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Everything posted by crazedpudding

  1. Josefina Barclay loves Viorica and wishes her a happy retirement.
  2. THE OFFICE OF IMMIGRATION Issued by the KASTELLAN OF IMMIGRATION 3rd of Msitza and Dargund, 475 E.S. The Kastellan of Immigration oversees the recruitment, settlement, and integration of newcomers to the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. Whether they be refugees or migrants, these are people looking for a new place to settle within the Haeseni demesne. Under the Kastellan, the Office of Immigration is formed to assist and encourage these settlers to find their place within the our Kingdom, and to expand the outreach of available tools to the Crown’s new subjects. It is the hope of the Crown and his Government that the formation of this office may serve as a Beacon of Hope to those looking for a place to call home, and to attract those in search of personal prosperity, security, and destiny. IMMIGRATION OFFICIAL | IMMIGRATION OFITSIAL Immigration Officials are select individuals, carefully chosen by the Kastellan of Immigration and High Seneschal to hold the responsibilities of aiding and supporting newcomers with their integration into the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. It is the sole goal of these officers to ensure new civilians are able to swiftly become self-sufficient within the community and to assist them in building a sustainable life for themselves. To help further, Immigration Officials are able to offer the following: Assistance in finding a position within the government of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl. Assistance with finding potential work in any other desirable trades. Support in creating your own business within the Kingdom. Aid in finding a home suitable for all your needs whilst establishing yourself within the community. Demonstrations on how to gather materials and where resources can be found. Lessons in learning the variety of languages found within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. CURRENT IMMIGRATION OFFICIALS (RP NAME | IGN | DISCORD) Aleksandr Kortrevich | Silurian | qɹɐɯ#9406 Ilaria Amador | Cheese1sgrater | Cheese1sgrater#3114 Felix Weiss | Sethwolf913 | Seth#3127 Fransisco de Pelear | high_fire | high_fire#1060 SIGNED, Her Excellency, Josefina Barclay, Princess-Consort of Sutica, Duchess-Consort of Reinmar, Countess-Consort of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness-Consort of Madvon and Freising, Lady of Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg and Rozenfeld, High Seneschal of Haeseni-Ruska Firress Nataliya Amador, Kastellan of Immigration
  3. WRIT OF APPOINTMENT, 475 E.S. KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by the OFFICE OF THE SENESCHAL 24th of Grona and Droba, 475 E.S VA BIRODEO E HERZENAV, Upon the recommendation of our recently retired former Kastellan, Sofia de Pelear, the Office sees it fit to appoint Manfred Barclay @Ramon to the position of Kastellan of Stewardry. He has shown much dedication in his work as a steward, and it is the Office’s hope that such commitment continues during his tenure as Kastellan. SIGNED, Her Excellency, Josefina Barclay, Princess-Consort of Sutica, Duchess-Consort of Reinmar, Countess-Consort of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness-Consort of Madvon and Freising, Lady of Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg and Rozenfeld, High Seneschal of Hanseti-Ruska
  4. Josefina Barclay watches her retirement circle the drain as the King steals her Kastellan of Stewardry.
  5. Josefina Barclay loves being fired and rehired.
  6. Josefina Barclay can only be grateful she and her kin were not forced to write such tripe upon their capture, and pray for others who can find no alternative but to acquiesce.
  7. Klara Elizaveta watched. Tormented had been her father, tormented had been her brother, and now, she witnessed a third King tormented. Often had she prayed for their peace, for their happiness, but alas. Heartbreak wore the Crown as well as the Kings themselves did. Standing behind her father as he embraced the grandson he never got to meet, Klara hummed softly beneath her breath in the absence of a harp to play. Josefina Barclay had sat to write a letter. A letter that would never be sent. Do you know, Esfir? Do you know how much sorrow you left behind? How much your presence could have consoled them? Do you know?
  8. Josefina Barclay sits within Wilheburg's walls, gazing out across the fields. "...How could vy, Mariya? How could vy?"
  9. Josefina Barclay gazed out at the rose fields, arms wrapped tightly about herself. The young Gant had been present during her kidnapping just under a year ago now. She had no pity for those that stood idly by and watched as Adrians voted to take her head, and the heads of her kin.
  10. Josefina Barclay mutters a prayer for the Pontiff, with whom she had conversed briefly with once upon a time.
  11. Josefina Barclay is immensely proud of her husband and their kin.
  12. Josefina Barclay scoffs. "Da, of course, just abdicate and then niet tell half of the rightful electors whenever this new duma will be."
  13. A FINAL DREAM Klara Elizaveta, Duchess of Baranya, Princess of Hanseti-Ruska Fields were often rife with golden wheat and wildflowers here, something she had taken for granted once upon a time. Pushed aside for the rush of life in the capital. Ignored for all the more important things that took up her time. But now, settled in bed as she was, Klara stared out the window with something akin to wonder and blessed peace. The joyous melody that was life had become a funeral dirge that she heard as clear as the toll of a bell. She could no longer play it, her harp sitting untouched in the corner, old calluses softening as her hands grew shakier and shakier. But there was a gentleness to the music that lived in her head these last few months that hadn’t been there before, it was almost comforting. She was short on time. Klara knew that. Perhaps she hadn’t in the beginning, when life remained untouched by death, when all was good and just and right. When innocence reigned in the kingdom of her childhood, before she knew that lovers did not always stay in love, that family did not always stay with you until the end. Before she knew that the final steps of life were always taken alone. Life was beautiful, and in a way, so was death. Returned to all that you were before birth, committed back to the earth from which you were brought. Two sides of a coin, Klara had realized so many years ago, when war and uncertainty raged. Then too, life had been beautiful, and it would continue to be even after she had gone. Somewhere along the way, she had noticed that regrets piled up like gemstones in a jewel box. Locked away, perhaps, but there all the same. Klara regretted, the same as the lowliest criminal and the mightiest king did. So much was left unsaid, there were things she would never be able to express. There was so much she wanted to say. Apologies she wanted to give, love she would have professed better. Questions she wanted to ask and answers she needed. It was too late now, much too late. She had missed so many things as she walked along the path set out for her. The surety of her father’s embrace, the sweet nature of her mother, the wonder of watching her siblings grow. She missed her cousins and uncles and aunts. Klara missed her children as they set out on adventure and her husband as he forged a path of his own. How grateful she was, that they had all found their own ways. But it didn’t mean she missed them any less. What was she living for now? When all she had missed and loved and yearned for had turned to ash and death before her eyes? What did she live for? After all, only Jakob had made these years bearable. Beloved, sweet Jakob, whose smile was the sun and whose laughter was the thing she treasured most in this world. Her husband, the one person she would be able to live through anything for. If he was gone, what more did she need to exist for? With a hoarse breath, her eyes fluttered open once again from where they’d fallen shut in her pondering. The papers were all shuffled in neat order, what little she had to say would be delivered after she was gone. Breath came in pained rasps now, and there was only so much she was able to do to hide the red stained fabric of her handkerchiefs. But… she didn’t have anyone to hide them from, did she? She hadn’t wanted him to see her this way, to know that her time was almost up, but he wasn’t here anymore. He would never hold her again, nor would they speak softly into the small hours of the morning. She had loved him, ever so dearly. She still did. And wherever God would send her, be it fire or salvation, Klara knew she always would. And that alone would grant her strength enough to accept anything, and to do so with a smile and gratitude in her heart. Knowing for certain he had loved her without reservation just as she had him would see her through all that could ever besiege her. Klara would not last a month in this world without him. With sluggish hands, she pulled the kokoshnik from her head, careening slightly as she set it down on the bedside table. She could finally cast off that weight. Something that had been so unbearable as she mourned her family. For some, it was the last connection she had. The last tangible thing that proved she was a sister, a niece, a daughter. No matter how badly she wanted to leave it behind, something always held her back. But finally, she could be whole and unbroken as she had been in her youth. She would be just Klara once more. Without anything encasing and binding her. Without turmoil and regret. No confessor would sit by her bedside, for the only one she wanted was already dead. No family would weep over her fading visage. No friends would pray for her soul. Her husband was not there to smile as she slipped away, as she knew he would’ve if he’d been able. Klara Elizaveta would die alone. And she was grateful for that small mercy, for she knew not how she would offer comfort. She only hoped that judgment would be kind, and she would be allowed to meet those precious to her again, even if only for a fleeting moment. With such comfort in an ending thought, Klara drifted into a dream full of joy and laughter and fond embraces. It felt like warmth, and in this final sleep, a smile tugged gently at wrinkled skin. It was a long time before breath left her, before she went still once and for all. But with the stillness came everything she was missing.
  14. Klara Elizaveta stared out across the fields blankly. She was waiting, after all. Twirling her wedding band around her finger, the aged woman let a hoarse scream leave her lips. Brittle knees crashed against wood floors and she wailed. What had she been waiting for, again? After all this time, perhaps it was simply... the end.
  15. WRIT OF APPOINTMENT, 472 E.S. KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by the OFFICE OF THE SENESCHAL 6th of Vzmey and Hyff, 472 E.S VA BIRODEO E HERZENAV, With the continued growth of the population of the Royal City of Karosgrad, it comes to the attention of this Office that while rare, such tremendous growth breeds the opportunity for unscrupulous actions. To hopefully prevent such in the future, Firr Branimar Kvazyev @Dogged is hereby appointed as Kastellan of Inspections, with the blessing of the Crown. Just as the Kastellans of Stewardry and Immigration manage their respective offices, the Kastellan of Inspections will oversee a group of trusted individuals charged with ensuring building codes are upkept and illegal tenants are swiftly evicted. INSPECTOR | INSPEKTOR Inspectors are charged with ensuring all building codes are followed, as well as marking illegally locked properties for eviction. While Inspectors may request to view the interior of a private property, store and home owners are under no obligations to oblige, though it may be in their best interest to do so, for the sake of trust and transparency. Under the direct purview of the High Seneschal and the Kastellan of Inspections, these individuals are handpicked through a test regarding building codes and Office policy. To apply for this position, contact the Kastellan of Inspections. SIGNED, Her Excellency, Josefina Barclay, Princess-Consort of Sutica, Duchess-Consort of Reinmar, Countess-Consort of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness-Consort of Madvon and Freising, Lady of Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg and Rozenfeld, High Seneschal of Hanseti-Ruska
  16. Josefina Barclay squints down at the last poem. "...Isn't that from almost thirty years ago? Why did he keep it?!"
  17. Josefina Barclay found her hands shaking as she read the post, staring down at the page with unseeing eyes. In the corner of her office at Reinmar, carefully tucked into a velvet lined box, was a chestplate marred with rust, scratches, and burns. She had not touched it since it'd been left in her care, but now, she crossed the office and fell in front of it to weep. Only one thought passed through her head as desperate fingers tore the lid off to view the piece of worn armor. "Sarborsa, what did vy do?"
  18. TAX REFORMATION OF 471 E.S. KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by the OFFICE OF THE SENESCHAL 7th of Jula and Piov, 471 E.S VA BIRODEO E HERZENAV, Over the course of this past year, at the direction of the Crown, the Office of the High Seneschal has conducted a reform as to the Kongzem’s taxes and property prices. Every set down payment on every property has been reduced substantially, and the taxes adjusted to match. A year of tax shall continue to be free upon purchase of properties. To view the updated prices and taxes, one can access the public ledger here. Updates taxes may also be viewed in the Tax Office beneath the Golden Edvard Amador Bank. SIGNED, Her Excellency, Josefina Barclay, Princess-Consort of Sutica, Duchess-Consort of Reinmar, Countess-Consort of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness-Consort of Madvon and Freising, Lady of Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg and Rozenfeld, High Seneschal of Hanseti-Ruska
  19. Klara Elizaveta sighed, the action bringing a hoarse cough to her lips. "Ea'll... be with vy soon, little one." Josefina Barclay knelt in prayer for the tiny infant she had once carried out of Karosgrad.
  20. Josefina Barclay held the missive between her hands, nodding softly. "May the Anathema die swiftly."
  21. Josefina Barclay signed the Lorraine over herself, and again over her niece and nephew. "Godan, please protect Edith..." @EnderMaiashiro
  22. A GUIDE TO STEWARDRY KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by the OFFICE OF THE SENESCHAL 5th of Tov and Yermey, 469 E.S TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Property Availability III. Contacting a Steward IV. Ownership Limits V. Evictions VI. Relinquishing Property I. INTRODUCTION This document aims to provide those looking to procure either shop or home through the stewards employed by the Office of the Seneschal with guidance as to the purchasing process, as well as taxation. Any further questions may be directed toward the High Seneschal or the Kastellan of Stewardry. For those entirely new to the Dual Kongzem, the Kastellan of Immigration can further guide you through these processes. II. PROPERTY AVAILABILITY Before contacting the stewardry to purchase a property, please peruse the public housing ledger here to view down payment prices, tax rates, and availability. If the spaces in the section labeled TENANT NAME are empty, a property is available for purchase. III. CONTACTING A STEWARD Requests for a steward’s assistance may be sent either by bird, or through proper channels. If the request is urgent, a steward may be contacted through more personal channels. A selection of stewards’ names, as well as how to contact them, sits just outside the entrance to the barracks of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl. IV. OWNERSHIP LIMITS In accordance with THE CATS IN THE CRADLE EDICT of 462 E.S: Ownership of commercial properties is limited to 1 per person/notable family. Market stalls are an exception to this rule. Commercial properties found not to be fit for purpose or not providing services and/or selling goods for a period of 2 years will be evicted. Ownership of residential properties surpassing the initial cost of 100 mina (ADJUSTED FOR TAX REFORMATION OF 471 E.S) or more are limited to 1 per person/notable family. No properties may be combined without the express approval of the High Seneschal and Palatine. Other stipulations: The exteriors of properties may not be changed. Basements are not to be dug further than the exterior walls of the property, nor are they to be dug to unsightly levels of depth. For further guidelines and clarification, contact the High Seneschal. The definition of a notable family is subject to the opinion of the High Seneschal and Palatine. V. EVICTIONS If, for a period of 2 years, taxes are unpaid, an eviction will be carried out against the relevant property. An eviction notice will be placed in front of a property after 1 year of unpaid tax, and a message will be sent to the owner of said property through channels provided to the stewardry at time of purchase. An eviction notice in front of a property DOES NOT mean that the property is available to purchase. The property will only be evicted if unpaid taxes persist into a second year, upon which time the property will be available for purchase. VI. RELINQUISHING PROPERTY Upon such a time where a property owner wishes to relinquish their property, they must alert the stewardry so the relevant building can be evicted in a timely manner and then resold to the next interested party. Failing to pay taxes to have properties evicted will not be tolerated. Further questions can be forwarded directly to the High Seneschal, the Kastellan of Stewardry, or the Kastellan of Immigration. SIGNED, Her Excellency, Josefina Barclay, Princess-Consort of Sutica, Duchess-Consort of Reinmar, Countess-Consort of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness-Consort of Madvon and Freising, Lady of Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg and Rozenfeld, High Seneschal of Hanseti-Ruska
  23. Josefina Barclay knew something was wrong with Adria's Duke the minute a priest was forced to eat a live bird at his coronation.
  24. Somewhere, decidedly North of both Aaun and Adria, Josefina Barclay signed the Lorraine over herself and two sleeping children. A prince and princess, left in her care by their mother. "Let us hope this resolves itself, and the anathematic Duke is punished swiftly, so that vy may rejoin vyr mamej."
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