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Status Updates posted by Punished_Pup

  1. Me when the Admins make a mistake.



  2. Offering three different toe pics for Azdrazi, please contact me.

  3. Please talk to Korvic and help him fix the god damn server.


  4. Return to me, Blago.

    1. blago


      Just ordered new PC parts 

    2. Punished_Pup
  5. Server Operations are not operating correctly, please Mr Operations Administrator, make it operate again.



    1. Punished_Pup


      The operations are failing so bad, that I can not eat bread on the server.

  6. Seven glorious hours of defending Haelun'or for the Silver Phoenix, may the Hydra fall!

  7. So much to flame today and not enough time.

    1. LoTC's Next Top Model

      LoTC's Next Top Model

      gobble my cock, munchkin. you don’t know flame, you ain’t been where i been. i’m out here crankin web like a seamstress. i’m bustin and hustlin like a first-age liberal. i’m framin the jews for homicide. i’m feeding the disadvantaged of peurto rico, motherfucker. i’m out here stretchin my guns guns guns my dude. 

      you think you flamin? dude, you ain’t seen nothin. i’m out here eatin the jerky and leavin the chese on the shelf, homeskillet. i’m fryin the beef no matter what doom said. high blood pressure gonna turn into high cash catcher my dude. i’m out here commiting white collar crimes and i won’t see a day in the slammer because of my white collar genes, you feel? i’m out here embezzling and defrauding investors, and you think you flamin? get out of here child

    2. Punished_Pup


      Gonna submit a BR against you. Actually shaking rn

  8. Soy is good, and I will debate you on it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Punished_Pup
    3. dard


      @FreeHongKong makes a good point we should all consider

    4. Punished_Pup


      I can’t debate without actual facts provided to me.

  9. Tbh idk if the changes are good or bad, but all I can say is that I feel the implementation has been poor, I feel giving at least a weeks grace would have helped people freak out less and any concerns or suggestions could have be addressed during the grace period. 


    Edited by Venomous_Pup
    Removed the image, no idea why it got included again when I keep tryna making status updates.
  10. Telanir is actually good, dw.


  11. Thank you community, I will try and fix things for you lot.

    1. squakhawk
    2. Whiplash


      pay my medical bills for that time you hurt me

  12. The Silver Scandal is the truth! Any who say otherwise, are simply liars and insurgents!


  13. They have taken you from the Imperial City's prison, first by carriage and now by boat, to the east, to Morrowind. Fear not, for I am watchful, you have been chosen.

  14. This **** make me revert to PS1 Hagrid.

  15. We do a lil bit of shid posting when the admins make whoopsies. 


    Edited by Venomous_Pup
  16. We should make it you keep inventory on death while the server is in the state it is in!

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      at least soustones don’t kill you 100% of the time anymore

  17. When you fail a Pugsy because ElvenMommaHacker was standing nearby.


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ventai


      dude are you having a mental breakdown? also looks like you’re the one obsessed with me, even went through the trouble to link my soundcloud lol

    3. Punished_Pup


      I had it linked to me lol I’m not gonna comment anything else cause it is gold


    4. lemonke
  18. Ya'll motherfuckers stopped playing LotC and started playing RS.

  19. Your opinion about Llyria is wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ducklingator


      i think llyria actually doesn’t exist

    3. AlphaMoist


      I mean a lot of this **** is based solely off of ooc issues that other player groups have against Llyria. Like, just a blatant fact.


      I really don’t care about the war, but when you have to point to the few dark mages in the city, that’s kind of the go to “we can’t find any other reason to cause conflict but yo they got dark mages so that’ll work”. 


      Its also pretty shitty, in my opinion, to go after a nation as soon as their leader leaves the server so he can move countries. 


      And let’s not forget the chad who was running up to people mcly, emoting attacking people immediately, and than ran away mcly as soon as someone confronted him. He also ignored everything he was told in PMs regarding as to how he was breaking combat rules. Sounds pretty toxic to me. 


      But yeah man, go ahead and keep playing the moral high ground. Both sides of this shitfest have acted terribly, but if you want to ignore one for your own narrative, be my guest. 

    4. Abyssus


      @Ixli no, necromancy is the most toxic community, **** you for forgetting that crinky

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