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Everything posted by J33xt101

  1. Application: Name: YeetMan15k Gender Identity: Dwarven City How much anime do you watch: All of it Are you an epic gamer: No, I’m too epic to be that category Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents: That’s what she said What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ? ) What is maturity?
  2. We are all human, we all deserve some level of respect and transparencies.
  3. Give me dwarves, or give me death! Not really, but come on lads and lasses, the dwarves need attention too!
  4. There is a great war on our hands, one that is not fought with weapons of this mortal realm. But rather it is one of the mind. The mind in and of itself cannot be directly controlled, only through consequences to the body do most choose to repress it. It is vital, to both the truth, and the health of ourselves to ensure that all manner of ideas are discussed and dealt with. Our time here is not forever, our bodies are not immortal, but our minds, our thoughts, our words, can live on for generations. Suppression is not the key.
  5. @Telanir, as much as I may dislike other groups, peoples, organizations, and the like. We all have choices to make, we all have the opportunity to act. And by banning those you deem to be breaking your rules, you are discouraging ideas and civil discussion. I agree with what you are trying to do, removing toxicity, public arguments, and other distasteful subects. But an ideal thing to do would be encouraging civil discussions, and to encourage this, you could simply have warnings handed out for those who begin to argue irrationally and disruptively. I do not desire to see this server become a large safe space, all those ever do is feed the community with milk, making everyone a little weaker. A strong community should consist of those who disagree and can have a discussion with an opponent, albeit respectively. Thank you!
  6. Yep, he made the classic skin for the King of Mynebor. Not a scratch on this mans work.
  7. Why, just why?! # is what I use to call people... / is used for commands. I wholesomely disagree with changing it.
  8. That is rather impressive. Looks good.
  9. That was a Schematica thing, there is no official printer for Litematica last I checked.
  10. So, to all of you freedom loving dwarves out there, following Khorvad is the worst thing you can do when starting out. Make sure you have a very large following and are not in danger of getting crushed. Oh and FYI, if you start, there is no going back. Enjoy! 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J33xt101


      True, but some people like variety and freedom. And no taxes.

    3. ryno2


      @jetboydan except the year they didnt exist because they got conquered by a bosnian screamer 

      Edited by ryno2
    4. Yaldabaoth



      tdlr: don’t openly worship the god of darkness

  11. Should Balrog II die from a crapshoot of a pvp fight? 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. gandalfo


      @Medvekoma i quite enjoy how you preach things like community guidelines and anti-deceit and then feel the need to keep harassing members of the community. Your hypocritical on anti-harassment when it comes to your friends but then harass everyone else. I can’t wait for your response to either not happen or somehow target a member of the community again.

    3. J33xt101


      @gandalfo After making Mynebor I have encountered far more criticism, harassment and hatred than I had ever imagined I would. In this situation, Urguan are the toxic ones. They preached hate for those who disagreed with them. Mynebor ie...

    4. Medvekoma


      @gandalfo Who do I harass? These things I state are valid. You cannot call it harassment if a player highlights concluded staff/player reports.

  12. This is not over, nor will it ever be. Urguan attacking an unfinished freebuild, then complaining that it took too long and was unfair. Not to mention that they spread many lies as well. Such as me being out of minas. Urguan is full of old cowards afraid of true progress. Narvok oz Mynebor. Narvok oz Kaz’Stailininn! 


    We killed 20 men out their 60 within the first 30 minutes with 2 casualties out of our 17. Strength is in the hearts of those who stand for the free.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. J
    3. Ducklingator


      thought i was looking at a donald trump tweet for a second there wow

    4. J33xt101


      At least he has honor, to not attack those who are trying to rise. The same cannot be said for Urguan. But lets not get into that for the sake of civilization. 


  13. @ScreamingDingo Yes, I do. Thank you. Is there a time however?
  14. Looking for litematica users, will pay 100 minas an hour to help build this mountain. All stone is provided, just need the builders. It’s not hard, with 3-4 people it would go very quickly. 

    1. Heero


      D-Did I hear h-hourly wage?

  15. The Kingdom of Kaz’Stailininn is growing very quickly! Looking for guards, dwarves, elves, orcs, and even humans to man the gate! If you play a cave dwarf or mountain dwarf, you are welcome to join either of the main clans of Kal’Khorvad! The Ironkilns and the Wyvernhoods. Come check out the capital of the greatest wildlands Kingdom on the map today!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. J33xt101


      My friend, the name of the city is Kal’Khorvad. @z3m0s

    3. z3m0s


      Oh! I got you now, thanks for clearing that up. I only saw the preview so I didn’t even see you said Kal’Khorvad further down, my bad.

    4. J33xt101


      Hey no problem man!  @z3m0s

  16. Come to Kaz’Stailininn today to join the fastest growing Kingdom on Arcas! If you are a Cave dwarf or any dwarf for that matter, join the Ironkilns for your mining and tunneling adventures! Join the Wyvernhoods for amazing red hair and for learning the great art of smithing! Meet the clans and the Kingdom RPly today! 

    1. Josh3738
    2. J33xt101


      I love this song, drives me on. Thanks mate. @Josh3738

    3. Raomir


      haters means you’re doing something right

  17. Sehr gut. I liked it!
  18. If you are interested in some epic dwarf RP, consider joining the royal and second fastest growing clan on Arcas. Clan Ironkiln is taking in any interested Cave Dwarf. Get your spot in this epic line of Lords and Kings today! Contact your’s truly, J33xt101, or meet him in RP at Mynebor II, AKA Kal’Orvul! 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. J33xt101


      You don't know too much because you're stuck up Urguans arse. @Burnsy

    3. Burnsy


      Oh I’m way further up, but no matter how deep I am, you’re clan is still not royal. 

    4. J33xt101


      To Mynebor it is. Two kings already, one martyr thanks to you guys. And three sons now. 

  19. I respect you man, you’ve done a great job, no denying that. I know I’ve caused my share of trouble, but I’ve got nothing against you man. Carry on fellow dwed.
  20. War, war never changes. And history will repeat itself. Urguan will fall. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SimplySeo
    3. Raomir


      easiest conquest of my life to be honest. round 2 can only be easier

    4. drfate786


      1 hour ago, Raomir said:

      easiest conquest of my life to be honest. round 2 can only be easier


      Will you be joining them?

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