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Everything posted by Werew0lf

  1. Somewhere in the heavens above, or down under, the ancient Tribunal and Cardinal Stanislaw remembers that he did not require permission to do investigations, and that no priest would will unto him task. He simply investigated, and decimated justice.
  2. the alpha is getting upset

  3. "RAAAAISEEEE HIM! RIIIIIISEEEE! RIIIISEEEE AS EEEEVILLLL!" Alkhayin screamed from on top of his throne, pointing his index-finger to the next throne where Gashadokuro was seated. The lich was enraged. @femurlord
  4. Aldric read the transcript in his off-time, and looked upon all blades. One day, the young boy aspired to be a wielder of such fine craftsmanship. "Wonderful," he murmured.
  5. haha. who cares about disgusting naz ca's like cursed children. play a ghoul lol. 

  6. its crazy how you think we're letting u leave LOL!
  7. King Sugarfoot II stares out into the horizon. He pulls up his teal bandana, and wanders off into the mountain, to continue his ancient ways. "Ererghg.."
  8. THYRA



  9. ignore the mutt underneath this status update. keep going crazy. 

  10. im tired of this why didnt u ping my birthday in announcements @Diogen

    1. Diogen


      sorry bro there was a warcliam

    2. Netphreak


      "Happy Birthday!!!" *After being reminded*

    3. Werew0lf


      but im an entitled dumb freak why didn’t u celebrate it harder???

  11. I believe that @SethWolfis wrong! Aurum testing is detrimental to the server because it means that my character can get revealed! I don't like that! That's all. Many thanks for the discussion.
  12. A disgruntled and foul Owl, at heights greater than ten-foot, seated himself upon a large acre throne. Filled with years of boredom and evil, he decided to indulge in being a pen-pal with a lesser creature, an unequal life-form. With a lofted talon, the Owl decided to write back in return. "To Miss Alejandra de Alcaide . . ." The Owl's wings bristled and curled, as he continued to write his letter.
  13. Ghoul. need it. crave it. want it.

    discord: .werew0lf contact me to be a tags: skeleton zombie man god of death grim reaper nazgul sauron mordor lich king mordekaiser undead necromancer

    1. Bethinwonderland


      Nah. I'm good fam :)

    2. Werew0lf


      not u beth u suck XXD

    3. Bethinwonderland


      Aww, thanks man! I knew I could count on you

  14. Chemlight out. 

  15. "Make me the King of Norland," demanded Steve to the High Keeper.
  16. msg me for ghoul + someone give me druid MA

  17. heh need more ghoul guys xd discord: .werew0lf 

    1. sam33497


      yeah wheres ur undead army man

    2. alexmagus


      just big and greedy

    3. Poor_Fellow


      im ghoulin

  18. hahahhah


    need more ghoul

  19. hey man! nice post! It’s not being changed! maybe if u write a second post, they will change it! hahahah! XD
  20. heh still need ghoul u can look very cool do Sauron Mordor rp heh noob friendly big discord big community plz contact u can pretend to be grim reaper and do death wraith rp


    discord: .werew0lf

  21. don’t believe the aengudaemon part many thanks
  22. need more ghoul players very noob friendly need massive undead army to rule the world


    contact discord: .werew0lf

    1. sam33497


      can i have a goul

  23. “You’re the Captain, but I’m the King. Bandana colour means nothing to me,” the King Sugarfoot II spoke, posing in a cool fashion whilst adorning numerous bandanas of different hues on his arm: blue, green, white, red, with teal on his face.
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