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Ender VIP
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Status Replies posted by Myleres

  1. You, a manager? I couldn’t be more proud. 

  2. Hey Lumi, need your help with studying the anatomy of cat girls. Hmu 

  3. ill be tracer 

  4. Hey Lumi, need your help with duping. Hmu

  5. For the most part people should be limited to one staff position and lotc should have to accept all volunteers!!!!!`  change my mind!!!!

  6. when you or corpean gonna become GM director

  7. LF group / new character. Any interesting ideas?

  8. when you or corpean gonna become GM director



  11. Here's my solution, let's get rid of pvp, and let's get rid of RP. That's right, let's become a build server!

  12. That face when developers will tell YOU what YOU want. Literally from what I've seen so far a developer's only argument has been "I don't want to deal with its upkeep. . ." I mean hmm. . . that almost sounds like you saying you don't want to do your job doesn't it?

  13. if i said anything i probably meant it

  14. sharing ways to get inside dominion by laddering over walls for 100 mina each, i have about 4 ways in (not patched)

  15. lf character to play; can provide mediocre RP

  16. What are the chances of 7.0 having nexus again? Its time boys

  17. Looking to fill the New Player Discord with some more general helpers here over the course of the next week!


    If you're interested click this link:


  18. How do I disable the unclaimed voting reward prompt?

  19. any canadians wanna hang out

  20. @Staff - Join ex-staff, today!

  21. join my team instead i call it the “pvp goon” team where we dont rp ever....

  22. I may get some flak for this but i kinda miss some of the aspects around nexus or i should say the profession system particularly. Crafting times i do not miss but i miss gathering things like thanium or periodit or those rare metals like that and the loot chests and getting the alchemy things as well. I miss having acess to getting quartz without having to buy it at ct. 

  23. We all having a nice weekend?

  24. I am a reformed gamer, I am sorry for anyone I have offended, been rude to, been toxic to, and all of the above. I wish everyone the best, and I am taking my leave, I have real life stuff to handle, so I am leaving the server. I wish everyone the best, and have an amazing year.

  25. Daily reminder that Mordekaiser es numero uno hue hue hue

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