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Everything posted by Bhased

  1. Decree of Banishment of Laetranis ap Tahorran 14th of The Deep Cold, 16 SA ~ Overview ~ Until subsequent review, with reprieve and exemptions only to be granted under the authority of the Crown and government, the following parties are hereby banished from the Princedom of Elvenesse and all the lands encompassed within its dominion: • Laetranis ap Tahorran (aliases Red Coyote, Brother Coyote, diplomatic roadblock) Those found to be in contempt of this ruling are to submit themselves to escort and removal from the land encompassing the Crown of Elvenesse. Refusal to do so shall be deemed an act of open hostility and met with a sufficient display of lawful force. ~ Rationale ~ Under review by the Crown Council of Elvenesse, the individual “Laetranis ap Tahorran” has been found to be in contempt of international diplomatic discretion on several accounts, and counts of Treason. Due to the high profile of the varied incidents, the Crown sees it fit to enforce exile upon the deemed ‘Red Coyote’. Should he be found within the Realm of Elvenesse, he will be subjected to the full extent of the Indor Tiran, as well as eligible for extradition if negotiated accordingly. It is to be noted that this article is of no particular incident, and rather the overarching issues the individual has caused the Crown of Elvenesse. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Fëanor of House Sylvaeri, High Prince of Elvenesse, Wielder of the Crown of Malinor, Protector of the Almenodrim and Irrinites Evar'tir of House Oranor, Lord Exarch of Elvenesse, nominal Prince of Caras Eldar, Adjudicator of Malchediael
  2. Open Call for Diplomacy, Notice of Foreign Policy 14th of The Deep Cold, 16 SA ~ Overview ~ Time and time again, the Crown of Elvenesse are met with nigh outlandish demands of issues withheld and not properly communicated, on account of our citizenry and their actions. Diplomatic shortcomings prop roadblock after roadblock. In a strong effort to combat this, the office of the Lord Exarch issues this notice, both domestically and abroad, in the interest of furthering relations and shaping a better Elvenesse for Mali'. ~ Rationale ~ Any and all citizenry of Elvenesse found to be in contempt of foreign law is liable for extradition, as negotiable with any foreign party with the office of the Judiciary and the office of Diplomacy. Furthermore, any individual found to be impersonating the role as a diplomat of Elvenesse, through word or conduct, will be charged with Treason. Any individual who attempts claiming diplomatic authority or making unauthorized diplomatic efforts with other nations will henceforth be subject to a charge of High Treason. In addition; this is a call to civility and diplomacy across the landscapes of the colloquially known Almaris in regards to the Crown of Elvenesse. Our ears are open to all who wish to discuss matters in a reasonable fashion with our diplomatic offices as they occur, efforts spearheaded by Exarch Cullas “Blackstar” Sylvaeri. Our offices pledge to ensure peace, and fair justice in all matters involved, so that sullied relations can begin anew, working towards peace in our time. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Fëanor of House Sylvaeri, High Prince of Elvenesse, Wielder of the Crown of Malinor, Protector of the Almenodrim and Irrinites Evar'tir of House Oranor, Lord Exarch of Elvenesse, nominal Prince of Caras Eldar, Adjudicator of Malchediael Cullas “Blackstar”of House Sylvaeri, Exarch and Diplomat of Elvenesse
  3. I was your 1000th piece of rep, you're welcome

  4. Evar'tir, famed shadow coloured man and also recently turned profound shadow writer utters a simple term as he continues his endeavours scouring the Hinterlands of Faeish imps. "Peace in our time."
  5. Shoot me a message any time to play siege homie, you're a real one and I respect the work you put in, take it easy
  6. Reconciliation of Elvenesse to the Chirran 10th of Malin's Welcome, 16 SA ~ Overview ~ Since the founding of the Isles of Almenor, we have striven for peace among Elven Folk everywhere. However dark the feuds of the past might be, they have no bearing on modern discourse and politics. The Crown of Elvenesse failed to prevent the unlawful extrajudicial murder of your son and for that we are despondent. ~ Principle ~ To the Saneyir Kairn Calithil, Since the founding of the Isles of Almenor, we have striven for peace among Elven Folk everywhere. However dark the feuds of the past might be, they have no bearing on modern discourse and politics. The Crown of Elvenesse failed to prevent the unlawful extrajudicial murder of your son and for that we are despondent. We apologize for the failure to convict this murderer and ensure that justice was served for the murder of your son. It should not have taken three-years to mediate this situation and the Diplomatic Service should have reached out to you far earlier. It is humiliating that we could not have reached an accord sooner regarding the situation. To rectify this and abridge the need for you to go to war, we turned over the killer to you and allowed you to do with him as you pleased. In a rare display of mercy, his life was spared - certainly his life to him is worth more than an ear, an arm, teeth, and even his eyesight. For that we are grateful that you did not slay him on the spot for what he did - your mercy shall be repaid a hundred-fold and we shall never seek conflict with your honorable house again. In honor of your son, we have named this Vulen’s Accord, and we offer you the following: A shrine dedicated to your son within each city of Elvenesse that is constructed, to honor his sacrifice. He did not deserve to die and it was the failing of our own guards that his life was taken so early from him. Elven blood should never be spilled in vain, much less so hastily without evidence of a crime. Twenty sets of armor and a wheelbarrow have been turned over to you in penance for the attempts made by our citizens on the well-being of your residents and allies. The House of Ithelanen is no longer barred from the halls of Elvenesse. They may bear their markings proudly without fear of persecution and wield their name publicly, despite the attempts that prior councillors made at outlawing such. This decision is made for the future and the improvement of our international relations. This short war in the North has been costly for both sides, and we denounce Vulen’s murder and say that it shall not have been in vain. We promise that no such attack, slight, or persecution shall happen again within our borders. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Fëanor of House Sylvaeri, High Prince of Elvenesse, Wielder of the Crown of Malinor, Protector of the Almenodrim and Irrinites Evar'tir of House Oranor, Lord Exarch of Elvenesse, nominal Prince of Caras Eldar, Adjudicator of Malchediael Cullas “Blackstar” of House Sylvaeri, Exarch and Diplomat of Elvenesse
  7. Edicts of Succession 14th of The Deep Cold, 15 SA ~ Overview ~ With the union between the Almenodrim of Aegrothond, and the Irrinites of Siramenor, the hegemony of the Everflame Tanistry falls outdated in the prospect of continued unity of the peoples of Elvenesse. As such, the Edicts of Succession have been drafted and ratified by unicameral vote. ~ Principle ~ The Crown of Elvenesse outlines the legislative process of naming and affirming a Royarch as follows: - Any who see themselves fit as Royarch of Elvenesse are to approach a seated council member for endorsement within the process. The open window for endorsement is between the point at which a Royarch announces resignation, is impeached, or has passed from this life, and ends during the meeting of seated council members. Convicted criminals, practitioners of the dark and voidal arts, and banished individuals are disallowed from being endorsed. Individuals found to be in violation of the law will immediately have their candidacy stripped. - All seated council members have the authority to endorse one individual; this encompasses other members of the council. A councillor may not endorse themselves. - The Council of Elvenesse then is to vote upon all candidates, until a unanimous majority is reached, wherewithin five out of the six seated councillors support any one candidate. In the event which a member of the council is a candidate, they are unable to vote for themselves; instead, a majority agreement from the advisory council will supplement their vote. - When a candidate is affirmed by the Council of Elvenesse, a Chiefsmoot is to be held, and an affirmation by supermajority of three quarters of the chieftains, family heads, and clan leaders, eligible by a call to civil service by the Crown of Elvenesse. A representative may be sent in place if necessary, or if the aforementioned is a candidate for the crown. All levied seeds, clans, bloodlines, and families are afforded one vote, must be formed prior to an Elven month beforehand, and be recognized in the official summons to a Chiefsmoot. Uncertainty with the eligibility of a seed, clan, bloodline, or family will subject the decision to a council vote. - Upon passing votes in both civil and legislative chambers, the candidate is affirmed and ratified as the Royarch of Elvenesse. Coronation is to be held at the earliest possible convenience, and a transfer of all titles and powers afforded to the regent upon crowning. - At any point in which a vote is not passed with the required majorities, it must be retaken until affirmed in both chambers. Should absolute deadlock be declared, candidates are able to appear in forums in order to persuade and ease doubts, to which will enable passing votes. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Fëanor of House Sylvaeri, High Prince of Elvenesse, Wielder of the Crown of Malinor, Protector of the Almenodrim and Irrinites Penned in service to the Crown of Elvenesse, Evar'tir of House Oranor, Lord Exarch of Elvenesse, nominal Prince of Caras Eldar, Adjudicator of Malchediael
  8. Evar'tir considers the lack of council invitation to Elvenesse and frowns! He waves it off as a typographical error and respects the outreach irregardless.
  9. Evar'tir Oranor tacks it on his ice box, next to the other artist's renditions of the cousin 'aherals. He then marches off, whistling a tune familiar to the child soldiers of the Dominion of Malin.
  10. "If I was sending child soldiers, they would be child soldiers of substance." Remarks Evar'tir 'Kony' Oranor, fondly reminiscing on the halcyon years of the Dominion within the confines of his office.
  11. Evar'tir Oranor of the line of Mithras, recently dubbed 'Tyrant' by the Usurper regards the missive with a deep sigh. With conviction, he utters forth a reminiscent phrase: "I hate the elves."
  12. Evar'tir considers penning a book on the ins and outs of having an actively populated city for the severely underpopulated 'aheral cousins. He rolls a cigar out of the missive as he does so.
  13. Fantastic stuff as always, can't wait to see it linked in staff applications as the answer to "link a post that you agree with"
  14. Evar'tir Oranor distinctly remembers driving an axe through said Silvyr Uradir's head as his gaze scans the poorly proofread document. Deciding it must have been his imagination, his gauntlet clenches resulting in the crumpling of the missive as it was cast off to sea.
  15. Tilruir'tir hits the key fob for the Queen Dawn's Revenge, locking the boat as if he was sailing through a bad neighbourhood.
  16. Auric after dwarves can't put out a half decent write in howmany years
  17. make ooc opt in while you're at it please I beg @Telanir
  18. IGN:Bhased Discord:Chase#2597 Skin: Obelisk Bid: 100
  19. Bhased

    Blue Tagged

    it's been 18 months
  20. Malchediael’s Radiant Templars https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/195761-✓-magic-lore-malchediaels-radiant-templars/ Lore Summary Malchediael, the Aengul of Courage, blessed a human by the name of Gereon de Savoie. Savoie went on to become the Aengul’s champion in the realm of the Descendants. The Order of the Praxic Sun was founded after Malchediael, known also by his canonized name of Michael, made his presence known to High Pontiff Everard II in the realm of Athera. After some time, the order fell out of the annals of time: Malchediael quietly withdrew his blessings. Even in light of such, the battlelust which plagued the order’s members plagued them until the end of their days. Magic Explanation The Aengul of Courage, favors mortals who show bravery in the face of adversity. Any man or woman who overcomes, or at least attempts to, will garner the Aengul’s attention in some manner. Few of these individuals receive boons directly from the Aengul. Chosen to be his champions on the mortal plane, these folk carry out great deeds or further their own ambitions in the name of their patron. Malchediael’s blessings augment the capabilities of his chosen followers, granting them additional tools as they embark on their quests. Malchediael does not seek to embellish his chosen heroes with grandiose boons as he wishes for them to still use their own talents in their quests: it is why few spells are bestowed onto them. The first most of Malchediael’s Chosen were named his Templar Adjutants by the Aengul of Courage, tasked with seeking those fit for his Blessing. Connection When a Templar sees a Descendant fit to receive Malchediael’s Blessing, they invoke their lord’s name: “Malchediael, Aengul of Courage.” From there, they allow the Radiant Aengul to act through their person, infusing the Blessing within the recipient. This action will force immense amounts of strain and toil upon the recipient’s body, leaving them sore and prone to pain for a year’s time. From there, they are able to be taught how to properly invoke and utilize the radiant blessing. Redlines: - Malchediael’s Blessing is incompatible with other holy aengulic connections, dark mages, machine spirits, and most undead creatures. Gravens are an exception to this, as long as they are not tethered. - A player must consent OOCly to receiving the blessing. If they refuse, the connection process will simply fail to work. - Only the Descendent races are able to receive the Blessing. This means Elves, Humans, Dwarves, and Orcs. - The blessing fails if the receiver has been disconnected from a deific magic thrice, whether they be willing or unwilling, then they are ineligible to receive the blessing. - The blessing requires one slot. It does not work if the receiver does not have any slots available. -Templars do not undergo any physical change when they receive the blessing. Mental Changes Malchediael’s blessing offers two inherent mental changes, wherein the receiver is doused in a new-found sense of courage. They’ll often find it difficult to decline a challenge before them, wherever it be a duel or battle. Furthermore, the other change is moreso of a passive effect wherein a sense of vengeance would awaken within them - perhaps imploring them to dishearten those who make attempts at foul play against the Templar. Physical Changes There are no changes to a Templar’s body when blessed. Malchediael’s Dogma and Victor’s Justice The Aengul Malchediael places valour and honour as highly as courage. These values combine to form his Dogma, a code which Templars over the years have drawn inspiration from for their actions. It should be noted that these do not count as "tenets'', more so a code of conduct upheld by the fellow Templars. To needlessly kill an innocent is the action of a craven rat. The act of betraying your brothers-in-arms leaves you nothing more than a snake in the grass. Accept challenges laid before you with fervor. If a disagreement is allowed to fester, settle it through a rite of combat; the feud is to be resolved upon a decisive victory. It is greatly dishonourable to utilize Malchediael or his Blessing as a way to accrue wealth. Should a Templar assume a compatriot to have been led astray from Malchediael’s ideologies, they are able to invoke Victor’s Justice. This allows for a Templar to face another Templar in single combat within an enclosed ring which cannot be entered or exited, to ensure a fair fight. To ensure this fair fight, the imposing Templar must match the protection and weaponry of the challenged. Whichever combatant emerges triumphant has the option to either suppress the fallen’s blessing for two years, or to strike it from them entirely. The latter is often considered a much more drastic measure, though necessary for belligerent, repeat offenders. If it is chosen, Malchediael’s blessing is cleaved directly from one’s soul, the final strike entirely incorporeal as it severs the connection between a Templar and the Aengul of Courage. Victor’s Justice can only be enacted once every two years upon a singular individual. If the Templar under the scrutiny of Victor’s Justice wins, they are able to suppress the challenger’s blessing. For a Templar to kill another Templar purposefully while enacting Victor's Justice is considered an extreme taboo, and almost never deemed necessary. Redlines: Victor’s Justice can only be evoked by a Templar of T5 in an open area able to encompass the ritual. - The dueling ring of Victor’s Justice has a diameter of seven blocks, and once created only allows for the two Templar combatants to remain within, all others finding themselves physically unable to enter or intervene. The ring’s effects dissipate upon the decision of the victorious Templar. - If a blessing is suppressed, it lasts for 2 OOC weeks, and must be commented on their MA, including start date and end date. - Should a participant in the duel have to leave OOCly, a time must be scheduled to continue or the one who leaves must forfeit. When a Templar’s blessing is stripped, the individual loses all will to fight. Even in self defense they find themselves lacking the motivation to protect themselves for up to four months. This does not prevent them from running away, as cowardly as it may be. Spells/Abilities Emboldened & Disheartened - T1 A newly blessed Templar has within his mind a newly ingrained sense of courage, often they find it difficult to turn from a challenge laid out before them, be it a duel or a battle to come. This is not to say the Templar is foolish and will rush blindly into battle against the behest of those around them but instead find themselves yearning for that which will give them glory. Furthermore, another passive effect takes hold of a newly ordained Templar. A wrong-doing against one might be returned several-fold to he who had wronged the courageous spirit. This seeking of vengeance would be used to dishearten those who make attempts at foul play against the Templar. Enthralling Recount - T1 When a Templar begins telling a tale or legend in the proximity of a fire, the flames come to life to paint the story that the Templar recounts. [1 - Connection, Passive] The Templar raises his hand, gesturing it forth onto the spewing flames that rested amidst the center of the square in the form of a campfire. Therein, did shapes begin to manifest as the blaze was bended to his will - a story, at that, began to be shown over to those who wished to see it. Redlines: - The flames are purely aesthetic, and cannot be used to harm others. - The flames cannot be used for combative purposes such as attempting to obscure some opponent’s vision or disorient them. Fervent Flare - T2 The Templar is able to summon a ball of blazing light within their palm, to the size of their fist for up to a total of twice per combat scenario. When the light is cast, it can be thrown outwards. When the Templar snaps their fingers, the light expulses outwards, blinding any and all within a ten metre radius if they do not avert their eyes, and severely handicapping those between ten and twelve. It can also be thrown to the sky, to act as a signal flare. Mechanics: Fervent Flare takes three emotes to cast: one emote to summon the flare, one emote to aim and direct the flare, and one emote to fire it. It can be used to interrupt someone’s casting. Those who look upon the flare are subject to being blinded by it, including the Templar who casted it. The blindness inflicted by the spell lasts for two emotes: victims will be entirely blinded for the first emote and will then be partially blinded for the second emote as their vision starts to recover. [1 - Connection] Amidst the ensuing conflict, the Templar settles to the side wherein an ardent light begins to form amidst his palm. Streaks of light escaped through his fingers as he sought to control the flare resting within his grasp. [2 - Charge/Aim] From there, he’d soon direct his hand towards his desired position - aiming it justly and righteously amidst the heat of the battle. [3 - Cast] Within the Templar’s grasp shoots out the light, landing upon the middle of the brawl. Great streaks of light escape from the flare, blinding all what peered upon it - interrupting mages during their connection to the void, if they were casting the spell. [4 - Effects] The affected individual’s sight is entirely blinded for the current moment, no recognition of perception attained by the individual. [5 - Effects] As the light began to escape from the man’s sight, the affected found themselves slowly starting to recover their vision. It’d appear as if they were only temporarily blinded. Redlines: - The flare, when launched into the sky, cannot have a blinding effect on anything or anyone. - The flare, when held to blind others, only extends out within a 12 metre radius of the Templar, diminished to a disorienting haze for those in the last two meters - The Templar must look away to avoid being blinded when the flare is triggered. - The flare’s blinding effects are only momentary, lasting seven narrative seconds when fully exposed. When affected by the flare, all hearing is muffled to an extent. - Seers, and blind individuals are unaffected by the flare’s blinding effects. - When used as a signal flare, the light can travel up to 50 meters (blocks, #shout range) into the air. Bound Armament - T2 A Templar can recall their weapon to their hand should it be in their sights a total of three times per combat scenario. A weapon fixed within the flesh of a man, beast, or being can be wrenched out with some difficulty. Mechanics: This spell takes two emotes to cast: the first emote is to place attention upon the weapon, slowly tugging it towards the Templar; the second emote is to pull the weapon back into the Templar’s hand. [1 - Connect/Charge] The Templar’s gaze directs itself upon his warhammer as it’d rest idly against the wall. He’d raise his hand, gesturing forth towards the idle weapon. [2 - Cast] From there, he’d begin to lull the weapon towards his grasp as it’d fly towards his palm in a steady motion. Those standing within his direction would find the warhammer arcing around them, soon placing itself between his fingers. Redlines: - If something or someone blocks the path of the weapon, it will arc around them. - The weapon has a range of 15 meters (blocks) - The bound weapon is defined as the weapon the templar started combat with. - The bound weapon cannot be pulled from another’s grasp. - The bound weapon cannot slip through iron bars, cracks in doors, or other similar small gaps in blocks. - The bound weapon must be within line of sight. Rumination Reflection - T3 A Templar is able to attempt to establish a connection with another Templar, regardless of distance, so long as they are both near a reflective surface. (e.g. a mirror, any still body of water, windows, glasses etc.) During this time, the Templar is effectively incapacitated, meaning that they cannot attack, move, or cast. Their vision is also obscured, akin to someone with the wrong prescription glasses, save for the image of the other Templar. Mechanics: This spell is a more direct ‘bird’, allowing for two of Malchediael’s Blessed to communicate directly with one another. It takes three emotes to initiate: the first to focus upon the reflective surface, the second to reach out to the other Templar, the third to form their image. This takes three emotes from the receiving party: the first to notice the shimmers of an image within any reflective surface, the second to form the connection, the third to solidify the connection. After three emotes from both parties, the Templars can converse freely for up to 12 total emotes from either party collectively. [1 - Connect] The Templar’s gaze directs itself upon the mirror, a shimmering sight set before it to the man. In their initiation of the connection, he’d find his body growing stiff as maintaining the connection requires the utmost attention. [2 - Charge] From there, a link would be formed to a nearby surface of the receiver if there is one. If so, the receiving party would notice the shimmers of an image upon it. [3 - Cast] Finally, an image is formed of the two Templars. They’d begin to communicate during this ordeal. They’d find themselves unable to move, cast, or attack while maintaining this connection. Redlines: - Requires three emotes always. May not be utilized in combat, or in any brief pause of combat. Ex. Stepping out of active combat to notify others. - The Templars cannot move, cast, or attack while initiating or maintaining the connection. - If the Templar is attacked, attacks, or moves away from the reflection, the connection will be lost immediately. - Only the Templar can be seen in the reflection. - If the receiving party is not near a reflective surface, the initiator will find their connection to fall flat, indicated by the sound of a glass shattering in the recesses of their mind. - Metal not made specifically to be a reflective surface, i.e. armor, does not count as a reflective surface. - In order to use Rumination Reflection on a body of water, it must be relatively still and clean. Bodily fluids do not count as a source of clean water. Vigorous Blow - T4 Divine energy infuses itself with the Templar’s weapon up to twice per combat scenario, allowing for Additional force to be imparted onto the next blow dealt by the weapon. Mechanics: This spell takes four emotes: the first emote is to concentrate on the action; the second emote is to summon Malchediael’s light. The third is used to infuse the Templar’s weapon with the light, and the last is to ready the weapon. After that, the Templar may then strike at whoever stands before them to impart the additional force. This force is capable of elevating a swing to carry the force similar to an arbalest. This does not mean the weapon takes on the traits of an arbalest shot, just comparable to the strength it carries. However, the infused light will not linger forever. Should three emotes pass without the Templar striking at someone or something with the infused weapon, the light will simply disappear. Speech emotes do not count (monologue to your heart's content). [1 - Connect] The Templar’s sight is placed upon his mundane flanged-mace. The grasp that he held slightly tightens as his concentration is spent on the action. [2 - Charge] Streaks of light settled within his grasp, radiating off his weapon in faint plumes of vibrant - yet not blinding - glares of his lord’s blessing. [3 -Cast] His other hand arises, gesturing close onto his held flanged-mace. From there, the streaks of light began to be more controlled as it’d embrace the weapon in a veins of light. [4 - Effects] He’d move onward, emboldened by his blessing before striking at the assailant in front of him. The receiver would find the strength of the strike bashing itself upon his shoulder if not prevented. The force - at that - would be comparable if the weapon’s weight was doubled rather than the Templar’s strength increased twofold. Redlines: - The enhancement of the blow’s strength is much more comparable to the weapon’s weight being doubled as opposed to the strength of the wielder being increased twofold. - Armor can and still will afford some degree of protection against a blow from a weapon enchanted by this spell. - A Templar feasibly cannot cut through armor such as platemail with a sword or a bladed weapon. - If the Templar is disarmed, the enchantment immediately dissipates. - Vigourous blow only affects a Templar's fists if they are wearing gauntlets. Second Chance - T5 Every story comes to an end, and the Templars are acutely aware of this fact. While the powers granted to them by the Aengul of Courage can prove useful, they cannot always guarantee victory; sometimes the odds are insurmountable. By uttering the name of their patron and his domain, a Templar is given a second wind: their wounds no longer hold them back, their energy is restored, and it’s as though they’d lost no sweat at all. This rejuvenation of the body does not come without its consequences. Once combat has been resolved either through victory or defeat, the Templar’s body deteriorates into nothingness as Malchediael’s light consumes it in its entirety. It is the ultimate price to pay for a second chance at victory or further glory, and to knowingly face death is a sacred act of courage amongst these Templars. Mechanics: This action requires the strongest of wills, and one emote to enact. Once the spell has been cast, the character will be PK’d by the end of it. Any wounds garnered in the duration of the encounter, whether they be light or grievous, will no longer hinder the Templar. Their body is reinvigorated and any fatigue they might have previously felt in a battle is washed away. The Templar does not, however, receive a boost to their strength, speed, and reactions: they will simply fight at their peak prior to the fight. A Templar is still susceptible to fatal wounds such as the heart being pierced, the brain being severely wounded in some manner, or decapitation. If the Templar survives the fight, they will perish as Malchediael’s light consumes them in a roaring inferno. [1 - Cast] (PK) Broken and torn, ichor leaks from the Templar’s injuries and scars. He’d find himself falling onto his knees as his once-energy began to fade him, a sign of the approaching death that settled for the man. Rasps of air curl upon the Templar’s tone, desperate to live and defend his fellow compatriots. A choice was made, and so from the scars and injuries that he attained - streaks of light began to settle within. He’d find that any wounds, light or severe, would no longer hinder him. His will was dauntless and body - reinvigorated and any fatigue they might have previously felt in a battle is washed away. [2 - Effects] (PK) As the battle had ended, and the Templar had prided victory off the offender’s cold and dead hands. He’d find himself slowly falling to the floor, a valorous smile accompanies his lips as his end did approach - no one could stop it. The cracks began to grow more pronounced, washed and plaguing his skin akin to a disease - yet no pain was felt, merely peace. It’d grow, soon enveloping him in a roaring inferno as all that remained of the man was a shadow of where he once stood. Redlines: - Despite renewing the body of the Templar to allow for the fight to continue, it does not enhance their strength in any regard. - After the fight has decisively concluded, the Templar’s form is consumed by their patron’s light. A conflagration of holy energy will reduce their body to nothingness, only leaving behind whatever they had worn and had on their person. - To use this spell is a PK, and will be enforced by lore if consequences are not followed. - Templars who die using Second Chance cannot be made into Gravens/Phantoms/Undead/Etc. upon their death since their soul is gone. Tier Progression Tier One This stage is reached immediately after receiving the blessing. The Templar has a newfound restlessness awoken within them; when the Templar tells a tale or a legend, if near a fire, it will come to life to depict the story. Tier Two This stage is reached two weeks after receiving the blessing. The Templar is able to utilize flares, as well as recall their weapon Tier Three This stage is achieved four weeks after receiving the blessing. The Templar is now able to contact another Templar through reflective surfaces. Tier Four This stage is achieved eight weeks after receiving the blessing. The Templar can now momentarily imbue their weapon with kinetic force. Tier Five This stage is achieved twelve weeks after receiving the blessing. The Templar now may be granted their Second Chance in combat. Citations
  21. The would-be assassin of Dimaethor Visaj cleans the irons of his crossbow.
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