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Everything posted by sergisala

  1. RESPONSE FROM THE IMPERIAL TREASURY An orenian bureaucrat of the Imperial Treasury handed a copy of this petition to the Secretary of State for the Treasury of the Holy Orenian Empire, His Excellency Sir Henry Penton. @CharmingCavalier In addition, the imperial functionary started working on the response, and intially sent the following letter: "Dear Sir or Madam, @Borin Your request (#4533) has been received by the Imperial Treasury of the Holy Orenian Empire and it shall be processed within the following saints days. Furthermore, we would like to remind you that in the scenario that the subsequent administrative resolution is a dismissal one you may then file an appeal directly before the same body that issued such resolution, or directly before the Imperial Courts in accordance with the imperial laws. Also, we would like to remind you of your right to present allegations and, if necessary, evidence, during this administrative procedure. Finally, may there be no administrative resolution your request shall then be understood as dismissed by negative administrative silence. Sincerely, Functionary IT-3764"
  2. Sir Charles Galbraith blinked, having filed no motion in the so-called adrian duma "Does the author of the record of this duma consume hallucinogens?" he'd wonder to himself before throwing it into the fire and resuming his duties in Providence.
  3. Sir Charles Galbraith would be drinking a glass of helenan wine with Lord Joseph d'Azor in The Novellen when he heard of the public letter of the Rustlers. "So these brainless bandits are now calling the Chieftain of the Nordlings a coward? This comedy club called Norland is definitely very funny." The former Solicitor-General would cackle and continue making jokes with the former Chief of the War Office regarding the Nordlings until dawn. @Taketheshot
  4. "Death to the unholy and death to the traitors!" Sir Charles Galbraith would exclaim as he heard of those who seek to rebel against the Canonist Sutican Crown
  5. The Solicitor-General would shrug as he heard of the tragic death of his friend: "Most of my friends have all died. Perhaps this is a divine sign that indicates me that I should also join them in the Seven Skies soon. I do not know. All I know is that Joseph Warrick was one of the best Deputy Attorney Generals that have ever existed and that me and his comrades in the Imperial Constabulary will miss him very much. Rest in peace, my friend."
  6. Looking forward to see you back on the Craft bro

  7. In the Imperial City of Providence, Sir Charles Galbraith would shrug as he heard of the death of Legolas Neldor and would mutter the following: "I am sorry I could not save you, my friend. You were a very good Agent who did a lot of work. Thank you for your service and dedication to the Ministry of Justice and the Holy Orenian Empire." @ss3y_
  8. The Solicitor-General would immediately blink twice and suddenly love the Church and its High Pontiff aftering hearing of this decision "God exists. Now I clearly realize it."
  9. are you a cookie? please, be honest
  10. The Solicitor-General would break into tears after hearing the news: "The Attorney-General George O'Rourke was not only a professional prosecutor, but also a dear friend of mine, a husband, a father, and above all, an Orenian patriot. He shall not be forgotten and I would like to announce that the Ministry of Justice shall post-humously honour him with an Imperial Medal of Justice." "Rest in peace, my friend" Sir Charles Galbraith would sign the Lorraine cross and mourn the loss of his friend and employee.
  11. Sir Charles Galbraith would light a candle for Vivaca "The last Curonian Senator that I remember. A true veteran of orenian politics and, above all, a stateswoman. You shall be missed Madam Rutledge." He would sign the Lorraine
  12. Aeldin has been used by the community in the roleplay as part of the server lore for too many years to now simply pretend it never existed in the first place so, no, I don't personally think It would be a good idea to have it be shelved in any manner.
  13. The Solicitor-General Sir Charles Galbraith would smile as he heard the news. "This Imperial Victory in the Tenth Nordling War belongs to the Orenian people, who are the true heroes of Our Nation and, especially, to our Imperial Soldiers, who daily risk their lives in order to keep us safe and uphold the Emperor's peace. As for the Pagans of Norland, I would not be surprised if they end up selling their 'holy' tree in order to get enough money to pay for the war compensations thst they are going to give to Our Imperial Government. After all, they already sold their honor when they started a war with false and pre-fabricated arguments without any basis, so it would not be a surprise. Let us hope that the Nordlings remember what happens when they march South. God save the Emperor John VIII, Our August Monarch and Saviour, Long may he Reign!"
  14. TO THE LEADERSHIP OF THE TERRORIST ORGANIZATION M.R.A.: It is true that today you have somehow managed to escape from Agents of the Imperial Constabulary who were arresting you for the crimes that your terrorist organization has committed against the Imperial State, and that our Agents have suffered very serious injuries at your hands. But we are the Imperial Agents of the Law! We do not negotiate with terrorists and we take Our wounds with vigor, and after every of our defeats we come with a stronger and unstoppable blue spirit that shall be your downfall. This blue and indomitable spirit of our organization descends directly from the legacy of the Order of the White Rose, founded by His Imperial Majesty Peter I of Kaedrin, our Patron Saint, and just like him, we shall defeat all our enemies, including your petty terrorist organization which has sadly caused a lot of harm, death and destruction in Our Country and in other nations. Finally, and just as His Imperial Majesty Peter III said once to the Nordlings: We shall meet you again on the field of battle, again, and again, for Ours is one great spirit, and yours many disparate plots. Signed, HIS EXCELLENCY, Sir Charles Galbraith KM, Solicitor-General of the Holy Orenian Empire.
  15. This lore is excellent. We should absolutely implement this into the server. +1 and good work @Hanrahan
  16. [!] The following Missive would be sent to the Imperial Treasury, addressed at the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury of the Holy Orenian Empire: MISSIVE TO THE IMPERIAL TREASURY: "Mister Secretary, I would like to express my deepest concerns to you regarding your recent loss of your most esteemed books. In addition, I would like to inform you that as soon as my Office received these news, I immediately ordered to open an investigation to find out who presumably stole your books and subsequently have such individual immediately return those stolen books to yourself and bring such individual before Orenian Justice to respond for such a terrible crime. As soon as we discover the material author behind this terrible crime we shall inform you as soon as possible. Sincerely, His Excellency, Sir Charles Galbraith, Solicitor-General of the Holy Orenian Empire"
  17. The Solicitor-General would shrug as he heard the news "The death of a former employee of Our Ministry, of a public servant and imperial functionary as Arthas was for almost two years, is always a tragedy. I wish that Arthas had chosen to stay with Us, the Orenian people, instead of sticking with the barbarians of his family. Rest in peace."
  18. After carefully reading the document Sir Charles Galbraith would nod at the treaty and state: "May this Treaty be the start of our good relations with our Canonist friends in Sutica. May GOD bless Their Majesties, in their imminent prosperous reign over the Cerulean Kingdom of Sutica and may GOD bless Our Holy Mother Church."
  19. nooooo :( very sad to hear because you're great! I'll miss u pollo <3
  20. oran bad

    1. Ramon


      bad oran man bad

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