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Everything posted by J33xt101

  1. ((Good read, will there be one for Belka and the rest of the Brathmordakin soon?))
  2. Myneborian Independence when? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tigergiri


      nah i mean the 15k i paid to be a vassal away from war ❤️


    3. J33xt101


      I know, but yes, should that vassal agreement go to nought, I will return the 15k at a 5% interest rate. 

    4. Tigergiri
  3. Pride is the beginning of the end for all who hold power over another. 

    1. frill


      happy pride month

    2. Yaldabaoth


      Its gay month Its gay month Its gay month Its gay month

  4. ((OOC)) This event was written by Balrog I, the story is carried on by his son and former cult members.
  5. The Wronged: Balrog Firebeard The Assailant: Boldrumir “The Redeemed” Cottonwood The Wrong: Inciting violence, refusing to follow commands given by a lord of a city, blatant disrespect against a fellow dwarf, and no self control, which led to his death, a clear case of self defense. Date of Wrongdoing: 1680 Terms of Settlement: The line of Balrog being cleared of the charge of kinslaying. ((To make it extremely clear, this grudge was entered by Balrog II as Balrog the First is dead.))
  6. MC Name: J33xt101 Character Name: Bolvek Discord: King J33#5390 Timezone: CST
  7. Uh oh.. someone decided that Gold wasn’t worth enough...

  8. There better be space for Mynebor VII.
  9. I am also happy to announce that Mynebor now offers guided and unguided tours of the great construction project know as Mynebor VI. Send a bird of contact Balrog Ironkiln II to set up a tour. Have a wonderful day! 

    1. Yaldabaoth


      Blessed Mynebor post

    2. Nooblius


      six? now that’s some mathematics.

  10. Looking for builders! Need to be able to use Litematica and be willing to work high in the air. Payment is 2 minas per 20 blocks placed. All resources excluding scaffolding are provided. PM me for more information. 

    1. Nooblius


      So 1 minas per 10 blocks?

  11. Balrog chuckles softly, letting his pick rest against the side of the pit he was digging in before moving his eyes to the stone far above him. ”It is funneh, I was a heretic fer following K’orvad after nae being taug’t... but now a young lad.. is being called an heretic for sayin w’at te’ Gods ‘ave led ‘im tu do? Nae, this is just te’ Urguanites ‘aving sticks up t’eir arses. Oi’ve dealt wit’ teh ‘ypocrisy t’at Urguan ‘as dealt meh, but maybe a’ deserved it. T’is lad ‘ere... e’ does nae. W’oi can’t Urguan just fock off and understand w’at te’ Gods are troin teh s’ow em. Power ‘as corrupted t’em... Yemekar wis’es fer us teh grow. And boi ‘aving anot’er way of s’aring t’at knowledge... t’is s’ould be a t’ing of joy!” Sighs in disappointment before grabbing his pickaxe and striking the rock once more.
  12. I have returned to LOTC.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J33xt101


      Thank you, much appreciated.

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      Welcome back, j33xt, let’s build mynebor once more

    4. Yaldabaoth


      welcome back chief

  13. For this next war, there had better be something better than Cha Cha going on! You got this bois!

  14. Where can I find the warclaim rules? Thank you.


    1. z3m0s


      Rules > Conflict Rules.

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Chandelier 2.0 here we go boys

  15. Balrog, upon hearing of the news would feel a tear roll down his cheek, pausing momentarily as he took it in. "Whoi does eht 'ave teh be t'is way..." (This is very sad, great story though.)
  16. SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising King J33#5390
  17. Mynebor, Mynebor. Mynebor? 

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