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Status Replies posted by Myleres

  1. Mornin’ 

  2. Mornin’ 

  3. Alright fellahs as halfling NL im ready and thriving for some war offers. LETS HEAR IT NATION LEADS. COME AT ME AND GIMME THESE GOOD OLE WAR REASONS. We can make some QUALITY war rules man. XoXo 

  4. Brandybrook has a beach with a volleyball net so if you wanna see some midget babes in swimsuits you know where to go.


    although I’m pretty sure any bigguns trying to date a halfling would get lynched instantly.

  5. 90% of the people who are signing nation applications dont even live there lmfao this system is clearly broken

  6. Send me a message on discord (kanadensare#7103) or approach me in-game via bird or in person if you want to serve in the Black Company!



    It’ll be a good mix of RP and PvP, but the PvP will actually have RP supporting it. I know, a crazy theory, but stick with me here.

  7. just in case anyone is trying to reach the admins: https://faxauthority.com/how-to-send-a-fax/

  8. Love how I can be suffering in a hospital and fireheart still cant open my forum message. @Telanir

  9. I want to make a playable Rat race. Similar to that of Ratiki. (i.e. like Twitch from League)

  10. the rule change ‘○      You can not steal livestock and not leave two of each animal behind.’

    should be reworded to
    ’you can not steal livestock without leaving two of each animal behind.’ because right now it sounds like you cant steal livestock at all.
    unless im dumb and you just cant x)

  11. @Fireheart_ Is there a set time for when the transition event will occur tomorrow morning? Or will it occur tonight and then the server will officially shut down tomorrow morning? Thanks!

  12. would anyone be interested in quick 5$ headshots?

  13. i like ur pfp. . 

  14. we should probably change this so it shows our discord invite link rather than an unused teamspeak https://prntscr.com/mdtr03 

  15. how do you feel about your future?  

  16. Returning player, how do i go about getting another MC account whitelisted? I remember there used to be a different form you had to fill out but i can’t seem to find it. The new application section doesn’t make sense.

  17. Why hate on bandits when very few people try to make it an enjoyable experience for both sides? Especially road side bandits. Why do people who are doing villainy get punished if they give bad roleplay but the people they’re attacking, to my knowledge, don’t get slapped for poor quality roleplay? Would love to hear opinions on this from both sides. . .

  18. so what constitutes as the new staff rank ‘moderator’ ? 

  19. what race, group, or creature would be considered the canadians of LOTC?

  20. remember your daily prayers

  21. keep getting stuck on downloading terrain, how to fix?

  22. to whichever forum moderator removed my signature and replaced it with an outdated spongebob gif: ?

  23. @NotEvilAtAll = Halfling
    @panda_bear = Panda royalty
    @Elite_Snipes_YT = Dominionite
    @Fireheart = A true Phoenix
    @Lumiin = The last Kha on Atlas

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