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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Step 2: wait for it to blood

    1. Traveller


      step 3) cover yourself in blood

  2. Stop trying to coin “MRP”. It’s called PvP

    1. Werew0lf


      Maybe you should write a dramatic thread about why the admins are evil for using MRP instead of MRP….


    2. Burnsider


      What's called MRP? 

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Why did the mods edit PvP into MRP? What?

  3. Suit wearing orcs is an entirely new vibe

    1. _Jandy_



      I wish somebody would use this skin

  4. Teach me your ways of the advertising 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ibraheemc2000


      Its called propaganda, ;-; Thats what basically isis did....they took a pic of a kitten by a ak-47 and they got a lot of jihadist that way ;-; yeah....If that retarded stuff works irl...it will work for the retard level of lotc....

      Akm* sorry Lol ak-47 LOL


    3. NotEvilAtAll


      USSR propaganda > ISIS propaganda

    4. ibraheemc2000
  5. thank you for the bitcoins, I have now released your profile picture from captivity.

    1. Telanir


      Pleasure doing business.

  6. That epic gamer moment when you burn down your own disloyal city in an attempt to control the population.

  7. That was a pretty amazing halfling festival

  8. The best way to have fun RP is to go around and give people free stuff

    1. ibraheemc2000


      mhm, i rped high on cactus green walk around, ***** slap people then hand them a rose and walk off XD

  9. The Chef skill was the only good thing about Nexus.

  10. The halfling pumpkin was defended! The halfling race is safe!

  11. the halfling race is doing well

  12. The halfling village of Brandybrook is going to be hosting a book-writing event at 3 PM EST this upcoming Sunday!



  13. The halfling village of Mapleshire is doing well! I can't wait for 6.0 and the 6.0 village!

  14. The halflings are an example of communism working

  15. The halflings invented ale

    1. UnusualBrit
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      The wiki says halflings have the strongest claim on the creation of ale.

  16. the lag and server crashes were so bad we had to move the Brandybrook Drinking Night to a different RP server lol

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      I’ve been sitting here moving in 10 block increments trying to travel and just gave up. Server is a joke right now. It’s barely functional.

    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      I’ve been sitting here moving in 10 block increments trying to travel and just gave up. Server is a joke right now. It’s barely functional. Also the forums are laggy as **** making me repost.

    3. rukio
  17. The last two Dunshire Drinking Nights were MASSIVE successes. Thus, it’s high time that the halflings of Dunshire host another one, with all of Atlas invited to play the traditional sport of “Shogging” after all the booze has run dry! Come and join us at 3 PM EST, Sunday the 10th of February to join us!


  18. The legend returns 

    1. big narstie
    2. Dalek348


      'The legend got messaged on steam about the new map coming up and checked the forums, but will be gone again very soon' is more accurate

    3. NotEvilAtAll
  19. The Lord of the Rings lore is better than Lord of the Craft's lore


    Change my mind.

    1. ryno2


      water is wet

  20. The National Bolsheviks secretly organized the destruction of the Empire’s capital.

  21. The new age date stuff has made there be multiple dating systems used in roleplay.


    Halflings have Shire Reckoning, Orenians just use the old system, some folks use the new age dates, etc.

    1. squakhawk


      what do you mean a change provoked culture we just wanted to annoy people 

    2. argonian


      what's a shire reckoning

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Shire reckoning is LOTR inspired stuff idk much I didn’t make it.

  22. The new halfling village is looking pretty great

  23. The new theme reminds me of the forums for other roleplaying servers

  24. The only race better than halflings are gnomes , who have truely achieved enlightenment with all their memes.

  25. The only thing I miss about Nexus are the Cannolis. My life lacks meaning now that I can no longer produce this virtual confectionery delight.

    1. Myleres


      and our cooking battles ?

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