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Everything posted by Hephaestus

  1. Thank you. You have made it so interbreeding with cats is impossible, and for that, I salute you.
  2. ”And may it so perish, by the hands of the Lord, and his disciples.” Vittorio Antonio Falcone cursed, upon hearsay of such a tale.
  3. Sekiro, but mineman. Pretty metal, +1.
  4. Brilliant writing, bravo. Earned my +1.
  5. Wherever the wind went, Sleeping Hawk followed; such was the way of life he’d grown accustomed to, a way of life which hadn’t done him wrong. Not now, nor ever. If the wind trailed along a shallow creek, the Hawk followed; if it guided him to a desolate mountain, he followed. And yet, now, it seemed, the wind had taken him beyond the fields of Athera, and perhaps many frontiers following it. The last he could remember was waking from his slumber, of which he’d been trapped in for years, or centuries, as far as he was concerned. It wasn’t long before darkness came, once more, in the form of slumber: inescapable sleep that he’d been doomed to withstand. But by Igne’Acaela, Sleeping Hawk refused to allow this to hinder his wanderlust for, wherever the water flowed freely, he followed. Sandy, the shores of this ’New Malinor’ were. Was it called Siramenor? Only Lyes could tell, for these large trees were not similar to the ones he’d grown close to; those of the bayou. No, these were larger, and mightier, and alien to Sleeping Hawk’s naïvete. Had it been one year, or one aeon? And yet, only word of Arcas was muttered. Arcas? Sleeping Hawk thought to himself, scratching upon his hair without an inkling of an idea as to what had occurred prior to his awakening. He could not remember, nor identify any of what was around him. His own tribe; his family, the only thing he’d ever known, out of sight. But where there was darkness, there was light, in the form of fire, an element so holy to his people it protected their own realm. Igne’Acaela, a prophetic fire, similar to the divine water the Owynists would sip from, and bathe their cubs in. And for nights where he fasted from sleep, he took to staring at the fry, in pure admiration, with hopes that it may satisfy his wanderlust. But even three hundred years into the future was not enough to satisfy his primeval instinct to travel, and roam the wild frontier, It was high time the Hawk took his flight.
  6. Fantastic work, @DarkSainthood and everybody else that worked on the rewrite. +1
  7. Jevex – To receive the blessing appraisal of Jevex, the Orcish Spirit of Self-Sacrifice and Hard Work, under the suns and moons of Daumanlob, Krugbroshan, Ashblûg, Durnorksru, Aanzrii, Agongraz, and Bûrzgraz, the person in question may do one (or all) of three rituals; the first being, sacrificing a limb, preferably one that does not hinder one’s ability to work; the second, essentially engaging in any form of hard labour; and the third, sacrificing the finger(s) of a dwarf to Jevex, for the coal-stained hands of a master smith suggest diligence, and might.
  8. I don’t see Kaedrin.
  9. Electric Light Orchestra is pretty good if you’re into experimental prog pop. King Crimson, too, but I’d say that’s on the heavier end of prog rock. If you’re into folk; Bob Dylan, Donovan Leitch, and Buffalo Springfield are super good, as are the Byrds, and the Mamas and the Papas.
  10. Should’ve eradicated the snelves by making the whole map a desert but this is still pretty hot. Thank you, Mr. T.
  11. I cannot express my hatred for this new chat filter thing. It’s not like the server’s main playerbase is comprised of toddlers. My god.
  12. I feel there are way too many plains- maybe it’s just personal preference but; I feel like having an official farfolk nation and bigger desert region would be awesome.
  13. Hephaestus


    Hi, Mad (can I call you that?.. I dont wanna be rude) I took your comments into consideration, and I changed the entire story and put in a few extra parts. Not to mention I also made Morfin older, and made him have kids later on in life. I also gave him a longer story and besides turning him into a widower for the rest of his life, I made him remarry. I think these changes are for the greater good, and I had fun writing the story and coming up with new ideas. Sincerely, Hephqestus
  14. Hephaestus


    Born to an extensively poor family in Irrinor, Morfin was forced into labor at the young age of 13, where he was forced to work in a tavern as a waiter, and was constantly seduced by older men, as he was mistaken for a girl most of the time. Around the age of 34, Morfin's parents had made Morfin work as a blacksmith, though, he wasn't awfully fond of the place, as it was hot, and he would often come home covered in burns and bruises. When Morfin was 39, Morfin's parents had died, and Morfin's safety was put into the hands of his godfather, Ornthalas, a questionable fisherman, who took very poor care of Morfin till Morfin was 47. At the age of 48, Morfin decided to flee from Ornthalas' home, and go far, far away. Morfin had ended up in Velunor. Morfin struggled to find a place to live, and a place to work, and for about 2 years and a half, Morfin had to rely on scraps of food on the floors of taverns and inn's and sleeping on mud and leaves. On Morfin's 50th birthday, Morfin had heard about the suspected murder of his abusive godfather, and overjoyed with the fact that Ornthalas had been erased from his life, Morfin moved back to Irrinor. And at the age of 52, Morfin set sail across seas, as it had been one of his dreams ever since he was a youngling. Morfin set sail on a ship made of juniper, in which he called the "S.S. Otaehlyn" Morfin travelled from Irrinor, to Kaz'Ulrah and then to Sutica, where he resided for 4 years. In that time he had found a job working as a local fisherman, and had rested in a small cottage near the coast. At the age of 57, Morfin moved back to Irrinor and offered to work as a bartender at a pub, as a way to settle down and relax. Morfin spent the rest of his life working at a pub in Irrinor This is Morfin's story, for now.
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