounty hunt that included King Adrian himself, his heir Johanna, the Princess Royal, and his sister-in-law Princess Regina Rostampur. The Lord Admiral was in attendance as well, with a contingent of Armada recruits and lieutenants. Rounding off the adventuring party were nobles of the realm, members of Houses de Lyons and Kervallen alongside the King’s own cousin, Lord Albert Novellen of the Petra. Sitting lazily upon the deck, a final but unofficial member of the maritime crew, was the Crown Princess’ loyal companion, the panda Tobias. It took only a few hours for the ship, helmed by King Adrian, to reach the source of all this region’s sailing woes. A deteriorated shipwreck lay in wait for them, seemingly resting upon the ocean floor. How long it had been sunken, none could say or know. Smaller boats were deployed to inspect the wreckage, yielding the name ‘The Catherine’, painted upon the hull in faded lettering. For all those who paid witness, it was an eerie sign, almost a reminder that even this grand boat had been torn asunder by some powerful force. As they made their return with their findings, the women on the Balianese ship began to hear a faint melody, whispering to them upon the breeze. The song bid them return home, that their troubles with the sea were a pittance compared to the comfort of Portoregne and their seaside kingdom. A jolt would rouse them from this temporary doubt, a fish clung onto the deck. In its puckered lips was borne a slimy stone, plucked up by Princess Johanna. Upon its smoothed surfaced was carved letters, legible by any who could read: ‘L E A V E . P L E A S E.’ The crew had seemingly found the siren’s lair, but unwisely sent out their lesser boats once more to confront the Siren herself. Led by the Princess Royal and Regina Rostampur, they came upon that wreckage once more. The sea life around them began to stir, watching them like birds of carrion might look upon a fresh corpse. And then, that song came again, loud in the ears of the two Princesses and the King’s daughter, who had slipped onto one of those dinghies as well. Whilst the Princess of Monterosa seemed not overcome by the siren’s call, her elder aunts began to change. “Pushhimpushhimpushhim” Growing angry, they turned their frustrations upon their accompanying guards, who they blamed for this pointless voyage. Princess Elena let out a huff, lunging towards Recruit Legends, who had been sent as Princess Johanna’s protector. The pair tumbled into the sea as further members of their party arrived. Alas, the trap had been laid and set, ready to ensnare the Balianese company within its watery grasp. A muscled shark began to ram itself into one of their boats, whilst a beaked squid clamored upon the dingy of Sir Albert to entangle both him and the Crown Princess, whom he had taken over protecting. Jellyfish and minnow engulfed their miniscule armada, rocking them in an effort to cast them down into the depths below. Though they struggled to fend off this onslaught, the party was able to finally perceive what was truly going on. It was too late before the crew realized that Princess Elena had lost her struggle, now sinking half-conscious towards the rotted hull of the shipwreck. King Adrian, the Lord Admiral, and her husband Lord Robyn de Lyons swiftly dove down to rescue her. Watching her father vanish into the darkness of the sea, the Crown Princess cried out in fear for him. Princess Elena caught sight of their otherworldly opponent, but she felt oddly calm. The siren’s song called to her, beckoning her deeper and closer. Outstretched was the princess’ hand, the mermaid offering a tempting kiss. BUT THEN, the Admiral did leap upon that creature, seeing her himself with vision unclouded. She was indeed half-woman, half fish. Her skin was scaled and blueish in tone, eyes large and glowing. Her hair were tentacles, like that of an octopus, and her nails were sharp like jagged teeth. It was, indeed, the Siren of the Shoals. Their undersea battle ensued, but the creature’s prowess in her own environment overwhelmed even the brave Captain DeNurem. Opening her maw wide, she launched her torrential song at him, sending him astray and sinking towards the ocean floor. The King swam after her, seeking to end this battle and claim his prize. From above, Princess Johanna dove down too, a blade grasped in her hand. Her training with Sir Albert had emboldened her and she sought to defend her father…but the Siren had other intentions for the child. The Admiral previously had wounded her, ichor billowing out into the waters from an open wound in her scaly chest. It’s golden eyes set upon the heir, pressing a crying song into her mind. “Savemesavemesavemesaveme” Johanna’s grey gaze glazed over, entranced by this creature of myth and legend. As her aunt Regina swam to entangle the Siren herself, the Princess sent a sluggish kick towards the Rhenyari woman, knocking her away. But it was too late. King Adrian surged towards the wicked sea creature, sword thrusting outward. As the Siren of the Shoals turned her head, preparing another screeching melody, that blade did pierce through her open maw and into her throat. Haste was made in pulling the Princess Royal and Lord Admiral to the surface, the King himself dragging up the limp corpse of the deadly siren. Clinging to the wreckage, the Balianese had only moments to dwell on what had just occurred. With much effort and exhaustion did the party cobble those dinghies together and sail back to the main vessel. It was dusk by the time the ship sailed back into the port of Portoregne, each sailor brooding upon the ordeal. But their bounty had been completed, now all there was left to do was collect that reward and all it entailed. Before departing the galleon, the Princess Royal spoke up in a weary tone. “Frate…I think we have a name for your ship.” 'THE SIREN’S KISS'
  21. Johanna Casimira, the newborn baby's eldest sibling, peeked into the royal cradle to inspect her little brother. A bright grin spread across her visage, pleased to have yet another future playing companion!
  22. The Crown Princess of Balian, Johanna Casimira, gave Don Albert two-thumbs up, endorsing The Hungry Hippo as her favorite business (after her aunt's shop, of course)!
  23. THE RALLY OF ROSEMOOR WOE TO THOSE WHO SEEK TO PROWL OUR FIELDS! The Piata de Regne was alive in the afternoon sun, bustling with citizens and merchants at their trade. Members of the Royal Balianese Armada went about their daily patrols and even the King himself, Adrian I, was partaking in conversation with the city’s Syndic regarding the continued growth of the seaside port city. BUT THEN, on the elongated bridge leading into the city, a young lady was caught up by a band of ruffians, intent upon kidnapping her and doing her immeasurable harm. Quick and almost unseen, they made off with the innocent as the people of Balian rallied to give chase. Led by the King and the Lord Admiral, Dante DeNurem, a party of Balianese citizens charged down the main kingsroad, ready to meet these dastardly foes barefisted. And as fate would have it, those same bandits had happened upon the King’s own brother, Prince Alexios Michael, and were preparing to take him into their vile custody. The party of rescuers came upon them just outside the estate of House Vuiller, preparing themselves for an impending scuffle. ROAR! Out of the shrubbery, unknown to all others, the Crown Princess of Balian did bound towards the bandits unafraid and mounted upon a gargantuan Balianese panda. Her fist was raised high, prepared to defend her uncle herself. “TOBIAS! BASHO!” She cried, steering that black-and-white beast towards their would-be foes. And it seemed Princess Johanna’s valor was enough to instill fear in the hearts of those brigands, for they abandoned the lady and Prince both, fleeing upon their horses with not even a token of their attempted kidnapping. Swiftly, the injured woman was carried back to Portoregne in the arms of King Adrian, attended to within the clinic. The others were left to celebrate and take pride, especially the young Johanna ‘Cometborn’. BALIAN BRINGS THE HEAT! ROSEMOOR'S REST REMAINS AT PEACE!
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