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Everything posted by Olox_

  1. Heinrich II Lothar was just drinking his morning Fausteni coffee as a copy of the missive was brought to him by his Ranger "The Erzherzogin became a Königin? It is hard to believe how many things can happen during just one year of absence." The Prince of Merryweather chuckled quietly before taking another sip "Dietrich, please tell George to send her my congratulations" He instructed
  2. The Prince of Merryweather, Heinrich II Lothar, snorted loudly at the missive "They cause trouble, incite residents to aggression and bring that awful orc of theirs everywhere. It was high time they left our Royal City." The Alstreim said to his men with a smirk "Make sure they do not return." He added
  3. DER FÜRSTLICHE BESUCH BEI ATHERAN SALVUS The Princely visit to Atheran Salvus Penned by the Princely Scribe, Konrad Lipa in the year of our Lord, 1936 [♪] It has been fourteen years since I have last seen the golden shores of Atheran Salvus, the place I called home for most of my life. In order to change this state of affairs, I sent a letter to the representatives of the Salvian Syndicate that reside within the lands of Atheran Salvus to ask about the possibility of a visit. Recently I have received an invitation from the Syndic of the Salvian Syndicate to pay their land an official visit during which I will visit places both familiar and unfamiliar to me thus far. The length of my visit is estimated to be around one year. My letter was intended to be short, but recent events will not allow it to become so. The enemies of our good Principality of Merryweather and the United Kingdom of Aaun have again raised their weapons against our people. The despicable Caelians have once again used orcish power and, for the first time, mercenaries to terrorise our people. It cannot stay like that. My mentors in Atheran Salvus always said to negotiate first and fight later, but what if negotiation and peaceful diplomacy doesn't work? The answer is one - you have to fight. If not my people themselves, then I will get those who have violated our peaceful lives and along our stone-paved roads drag their corpses to show those who still doubt my words that the colour of the Alstreim raven is bloody for a reason. GOD be my witness. Before I begin my journey to Salvus I have a request to make to my uncle, our beloved King, James Leopold Alstion. Issue a Royal Ban and let us avenge those we lost. This is the will of House Alstreim and the people of Merryweather. In my absence, all matters concerning Merryweather will be overseen by my wife, Aleksandra Milena. I entrust all my affairs to her and pray that her wise decision will be final in all matters. The matters of the Legion are in the hands of Lieutenant Louis Owyn Haverlock. May GOD protect Aaun and Merryweather during my absence. GOTT MIT UNS, HIS HIGHNESS, Heinrich II von Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather and the Rhine, Landgrave of Alstreim, Baron of Corwinsburg, Lord of Blackwater
  4. [♪] Heinrich II Lothar traced the Lorraine at the news of Margravine's death "Not too long ago you have favoured me as your new Grand Peer and now you are gone. Ruhe in Frieden, gute Markgräfin." The Prince of Merryweather concluded as sigh escaped his mouth
  5. Heinrich II Lothar sat in his office with his face buried in his hands. He thought of all the good times he shared with his cousin back in Almaris and here, in Aevos. Despite the memories being happy he did not smile but instead, in the complete silence of his office, the Alstreim sobbed...
  6. ANNOUNCEMENT OF PASSING Penned by HH the Prince of Merryweather & HRH the Dowager Lady of Alba In the year of our Lord, 1935 Following the discovery of HH, the Prince of Merryweather, it is with great sorrow that we, the Royal House of Alstion, announce the passing of our Crown Prince, Henry Charles. The remains of the Lord Alba were carefully returned to the Hand of Horen where the Household could pay their respects. With a passing such as this, the Royal House requests a mourning period of five months following the death of our beloved Prince and heir, and subsequently vigils shall be held in the coming months. With the passing of the Lord of Alba, the right of succession to the throne passed to his firstborn son, Edmund Alexander Alstion. May God grant our Prince safe passage to his eternal garden. An official funeral shall take place on the 5th of Tobias’ Bounty in the year of our Lord, 1935. Signed, HIS HIGHNESS, Heinrich II Lothar von Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Adela Olympe of High Peak, the Lady of Alba
  7. Heinrich thinks that his cousin should read the document twice as it states a requirement of two signatures, one of Ramwold and one his other relative the Baron of Arentania
  8. DIE OFFIZIELLE KLAGE IM NAMEN VON BOON UND BANE Official Complaint on behalf of Boon and Bane Penned by the Princely Scribe, Konrad Lipa in the year of our Lord, 1935 [ ♪ ] It has been three years since the bloody war between the Canonist League and the Free Duchy of Adria came to the long-awaited end. For most of us, it was the day we felt like our lives were going to be normal again. This was the case until the quiet and unobtrusive life of my two subjects, the internationally famous, merchant brothers, Boon and Bane, ceased to be so. Working by the sweat of their brow, making their quality products, the brothers have long been the subject of ridicule, insults, threats and defamation against the brand that the brothers represent. If that fact was not enough, all the insults and rumours come from the mouths of our citizens. People who, like these two, God-fearing brothers, serve the King and country. Both brothers are not afraid to advertise their local, Aaunic business across all lands of Aevos - from Talar’nor in the west, to Lurin in the east, from the heat of volcanic plains and frost of frozen tundra in the north, to the warm sands and jungles in the south. The brothers had long restrained their tongues so as not to complain about their tormentors, but when an axe was pressed to the chest of the larger of the brothers, and the second was harassed by two masked men, after he was seen speaking to the people working at local pizzeria - that was the last straw. As the Prince of Merryweather, I will not tolerate intimidation and oppression of my people. All incidents were supported by the words of witnesses, so there is no question of confusion or deliberate framing. This lawsuit concerns two individuals - Ramwold von Bardenwig and Gofdazz, the orc. Charges brought against the two are as following: Ramwold von Bardenwig, on accusation of: I. DEATH THREATS II. SLANDER Gofdazz the orc, on accusation of: I. DEATH THREATS II. HARASSMENT III. ARMED INVASION OF PERSONAL SPACE IV. SUSPICION OF INTENDED BREAK-IN As their reparations, Boon and Bane, demand justice to be served and those who had threatened their lives to be punished. The merchant brothers in their modesty required that the punishment should be appropriate to the committed crimes. They await: From Ramwold von Bardenwig: I. Formal apology, signed by the accused and his relative, the Baron of Arentania. II. A sum of 250 Mina paid by the accused himself, for all the insults and death threats the brothers had to listen to. III. Stop spreading harmful rumours about the brand “Boon&Bane’s”. From Gofdazz the orc: I. A sum of 500 Mina or or leave the Royal City of Whitespire and the Principality of Merryweather with no possibility of return for the next 10 years. If the terms are not met within a year since this document is published, this case will be taken to the city Court of Whitespire. The merchant brothers have never wished for any of this to happen, yet it was the fright that pushed them to bring this matter before me. It is not my wish, as their liege lord, to make the accused face the Whitespirian judges but if they decide it is the way they wish to solve this matter, let it be so. The King has voiced his support for this case. Our nation is built on democratic values of law and justice and so both shall prevail for many generations to come. GOTT MIT UNS, HIS HIGHNESS, Heinrich II von Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather and the Rhine, Landgrave of Alstreim, Baron of Corwinsburg, Lord of Blackwater
  9. Declared and published in the year of Our Lord, 1935 SUMMONS TO THE ROYAL DIET OF AAUN TO THE UNITED KINGDOM AND ITS NOBLE ESTATES, The time of war has come to an end. A war that began during the reign of the father of our United Kingdom, Charles Alstion. His Majesty did not live to see the end of this conflict but we, his peers, united with his son and our King - his Majesty James Leopold, are here to witness it. As a state built on the principles of freedom and equality, a Royal Diet must be convened in order to make decisions of state importance. In accordance with Section II, Statute I, Clause IV: “The Royal Diet may convene at its leisure, provided the Grand Peer or a representative thereof is present to chair the meeting, and fair notice has been given to all Noble Estates.” With the continued effect of the Great Charter of Aaun, it is necessary that national governance and representation are consistent. So in the prerogative afforded by our United Kingdom, I summon the Estate Nobility to the Royal Diet chamber, located within the Hand of Horen,; whereas the proper functions of government may occur. WE SUMMON THE FOLLOWING ESTATES: His Royal Highness, Prince Henry Charles Alstion, Heir-Apparent to the United Kingdom of Aaun, Lord of Alba His Serene Highness, Brandt Wilheim Barclay, Grand Prince of Minitz, KBS, GMSTSR GMVBE, KIH, Duke of Kanunsberg, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Grand Peer of Aaun, Warden of the Franklands, High Chieftain of the Reinmaren, Lord Vandalore His Highness, Robert II de Joannes, Prince of Sedan His Grace, Istvan Matyas Ivanovich, Duke of Stran, Voivode of Vaška, Count of Pravets, Hetman of the Host of St. Arpad, Patriarch of House Ivanovich, Keeper of the Hussariya, Protector of Raev and the Vaškan Steppe The Most Honorable, Louis II August de Rosius, Margrave of Haute-Epine, Count of Beaufoy, and Arentaniebourg, Baron of Rosius, Lord of Monte Louis, Commandant of the Rose Guard, and Protector of Arentania The Most Honorable, Philippa von Reuss, Margravine of Velen, Countess of Cantal, Baroness of Mons Velena The Honorable, Konstantin Edmund von Augusten, Count of Hohengarten GOTT MIT UNS, HIS HIGHNESS, Heinrich II Lothar von Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather and the Rhine, Landgrave of Alstreim, Baron of Corwinsburg, Lord of Blackwater
  10. [!] Numerous posters approved by the Salvian Syndicate had been nailed on posts around Lurin Poster made by @Myochii
  11. [♪] The Prince of Merryweather lit a candle for the late Lord von Reuss "Ruhe in Frieden" Heinrich said in Waldenian before praying
  12. Very good post, truly this is the type of tribal RP we need on LoTC.
  13. Heinrich II Lothar offers the old Duke-emeritus a militant salute from the distant United Kingdom of Aaun
  14. The Prince of Merryweather slowly drank his Fausteni coffee "Nothing new under the sun." He commented before returning to his other duties
  15. Cousin of the Duchess, Heinrich II Lothar, smiled from his office as his loyal guard, William Carvord, brought him the missive "Our children will now get the chance to play together. The more the merrier." The Prince of Merryweather said to his guard, before giving him a nod of gratitude for bringing this to his attention
  16. Heinrich II Lothar read the invitation, his red eyebrows arched as he noticed his name at the end of it "It looks like we have been invited, what a surprise. We should definitely prepare something for the new Duke and Duchess!" The Prince said to the Princess-consort of Merryweather @Moenah
  17. Prince of Merryweather, Heinrich Lothar, is in favour of mandatory testing after the recent vampire presence within the United Kingdom of Aaun
  18. The Prince of Merryweather, Heinrich II Lothar, was sitting in the office of the Grand Peer when a copy of this missive was brought to him by his Ranger, Dietrich Faust. The Prince carefully read the document before commenting on it "Amadors harboured darkspawn under their roof, that is the point missing in all of this." Then a snort left his nostrils "We have seen a situation similar to this one before, hopefully the Crown of Haense will hold them to account." He concluded, before folding the paper in half and slipping it into one of his drawers @Travisty
  19. Somewhere in Aevos the old Margrave of Grodno, Maciej Jazloviecki, pondered whether the honourable act of Gustaf de Vilain was to kill King Frederick...
  20. Heinrich Lothar prays in the Temple of the Exalted Prophets of the Canon for the soul of Father Wert
  21. The Prince of Merryweather, Heinrich II Lothar, sighed as the peace was signed by all leaders "Peace in our time. Grandfather Charles smiles at us this day." He said with a nod
  22. Aleksander Jazloviecki squinted at the list and then at the signatures before poking Leutwin's back as they rode the goat to Numendil "Did you seriously sign up for this? Are you not like fifteen already?" The Lord of Wolavia questioned before putting the copy inside his bag
  23. I ******* hate PiS...
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