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Everything posted by Punished_Pup

  1. [!] A note was hastily written, with some stains of blood on the paper and without much thought into any form of presentation, before it was pinned to the notice board of Celia'nor TO CELIA'NOR CITIZENS I ask that of you to check ANY and ALL fabric of your homes, watch it if it moves and coils around DESTROY IT WITH HASTE. If you tear a part of it and it bleeds I asked you again, DESTORY IT WITH HASTE. Report any information you discover regarding these twisted fiber fiends to the Brokerage.
  2. A Wanderer from Afar looked over the book within her home, recalling memories long past of meeting Ivarielle and her heroic actions that helped saved Fenn from Dark Forces. There was a yearning for those days, of the uplifting of all Mali from the stagnation brought on by absent leadership and violently unintelligent diplomatic remarks from the Maheral, and degeneracy that fostered within the confines of Haelun'or. She remembered the gift granted to her from the Beyond and Fates for assisting Ivarielle in her capture of the old Haelun'or city, to step out amongst the Stars, nothing but a smirk set upon her usually stoic features, before she simply went out about her day, heeding no mind to that place. A new chapter to be made..
  3. An old Celia'norian Wanderer was awoken with this news, and when left in private, her eyes read over it, before repeating the section "Despite the clear intent to kill or do harm to Lady Roa, she was let go?" Absolutely confused in tone "Mustn't been very clear or..?" She trails off, before saying "I'll speak with the Prince to offer my services to aid with this matter." She then went back into a nap.
  4. That Wanderer thought quietly upon the matters of war, she did not envy Illyria's position, however, she was willing to stand by the Royarch's decision no matter what "Thankfully, this gives me time and freedom to conduct some investigations." she vaguely remarks, as she looks over a map in private.
  5. “May you burn brightly in the Beyond.” That Wanderer spoke softly, a promise made “I will find who done this.” She looked over the body she dragged back within Celia’nor, with great effort upon her ailed body. The eyes of Sylva Cerusil were brought to a close by her digits, how horrific the wounds were, and all she could question was ‘Why?’ All she knew about Sylva was they worked the tavern, she recalled that the arrival of the dead body was heralded with a shout “One dead Celia’norian Councilor Scum dropoff!” Followed by the beat of hooves against the ground as they flee. She stood in long silence, before finding the Royarch and calling them to explain what had occurred, and after some long moments in thought, she had to find out what occurred, with the clinic cleared out, she shut the barrier to block sight from those that might wander by. A hand held out to catch a Black Orb that seemingly emitted into existence, as she began to channel the powers granted by an unknown source to her. Prayers muttered to that font she knew as the Beyond, to grant her insight into what happened to Sylva Cerusil... -=- She saw three figures, one draped in onyx cloth, wrapped around their body hidden within the shadows, one with a blue robe thrown over a wooden mask of grey who was trailed by a feline automaton, the final individual Sylva Cerusil herself. Sylva was seemingly talking with them, as she offered the blue-robed figure a book. “There, my end is now fulfilled,” she spoke They flicked through the pages “..Mm. By technicality, this does fill my prerequisite.” The book then snapped shut, slotting it within their robe “I find this satisfactory, Sylva.” Their voice almost otherworldly, they inquire of Sylva “Now.. Let me ask you a question. During.. Our last meeting, you told me that birds were so easy to crush, for how- fragile they are..” their head tilts slightly to the side “Have you ever heard of a shrike?” The oynx figure in the shadows, prepared a strike with a bow with Sylva completely unaware, as she spoke to the masked individual “If I have, then it is something long buried within my memory. Please, continue.” The Figure in Blue strode about, as the automaton crept behind Sylva. “They’re just... These tiny little birds. I find them fascinating, to be completely unassuming in appearance. Yet - they are best known for skewering animals much larger than themselves upon thorns, and the like.” That figure's hands unsheathed from the sleeves, an unmarked bottle in hand, flipping the latch that corked the concoction. “A noble creature, I think. I admire those who make a habit of biting off more than they can chew.” A soft hum escaped Sylva as her digits were brushed along a cold stone edge, the hand lofting up with soot that she rubbed between the tips of her fingers. “A little warrior then, would you not agree?” Her left hand rests upon the hilt of her blade by her side, as she faces the figure, gaze set upon that bottle, a short-lived frown was displayed before she spoke once more “Do you now? I may only assume you are either speaking of me, or the one slumped behind you.” That blue figure took in a breath, their voice unnaturally tuned as it asked, with that automaton bending low behind Sylva “Tell me, Sylva. Are you immortal?” The arrow the dark-clad figure had prepared was fired, as they dropped from above. “Do-” Sylva’s words were cut off, as she threw herself back into a roll onto her knees, she gripped her blade “I really should have known something like this was to happen the moment I saw him.” As the archer now took a potion from their belt, their ambered eyes pierced at Sylva under the hood. The blue figure immediately sensing the opportunity slammed their vial on the ground towards the center, filling the area with a sickly yellow miasma, covering Sylva, the woman’s vision overcome with tears as she felt her lungs burning with a violent coughing fit “A shame you didn’t.” they commented, as the automaton bites onto her sword-arm, fangs of Ferrum dug into her skin, Sylva letting out a scream of agony, causing her to inhale that smog, attempting to use her sleeve as a makeshift mask. Another figure came into view of the vision, but fates obscured them, as if someone awoken from the attack, backing away from the murder that was about to occur, as they covered their mouth. They lingered on the edge of the gas, squinting to see what was happening through that gas, arms crossed. The dark figure approached, his eyes streaming with tears, but they were not coughing, each breath of air allowed a white puff to emit, whatever it was granted normal breath “Your days of abuse are over.” They growled as they shook the potion. The gas began to expand, the room almost enveloped in that gas, as the blue figure stepped forth, completely unaffected, perhaps something under that mask. “Do you want to know why this is happening, Sylva?” In gloat, as their automaton began to shake Sylva vigorously side to side, disrupting her balance “You weren’t careful.” They hissed bitterly, with a sword withdrawn. “Let’s hope that the terror wrought upon our dear apprentice was worth the price?” Sylva Cerusil was yanked to her side, her right arm coming from her face to try to catch the fall, as blood began to flow, attempting to sweep the blue figure off their feet, however, they were too close for it to be effective, firmly pinning the writhing Sylva in place. The figure of Onyx withdrew an arrow, as he ruthlessly struck the arrow through Sylva’s shoulder with it tightly gripped around his digits. Sylva looked up to see the blue-robed figure's eyes, cornflower blue, the skin translucent, bloodshot, and watering from that smog, and they brought the blade down, to impale Sylva through the chest. A blood-curdling scream was let out from the flurry of blows dealt to her, mixed with coughing “You’ve..” she’d paused as her face contorted with a shimmer making its way up to her eyes, as she looked up with a smile... “You’ve... Managed to complete the one thing I couldn’t do on my own... Sadly I won’t-” the words trailed off, and her life was at an end. Her head dropped to the floor with a heavy thud on the cold ground. That obscured figure closed in as the gas dissipated, looking over the scene “You were right.” they cron bitterly, “This?” They gesture over the Cerusil’s lifeless body “Will gnaw at the back of my mind. - But you’ve lost..” The words drift from the tip of this figure’s tongue, as they shift within the pool of blood. The dark-clad figure muttered “Mm.. I will take the body to her home so she can go through a proper burial.” they added, “I am not sure how I feel about using her for the book, however..” That blue-clad figure rips the blade from Sylva’s chest, as lingering blood begins to pool and splatter about, their gaze set upon the body as they switched grip on the sword, an arm brought around that missing figure as they spoke with that ethereal hint “..No.” before the voice became natural “..No we won’t use her for the book..” The figure of Onyx rode off, with Sylva’s body sitting upon the top, making the journey to Celia’nor, those horse hooves beating against the ground... -=- Weary eyes stared at the Black Orb, as the vision came to an end. So many questions are still left unanswered... But she made her way to the Royarch of Celia’nor to inform her what she discovered.
  6. The Wanderer from Afar sat next to the fallen Sylva Cerusil, after putting close to her eyes, she held out a hand in the now quiet clinic, a black orb appeared within her grasp..
  7. A tired veteran Celia'norian looks over the missive, seeing a few of the names caught her attention, ones that would be considered kin, ones that promised to stick with Celia'nor no matter what just barely over 2 Elven Weeks ago. Because they wanted to avoid conflict, plain and simple. And it disgusted her, anger boiled in her veins. "How does one get strong.. When they flee at the first sign of trouble? These new names thinking they carry weight because they have been touched by forces beyond, yet I can't think of a single thing this family has done for Celia'nor." she remarks "They should know peace is a lie, presented by the weak and frail that are unable to push themselves to be strong, so they can backstab those they hate because they couldn't come face to face with their foes." She took a seat, as a tome appeared out of thin air upon the table she was sat, she calmed herself with some remarks. "Not often a cancer cuts itself out. Though I don't think they're suited for Amathine, perhaps they should find Braxus and his ilk."
  8. That Wanderer made her way into a private room, as a bag followed behind her. Ideas ruminate in her mind, of all the experiences she stood witness to, how strange and humorous existence was to her. The bag thumped onto the floor, as she looked idly over the empty room. An avid imagination, clashed with vivid imagery she has watched or divined by choice or by happenstance. She begins to set up an easel, in the private abode, so no mortal eyes might pry. She removes her gloves, and stains the side of her hand in ink, as paper made its way onto the easel's rest. She begins to pat the paper canvas, as her tired eyes stare. She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, she wanted to laugh, she wanted to love, she wanted to hate. Such a paradox she'd managed to let fester in her thoughts and soul. She looks over what she done so far, and found it acceptable, as she takes a pencil in hand and begin to put lines to the canvas, swiftly done, as she desperately pushes dark reflections aside, a single question protruding her thoughts "Where does the material and immaterial truths begin, where does the dreams begin, where was the line, where did it end?" The Sketch was finished, and so she began the final stretch of her creation, and applied thin layers of a dark oil paint over her sketch, and it was finished. Her clean hand reaches up, as it began to uncurl fingers to fervently scratch and scratch at her eyes, until that arm grew tired and dropped to her side, idle eyes over the canvas, her expression blank until tiredness overcame her, and simply slept on the floorboards below.. Her last lingering thought was of that subject of her drawing, was it a lie? or was it truth.. THE UNRAVELER?
  9. The Wanderer from Afar gazed over the paper hidden away, searching to see if her name was included, she was safe.. For now.. Though the introduction of the paper for Celia'nor brought her some spark of joy, one of the many steps to further Celia'nor she thought.
  10. The Wanderer from Afar wanders past the missive, though happy for the Celian people to have more housing.
  11. Laerdya after reading the missive in private remarks "Can't be Kin slaying if you aren't our Kin, 'Aheral would never submit their freedoms and themselves to any other race. Ironic that they say all rise for the Motherland, when they barely can, I recall how our numbers far out weight theirs, though I might wonder where those that resisted Ivarielle in the past are now? Or perhaps they realized how foolish the Republic movement was after they willingly submitted to the Uruks. I might add that the insults are well earned, given Haelun'or has seeming done nothing with some of the degenerate members that dwell within their city, I can only see this as endorsement for the behavior they constantly rally against to those outside their circles, yet when it happens in their own ranks they turn a blind eye because of how desperate they are.." "Irrelevant, pathetic, and impotent.. Seems to be how Haelun'or is these days, while we constantly grow and grow, they still can't let us go despite the fact we left them to their own fate and doing, obsessed with us because we are everything they wish to be. Perhaps.." she trails off into her thoughts.
  12. An Elf from the time around Arcas happened upon the missive in her travels, a cheeky smirk upon her features as the name brought back good, bad, and painful memories.
  13. "If only they could fight at least as well as they can.." she trails off, reading over some parts of the missive "Lie, it would seem. Though the Horde likely doesn't understand our pragmatic approach, what is there to gain by warring Krugmar, when they were the ones who attacked us first? Though ironic they call us those who associate with the dark, when a curse spread through Krugmar in which causes the Descendants to turn to Blood.." she pauses before simply commenting "Insignificant, as usual from these half-wits who don't even take time to learn the basics of what they talk about." and with that, she carried on to Court in Celia'nor.
  14. A white haired woman sharpening a blade comments "Funny that they were the ones to attack us and all we merely did was defend our homeland as they attempted to break into our city, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that those who claim to be the pinnacle of honor are in fact honourless given our interactions with the pinnacle of purity being Haelun'or that easily bent the knee when it suits them despite their prior resistance to other leadership, suppose maybe that is why they're good allies? But curious the Orcs 'left' when most of them are feeding the Woodlands around Celia'nor." she then remarked with a smirk.
  15. "Perhaps she ought to actually speak with Ivarielle than run her mouth on topics she clearly knows nothing about, guessing the reasoning behind certain actions or words, though it is so much easier to make up lies to tear down others, constantly have we in Celia'nor toiled away at building our homeland up, and progress more and more, compared to those degenerate, impotent Republicans." A woman bitterly comments
  16. Laerdya could only let out malicious laugh upon hearing the news "Serves them right for their inability to listen to anyone else, I knew Haelun'or would suffer, but they refused my grace." The woman would proceed to rant on before going about her business in the warm lands of Celia'nor.
  17. I feel like the only suggestion is maybe getting a friend to tag along or introduce you to new groups IRP, hopefully that helps.
  18. Alternative titles to this thread are.. Why LotCers are all on watchlists for engaging this server for more than a week Proof why LotCers should be locked up Reasons why LotCers should be told to face a wall
  19. Along with everything else you've stated, I've seen how you've acted behind closed doors, you give Kiwi shit for being a OOC plotter, yet I've seen DMs of you whining OOCly because you weren't getting what you wanted IRPly. We IRPly tried to adapt our ideas to better suit what you and the old player base wanted, however, you kicked a good chunk of the newly founded Celia'nor community out and basically tried labeling us all trolls who only wanted to destroy Haelun'or and basically try and misinform older players who only became active because you were telling them over Discord that Haelun'or was under threat. You actively took OOC steps in order to prevent an IRP take over. You tried to say you saved Haelun'or but you actively ignored the Ivarielle conflict and tried to hide behind rules that frankly didn't exist, I don't see how you saved it if you left it entirely vulnerable to being attacked by a threat that you tried to pass off as a 'bandit princess'. Not to mention you keep saying OOCly that this entire conflict is OOCly driven all because of one individual, Kiwi, you try also claiming it is also a Fennic plot, in an attempt to try box everyone into a singular group so you can justify not having to actually argue facts. I was one of the players involved at the end of Iverach's NL rule of Hnor, my main goal was to assist Haelun'or so my character could do w/e she felt fit and be protected, in something in a symbiote like relationship. I ended up leaving when I realized that Hnor was not going to survive under Iverach's helm as by pure inactivity and lack of caring of the active player base was the Nation suffering, thinking he was going to bring back all the old players for a new golden age of Haelun'or or something. I realized as a 'newer' player to the Hnor community and having zero connection to this older community I was going to have zero place in his idea so I left for Fenn to see what RP I could find, I encountered Ivarielle who had plans for Haelun'or before you even became NL. Unfortunately, given how the Haelun'or conflict unfolded, we correctly assumed that no one in Haelun'or was going to OOCly give up the city when you had become NL, which is why it started off hostile, I should also note you keep saying she had no involvement in Hnor but iirc she was involved during Caelria's era of Hnor. At no point, was my OOC intention to destroy Haelun'or's community, the way I saw it is given my character's development, she felt scorned, she tried offering your character advice, telling you to forgive Orinmon for example because she felt you would need fighters to defend Haelun'or, though you ignored her, and you also during a public meeting she attended called every Nation a snake. She thinks that Braxus is so stupid that it is dangerous for him to be left alive and in control of Haelun'or, given how a lot of the races are reflected by their Nation, if the High Elven Nation ends up getting hated for poor choice of words or is seen as week, it reflects on her, even if she wasn't going to be in Haelun'or. I had made a an IRP attempt to spy on Haelun'or to feed information to Ivarielle, but I ended up giving up as one day, me and many other supporters of Ivarielle were suddenly removed from the citizen doors and region from Haelun'or, and all I know from the situation was that the Discord that we were using at the time had the member list leaked, there was no IRP discovery at that time who and who wasn't loyal to Haelun'or or Ivarielle, just straight up metagaming. It is instances like these that I say encourage the very behavior you try and condemn of OOC plotting, as I mentioned in another post, there is no way to fight OOC interference IRPly, if you meta game me being a spy there is nothing I can do IRPly because you had gone out of your way to discover through OOC means IRP information and as I result I frankly do not trust you to act accordingly to RP. I also don't see your point regarding people not being involved with Haelun'or, this is basically a made up metric you came up with to determine if people are legitimate or not, as I said before to box people so you don't have to properly address the situation, if 'outsider' High Elves rallied behind Ivarielle/anyone else, it doesn't matter if they were in the past involved with Hnor or not, given that in a realistic situation, your character would had been executed along with many others when we first stormed Hnor in a warclaim and we likely could have held the city because you decided to not prepare for the conflict. Kiwi frankly wanted to remove some of the more nastier elements of the Haelun'or community, which you can not deny exist, yourself have essentially bullied Kiwi, trying to accuse her of being a cause of factionalism that was a threat to Hnor, yet you have the gall to go around DMing her friends to tell them not to be her minions and how you were going to wait until her and those associated to do something 'realllllly fucked' for great screenshot material so you could coup, and cementing that #girlboss was something that was happening IRP. I also don't see how Kiwi is relevant to the entire conflict being OOCly motivated, as she joined later on, I also don't see how in some regards the new Celia'nor group wanted to destroy the Hnor community, as you admitted yourself, Hnor was at 0.5% and dropping, when Ivarielle started her movement which would had been around this time, there frankly wasn't a community to destroy, only an inactive Nation, I just feel this is merely an attempt as I said, to box people into certain categories so you don't have to actually defend your position and to misinform people who weren't involved in the situation that had been going on for months and was relatively unknown up until Kiwi made her post and Haelun'or was stormed for control. Myself and many others haven't had great interactions with the Hnor playerbase, yourself have constantly engaged with Kiwi when she told you to stop, yet you kept going and start shit talking her in DMs, literally disgusting behavior you've accused her of, you're no better. I brought you a screenshot of one of your community members calling me mentally ill for zero reason and you've done nothing about it, I've IRPly come to you about a certain group/individual telling my character various times telling my female persona shouldn't wear clothing/pants as she shouldn't be ashamed to hide her form or something along those lines, you character refused to do anything IRP which I can understand, you needed their support, but I am unsure if any OOC action was taken regarding this behavior, as you opted to ignore my complaints in the past, you may clarify with me (or over this forum post) if any action was taken, but I can't tell given I was banned from the Hnor Discord. There is frankly so much to unpack with you and some members of the Hnor community it isn't funny and frankly it is tiring seeing you constantly try slander a new community and punish those who went against Haelun'or. I will agree with Rukio, and given my own experiences with you and Hnor, with what I've seen you say and do behind close doors, you are incredibly hateful, petty, and extremely toxic, you and others have a weird obsession with Kiwi being some evil master mind and saying some of the most bizarre things I could ever hear on LotC regarding a single individual, it is akin to the fringe political conspiracy theories about political figures, it is extremely unhealthy for this kind of thinking to take place over a Minecraft Roleplay server and only serves to generate more toxicity in the long run and further divide the player bases. It feels like your entire position and what you want the Hnor community to focus around is based hating on Kiwi at this point which is just dumb given you've already removed her from your community and she has moved on from Hnor along with many others. You couldn't do anything IRP about Ivarielle/Kiiwi/Celia'nor so I feel you've resorted to OOC means to destroy the Celia'nor Community. I will be refraining from any interaction if I can help it with you and Haelun'or as it stands, this entire conflict has been incredibly draining due to the amount of OOC that had been introduced by yourself in an attempt to OOCly protect Haelun'or from IRP consequence, be it from Iverach or prior leadership, or your own actions. I'd say good luck in what you do, but frankly I hope you step on a Lego with bare feet with how horrid you've been acting.
  20. God I wish that were me not having to sacrifice two entire days for a week for a civil war. 

  21. Music After a long day she made her way back to the Farm House she resided, with a few items in hand to store away, though a strange sensation overcame her, so she put the items aside as she made her way to the basement, carefully treading forth, as she came to kneel down in a clear spot. Everything was blank for a singular moment, before the woman’s mind was overcome by variegated, paradoxical images. She as her very form being flung headfirst into this twisting and warping space, such wonderful colours, so vibrant, hypnotic it was, despite the way the colours illogically clashed against each other before reappearing, the colours were drawn in chaos yet such a beautiful pattern to behold was formed, even with the factor of the randomness and chance of this weave. It felt almost like a lifetime within this strange imagery of colours, as she was in flight at speeds she couldn’t fathom through the middle as it bends around her, though it came to an end, as the colours were almost being ‘peeled’ back to reveal another space. Through various types of landscapes of the world she was now throttled through, the misty outcrops of a shoreline, jagged rocks pierced the water, before she found herself in a dive into a deep ravine that almost seemed bottomless. With a twist, it was almost as if she was transported elsewhere, as her form skirted dangerously close alongside a mountain feeling the cold air rush past as she instantly reached the top of the snowy peak, before she looped back to where she started, it was almost as if the reality began to rip, pieces of the colours began to tear off and cling against her body, some falling off shortly after, as she went through the landscapes, it was as if this world was fabric, as gaps formed in the rocks that pushed past the water, in the ravine and mountain, were flattened and bent against her form. Suddenly she was yanked upwards, as she overlooked everything she witnessed as if was nothing more than a simple painting, yet she knew it could not be so with what she just experienced, yet all of it was connected, and sensation caught up with her, how alluring and how horrifying reality could be, feeling as she witnessed everything, but before thoughts could form, she was flipped in an instant. Gone was this tapestry of impossible worlds merged, as she stood in nothing, in suspended abyss. Stars began to form, twinkling despite the consuming darkness she was in, as more began to bud she could not help but wonder if this was connected to the discovery she made prior. The Stars now all formed, began to take the form of the unknown eye that beheld the world for her. The limbs of this entity dug into the abyss she was in and pulled from it a core carved of umbra and then gave it to the woman in her trembling hands. She awoke, and within her hands a strange mass in the form of a sphere, akin to the size of a newborn child, a pattern that bleeds that looked like a starfield from the night above, she was silent for long lingering moments, as she tried to comprehend all that happened within that trance. So much has unfolded to this woman in a fairly short amount of time, with all the information she has learned be it matters of the world, or the strange, or of dark and light, the suffering she has quietly endured, the constant gnawing loneliness that festered within her heart that only grew more potent as she became more and more disillusioned with people and reality itself. Carefully she held with one hand this otherworldly mass, pulling the golden mask that covered her eyes off her face, resting it aside before the hand returned to help cradle the mass. Her usually stoic form dissipated, crumbled away, overwhelmed by the experience, emotion and knowledge of everything she underwent ever since her meeting with one similarly blessed. And she simply wept.
  22. Me when the Admins make a mistake.



  23. We call this a shit take, road to 500 would be hard if you banned the entire community, our Discord alone around the time had about 115 members and then it comes down to if I should have my character change their IRP direction/actions/whatever because Kiwi OOCly said something in her post regarding the coup, yes I think it was dumb for her to have posted but you also gave Oren shit in the past for not doing anything about having leaders who are shitty people in positions of power, those who abuse it OOCly. You can't fight OOC with IRP unfortunately, this entire server needs something of a check up to remove a lot of the OOC factors that regard around RP because frankly most people OOC plot and scheme because it is quite literally seems to be the only way to get anything done IRP. Banning the community would have been akin to treating the symptoms and not the illness itself. Guess surprised, idk. Still pretty sure there are plenty of other cases I could refer back to over the past three years since I've been here. I can't really be bothered to dig them up. Can't really comment on the rest of it because I didn't touch Oren because I heard the rumors and decided not to go near it. What makes this a pain in the ass regarding this case is that this is something that everyone assumed was a done deal 2 years ago, players likely deleted most of their screenshots assuming a permanent ban was gonna be ya know, permanent. Having to re get the evidence is gonna be a pain in the ass, and especially since in this Discord era I can lock people out of channels/archive them so people can't get access to the comments or what not, otherwise just straight up delete remarks and nothing can be done. Not to mention people might need to get new Discord and might have their old ones deleted, etc. Also lotta stuff can be said over VC and there unfortunately isn't a way to record something said if you weren't already recording. The only thing that makes this case wack is only one report was looked over, now Hogo, Squak, and Itdontmatta can't be blamed for not being aware there was another three reports because they likely had no way of knowing, but idk how Telanir and Llir didn't realize three entire reports were missing, they should have remembered about those reports or it should at the very least be recorded as they were admins at the time.
  24. Let me tap into my omniscient so I know exactly what everyone has done so I know who to support and not. You just assume everyone knows everything that goes down on the server, but frankly that isn't the case. I also feel people pick and chose because they feel they don't have enough evidence, feel they won't be able to make the change, or just lack trust in staff and often lash out to try and fix one single thing where they can. Also not calling everyone out and only focusing on one person = players pick and choose and they dum dum. Seen plenty of public threads that forces a response from admins, more recent example would have been KP lmfao, that you were an admin for, as I've said time and time again, LotC has fostered this type of culture which forces people to have to expose themselves in order to get some people removed for shit they've done.
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